Chapter 206 Big Marriage?

Suzaku heard the words, glanced at the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion in the distance, and said: "It has not been found yet. It has been so long. Miss Kong Yi has not been found alive or dead. My subordinates have ordered people to continue searching. As soon as there is news Will pay back!"

"Okay!" Li Chengdao said: "Master Suzaku has worked hard, go down and rest!"

Zhuque heard the words but did not take any action. Seeing this, Li Chengdao asked, "Is there anything else?"

Suzaku said: "Your Majesty, regarding the whereabouts of King Qin Li Shimin, my subordinates have already sent Jin Yiwei to follow their escape. Judgment, King Qin seems to be leaving the country!"

Li Chengdao was silent for a while before he opened his mouth and said: "To the north, beyond the border is the territory of the Turkic people. Could it be that Li Shimin is going to defect to the Turkic people?"

Suzaku heard the words and replied: "Your Highness, without investigation, I can't be sure! It's just that there is one thing that is imminent. According to the footsteps of King Qin's troops, they will arrive near Jiayuguan within five days. At that time, if Li Shimin wants to leave the pass , how do the sergeants guarding the gate deal with it?"

Li Chengdao thought for a while, then sighed and said: "I let Li Shimin go. Since I let him go, we should try to avoid any further disputes with him. This king has already been taught a lesson by the emperor for this matter. If you still catch him If you don't let go, isn't this training in vain!"

With that said, Li Chengdao called one of the guards and said, "I am sending an order to the guards at Jiayuguan Pass. If they encounter Li Shimin's men leaving the pass, there is no need to stop them!"

Hearing the words, the soldiers bowed their hands and saluted, and walked down.

On this side, after Suzaku finished his report, he turned around and was about to leave. Just as Li Chengdao was about to say something, Suzaku spoke first: "Your Highness, until you can't find Kong Yi, your subordinates will not consider other matters!"

Li Chengdao choked when he heard the words, and swallowed everything he wanted to say. Seeing Suzaku turn and leave, Li Chengdao's face was gloomy, and he let out a long sigh.

"The Holy One is here!"

Li Chengdao was in a daze when he suddenly heard shouts from outside. He couldn't help being startled. He went out to have a look, only to see Ming Huang Yunluo's canopy, banners waving, and a large group of people entering the school grounds.

Upon seeing this, Li Chengdao quickly led all the generals out to greet him. When he came to the front of the honor guard, Li Chengdao took the lead and knelt down, shouting long live.

The sergeants behind him also followed suit, kneeling on the ground and shouting long live.

Amid the sound of mountains and tsunami, the chariot slowly opened, and an old man in a bright yellow dragon robe stepped down from the chariot. This person was Li Chengdao's grandfather, the current saint Li Yuan.

With a smile on his face, Li Yuan got out of the car and stood in front of Li Chengdao, helped Li Chengdao up with his own hands, and said, "Chengdao, you have been performing martial arts in the mountains for so many days. What's up!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao thought to himself, the co-author is the superior who came to inspect, Li Chengdao bowed his hands and saluted: "Please, grandpa, please go to the viewing shed and watch the demeanor of the soldiers of the three armies!"

"it is good!"

Li Yuan readily agreed, and then led by Li Chengdao to the pergola on the hillside.

After Li Yuan sat down, Li Chengdao gave an order, and the soldiers of the three armies began the drill.Li Yuan looked at the generals in front of him who were so powerful and running so loudly during the drill that he felt very excited.

Li Chengdao has led troops for a long time, but despite this, Li Chengdao still feels that the way he leads troops is not professional and systematic enough.Fortunately, many of the generals under his command have climbed up after many battles. Li Chengdao taught them the military theories he is familiar with, so that they can integrate the reality well into his own combat experience.

Li Chengdao felt that the way to cultivate outstanding officers, in addition to the traditional mentoring, was to run schools and teach, so Li Chengdao had long been interested in establishing a military academy of Datang's own.

Therefore, for his own guards and some of his confidants, Li Chengdao seldom let them lead soldiers to participate in training. method for training.

There are many talents with high military quality in the Shenji Battalion. After the guidance of veteran generals such as Ma Chao and Huo Qubing, coupled with Li Chengdao's bold innovation and support, this kind of attack, defense, retreat, and ambush that mainly uses firearms , Detours, changing inside lines to outside lines, outflanking and encircling are all tactical tactics that make it look like.

The reason for showing this to Li Yuan is also because Li Chengdao, based on the experience of the two generations, said that the age of firearms is an inevitable stage of war, but if he wants to promote this within the entire army, he still needs the approval of the current emperor.

Therefore, at this time, Li Chengdao must find a way to let the current emperor understand the important role of this firearm.

Li Yuan also used to be a general. In his eyes, the only way to truly enjoy himself is to fight the enemy himself. Although he is old now, looking at the many generals below, he can't help but gear up and be eager to try.

But in this case, Li Chengdao didn't dare to let him take risks. It should be noted that there are firearms everywhere in the field, and if there is a slight mistake, Li Chengdao can't afford it.

Li Yuan was happy to see it, and he wanted to lead the generals to practice in actual combat, but Li Chengdao couldn't let him take such risks. Li Yuan also knew that his grandson would never let him go off in person, so he said:
"Chengdao, you are not young anymore. I have found a few girls for you. After you get married, I will perform martial arts with you. Firearms are too sharp. Let us focus on swordsmen. I know you will fight with me!"

Hey, Li Chengdao thought to himself, he is really an old child, a little child, this old man is getting older, so he is more playful, but now, the old man's meaning cannot be disobeyed, so Li Chengdao could only vaguely agree.

It may not be a bad thing to want this old man to practice martial arts in his heart. After all, military power is a real important weapon for a country. Although Li Yuan was born as a general, his military techniques and thinking are too conservative. Being able to participate in it frequently and fight against yourself will definitely improve your thinking. In this way, if you want to promote innovation in the entire army, you will definitely get the support of the Holy One.

Various thoughts came to Li Chengdao's mind one after another. Suddenly, a word appeared in Li Chengdao's mind, big marriage?Big wedding!Li Chengdao hurriedly looked at Li Yuan, but saw that all of Li Yuan's energy was absorbed by the drill on the school field at this moment, and Li Chengdao didn't dare to say anything for a while.

It wasn't until night fell and the martial arts performance on the school field ended that Li Yuan was ready to leave with a sense of loss. Li Chengdao sent him all the way to the gate of the school field. Li Yuan was full of praise for the martial arts performance organized by Li Chengdao, but Li Chengdao had a bitter face because he never got a chance Mention the wedding.

Li Chengdao sent Li Yuan to the gate. Before leaving, he said: "Chengdao, there is one more thing. In a few days, envoys from Ryukyu, North Korea, Fusang and other countries will come. Opening feast, this year I, Tang Dynasty, will be attended by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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