Chapter 365

"That's why I suggest that His Majesty add another title, Tian Khan, and announce it to the world to show the power of the dragon!"

When Tuli said this, everyone was shocked.

This guy is so shameless, he can actually flatter to such an extent!
For the sake of flattering, even the Turkic barbarians can say such things. I am ashamed of this level of shamelessness!
Yuchi Gong had a straight temper, he stood up and said directly.

"Aren't you just a Turkic barbarian, hahaha!"

When Tu Li heard this, he flicked his sleeves.

"This general is just joking. I am the prince of the Tang Dynasty, an upright Chang'an native, and a good minister by His Majesty's side!"

In order to express his loyalty to Li Chengdao, Tuli has already gone all out.

Originally Yu Chigong wanted to say something more, but was held back by Fang Xuanling.

"General Yuchi, we should come to discuss the matter of His Majesty's title now, you have to be careful!"

At this time, Tu Li also said to Yu Chi Gong.

"This king proposed that His Majesty be the Khan of Heaven, and General Yuchi immediately came out to refute me. Does General Yuchi have any opinion on this matter?"

Yu Chigong snorted coldly when he heard this, and said.

"Hmph, Your Majesty has long been a Khan in my heart, how could I have any objections!"

Then he also knew that he had been a little abrupt just now, so he returned to the team and stopped talking.

Li Chengdao on the high hall was shocked.

I went, and the title of Tian Khan actually fell on me. It seems that things that should have happened in history will still happen.

But he didn't say anything, because he couldn't take the initiative to speak about things like adding a title, which would seem a bit deliberate.

At this time, Tuli spoke very appropriately.

"Your Majesty, please give yourself the honorable title of Tian Khan!"

Seeing this, all civil and military officials also spoke together.

"Your Majesty, I invite you to make yourself a Heavenly Khan to show the prestige of the country!"

At this time Li Chengdao nodded embarrassingly.

"Okay, since you all insist on this, I will no longer shirk it. From now on, in addition to being the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I am also the Khan of Heaven!"

When the ministers heard the words, they all knelt on the ground and bowed to Li Chengdao.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

"Long live God Khan, long live, long live!"

This is their expression of respect for Li Chengdao.

Of course, the ministers will not have any objections to this title, because since it was proposed by Tuli, the meaning is different.

After all, Tuli is the former Turkic Khan, and he now calls Li Chengdao the Heavenly Khan, which means that the Turks have completely surrendered to the Tang Dynasty.

Die Luo Zhi also came out and said.

"Your Majesty is the Khan of Heaven, and the minister is the Khan. Your Majesty is the king, and I am the minister. The minister will always be under your majesty!"

He is expressing his attitude as a Turkic Khan.

Then, without anything else, he retreated.

In the following period of time, Li Chengdao's title of Tian Khan spread throughout the surrounding countries.

They have all heard by now that the Tang Dynasty was in full swing, destroyed the Turks, and directly brought the Turks into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, he was regarded as Tian Khan by the Turkic Turk Khan, and his status was extremely noble.

After hearing this incident, the reactions of different countries were different. Some were afraid, while others were envious. Only a small part of them were disdainful. They thought that Datang was just lucky.

But one thing is certain, that is, the surrounding countries no longer dare to despise Datang, nor do they dare to harass Datang easily.

Let’s look at the Tang Dynasty.

Fang Xuanling and the others quickly discussed the list of personnel who would go to work in the Turkic Dao, and after Li Chengdao's consent, these people followed the Dieluo branch to the Turkic.

Li Shimin hadn't come back from Turkic yet, so he met them there.

After this period of suppression, there were basically no rebellions in the Turks, and they all surrendered to the Tang Dynasty.

The ministries of the grassland are not very united, and they usually follow whoever is strong. Now the strength shown by the Tang army has to make them admire.

And they found that there seems to be nothing wrong with becoming a Datang person, and they even have the opportunity to live and work in the Central Plains, so why not do it.

In fact, the strength of the Datang army is inseparable from Li Chengdao, because after the birth of fine salt, the army was the first to popularize, because the appearance of fine salt can make the soldiers of Datang stronger.

And at that time, Li Chengdao not only taught them the method of refining mineral fine salt, but also taught them how to make salt from seawater.

After the first wave of sea salt was produced, everyone couldn't help being shocked, it turns out that sea water can also be used to make salt!Such a good resource is right in front of you, but you didn't find it? !
Fortunately, His Majesty is well-informed and knowledgeable, so that such precious resources can be used.

With the advanced technology taught by Li Chengdao, mineral salt and sea salt have developed rapidly at the same time. Now the price of salt in Datang China has dropped sharply compared to before, and even ordinary people can eat a little from time to time.

It is believed that the price of salt will be lower in the future until it becomes a necessity that ordinary people can afford every meal.

Back to the Turkic issue.

After Li Shimin's rectification, and Die Luozhi's return to the grassland as a Khan, this helped Datang consolidate his rule even more.

Later, Li Chengdao arranged several trustworthy generals from poor families to guard Turkic Road, and the 30 army was there temporarily, and then he ordered Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin, and Li Jing to return to the court.

The Turkic matter came to an end, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty expanded a little.

For the next period of time, Li Chengdao lived very leisurely. With the example of the Turks this time, the border has been very stable recently.

As for the internal government affairs of the Tang Dynasty, there was Li Jiancheng in the literature and Li Shimin in the military, so there was no need for Li Chengdao to worry about it.

But when they finally decide on things, they will habitually ask Li Chengdao for his opinion. This is what they do very well, which shows that they are only helping Li Chengdao to deal with government affairs, not overstepping.

As soon as Li Chengdao was free, he wanted to find something to do.

In the beginning, I was obsessed with playing games with the two girls, but I played games every day, and after a long time, it was also a bit boring.

In addition, Wei Zheng also came to advise, saying that as the Nine-Five Supreme Being, he should not indulge in games every day or lose his ambition by playing with things.

Li Chengdao felt that what he said was right, so he adopted his opinion and decided to only play games with the two women once a day.

Now that the summer vacation has not yet passed, the weather is still a bit hot, and Datang doesn't have short sleeves, so it makes people feel even more stuffy and panicked, and they feel drenched all over when they move a little.

So Li Chengdao decided that he had to find a way to relieve the heat.

But in terms of clothing, the ancient concept that clothing must cover the body is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If you want them to wear short sleeves, it will definitely be as difficult as climbing the sky for a while. This concept must be gradually changed.

Moreover, Li Chengdao is still the emperor, and his words and deeds are followed by others, so he can only be naked when he is alone in the deep palace.

This made Li Chengdao, who had enjoyed electric fans and air conditioners, a little unbearable. It would be so refreshing to have an ice cream at this time!
ice cream? !

It's him!

To make ice cream, the first thing is to have ice.

(End of this chapter)

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