Datang: Get Xiang Yu's divine power at the beginning

Chapter 205 The Current Situation of the Turks

Chapter 205 The Current Situation of the Turks
Baihu is good at scheming, Suzaku is first-class in search, assassination, and ambush. As for Xuanwu, although he ranks behind the other three envoys, his martial arts are much better than Baihu and Suzaku. The masters, especially in this jungle, have the ability to set up ambushes and track and trace.

With the careful teachings of these three people, it won't be long before Li Chengdao will have a powerful special forces unit!

It is said that now there are secret institutions such as Jinyiwei and the National Security Council, and their strength is naturally not bad, especially Jinyiwei, who is a powerful role that is hard to find in the world for these dark tasks, but Li Chengdao why? What about setting up another special forces unit?

One of the reasons for this is that Li Chengdao will personally conquer the Turks next year and go out to fight by himself, but he still needs a force inside to prevent various external and internal instability factors, so Li Chengdao decided to keep Jin Yiwei and lead another team by himself .

The second thing is that it is also out of selfishness. The personnel in Jinyiwei are all masters recruited by Qinglong and others from all over the country.

But when going out to fight, what is needed is not proficiency in one aspect, but comprehensive and balanced talents. Therefore, Li Chengdao recruited the three of them as professors. Two, this team is an invincible special warfare soldier!

In addition, Li Chengdao also asked Jin Yiwei to equip this special force with specially designed ordnance for detection and assassination.

Ma Chao behind him watched Li Chengdao looking into the distance, the natural way Li Chengdao was looking for the trace of the special forces at the moment, stepped forward and said softly: "Is your majesty thinking about the special forces?"

Li Chengdao looked at the woods in the distance and said to himself: "Let you practice more. When you are more proficient, it's time for you to take action! At that time, you will each lead an army, and each other will act as the red and blue sides. Practicing marching formations and commanding from the center can also give them some practical experience."

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao once again said to the generals present: "Generals, dispatching troops in the center requires the general to be very familiar with the soldiers under his opponent, and at the same time understand the strength of the enemy army. When it comes to the battlefield, where the gunfire is raging, it is impossible for an army leader to see so clearly, and it is impossible to understand so much at a glance!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengdao paused for a moment, and continued: "You generals have also doubted and asked why I formed such a team before, because this king knows that scouts on the battlefield...well, it is the important role of scouts! "

The famous saying about knowing yourself and the enemy and being victorious in every battle appeared in Li Chengdao's mind, and he couldn't help but said with deep emotion: "A good scout, or a good scout, can sometimes be compared to thousands of troops, because the general of an army can All decisions and actions are based on the information sent back by the scouts! Many times, a piece of news or intelligence sent back by the scouts can turn a war around. After all, those who predict events are like God and have the first clues like Mr. Kong Ming. I’m afraid there’s only one person in the world!”

Hearing this, Lian Zhaoyang smiled and said: "Your Highness is absolutely right. Besides, even Mr. Kong Ming, the prime minister of the dynasty, sometimes made miscalculations, let alone us Qiu Ba!"

Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, but Li Chengdao was a little confused. So, Mr. Kong Ming miscalculated?What kind of joke is this?Seeing the generals over there either chuckling or discussing with each other, Li Chengdao decided to check with Mr. Kong Ming himself when he had the opportunity to discuss this matter.

The generals were still laughing. At this time, a soldier dressed as an ordinary sergeant stepped in. The others did not pay attention. Li Chengdao had such a keen sense. After he noticed the movement, he turned his head and saw a guard in bright armor. The soldiers came behind Li Chengdao.

This person came and stood behind Li Chengdao. He raised his head slightly, and then Li Chengdao saw the face of the person clearly. It was none other than Suzaku, one of the three envoys of the Jinyi Guard.

Although it has been so long, there is still no news about Kong Yi. For Zhuque, Kong Yi is the only thorn in her and Li Chengdao's side. Although Li Chengdao tried hard to change the relationship between the two, Zhuque has always been neither warm nor hot.

Sensing Li Chengdao's gaze on her, Suzaku also raised her head, with a face as cold as an iceberg, and nodded lifelessly.

Seeing this, Li Chengdao nodded to the other generals and followed Suzaku out.

The two came to a secluded place and stood under a tree. Li Chengdao asked: "Suzaku, you haven't finished your greetings recently, but Suzaku has already interrupted Li Chengdao's words. She knelt down respectfully and said The Chinese character is straight and round, and he communicates without emotion: "Your official Suzaku, I have met His Royal Highness King Wu! "

Seeing this, Li Chengdao shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Are you still going to be unable to pass this hurdle?"

Suzaku heard the words, but didn't seem to know it, and said in a businesslike tone: "Your Highness, I have some news about what you asked me to inquire about!"

When Li Chengdao saw this, he sighed helplessly. It seemed that before Kong Yi was found, he and Suzaku had only seen each other, so he could only let it go.

"Master Suzaku, tell me, what did you find?"

Suzaku heard the words, saluted briefly, and said, "His Royal Highness, about the Turkic people, I asked someone to go back and find out that the heavy snow last winter froze many cattle and sheep to death, and the original Khan Hu Yiha passed away in March this year, and today Turks have split into three tribes."

"Three tribes?" Li Chengdao said softly when he heard the words, and then asked, "How are the three tribes?"

Suzaku heard the words and replied: "Your Highness, among the three tribes, the most powerful one is the tribe of Hu Yiha's original general Aoqing Gele. There are many, and in terms of strength, he is the strongest."

"The second one is the tribe headed by Huyiha's wife Haikuotai. Although this tribe is not large in number and is not the strongest, Haikuotai regards itself as the authentic sect of Huyiha. Although its current strength is not as good as Aoqing's Gele, but the most supporters are on the grassland!"

"The last one is Qinggerile. This person's identity is very mysterious. Jinyiwei has not found out the details of this person so far. This person's strength is not as good as Aoqinggle's, and his identity is not as good as Haikuotai. However, under the leadership of this person Everyone in the tribe can already be compared with Aoqinggle and Haikuotai, which is enough to show that this person is amazing, and this subordinate also ordered people to further investigate this matter, once there is information, this subordinate will report it to His Highness as soon as possible!"

Li Chengdao nodded, and then asked, "What about the other thing?"

(End of this chapter)

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