Chapter 242.
Su Liao took a special look at the little flying dragon, the little guy's flying ability is not yet perfect, every time he flies in the air for a while, he really can't stand it.

It should be that the wings are not hard enough, and the staying power is not very strong.

However, the little guy seems to be very stubborn. Even if he can only thump and record in the air, he still has to fly freely in the sky like his mother.

Su Liao looked very interesting, and then he casually looked at other places.

Now, because of the sudden strengthening of the earth and stars, several relatively threatening forces around me have not benefited from the recent battles.

It can be said that Zhenxing City has achieved great deterrence nearby.

However, the other cities of Earth Star are not in very good shape.

Because what Su Liao acquired did not support the other cities, the strength of those cities has not improved much recently.

Even the sulfur stones obtained before were naturally used in Zhenxing City.

Therefore, several other cities are still fighting hard.

This is definitely an excellent opportunity for them.

After all, the relationship between Earth and Star itself is not particularly friendly.

Nowadays, these unfriendly forces are asking for help from Zhenxing City, naturally they want to cheat them a lot.

Commander Luo didn't chat with Su Liao today, just to discuss this matter.

As a result, when Su Liao was about to meet Earth and Stars, he saw Commander Luo walking over with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Luo, what good thing has happened to make you so happy today?"

"Of course it's a great happy event! Several other cities in Earth Star asked us for help, and I ruthlessly slaughtered them."

"Kill them? What do you want?"

Su Liao was a little curious.

"Saltpeter, sulfur and other thermal weapon materials."

This made Su Liao a little surprised. After all, such items are very precious in today's world. They don't use these materials to make thermal weapons, but trade them with Zhenxing City?This somewhat puzzled him.

"Haha, I know what you are wondering about. In fact, this matter is easy to understand! Because the materials of each of their forces are not complete. And the information from each other has been concealed from each other so far, so there is no sufficient material to make thermal weapons, and we carry out Appropriate reminders, coupled with their urgent need for support, naturally have no choice!"

Su Liao seemed to smell something.

"Uncle Luo, how do you know about this secret that other cities don't know about each other?"

"Ahem, it's inconvenient to say more about this. Anyway, as long as you know, we have taken advantage of the deal this time. It won't be long before our Star City will be equipped with a large number of hot weapons!"

Commander Luo was naturally overjoyed, if it wasn't for the lack of resources, who would be willing to practice martial arts and go to the battlefield?

If a large number of thermal weapons can be obtained, then the defensive capability of Zhenxing City will likely become more than ten times that of the original!
After all, hot weapons are capable of long-range strikes, and warriors who want to have long-range strike capabilities must at least cultivate to the Qi Transformation Realm.

For the current soldiers, this is simply a fantasy.

And after equipped with thermal weapons, it is equivalent to the whole city, everyone has a state of transformation!

"By the way, Uncle Luo, you said that if the hostile forces find out about the widespread use of hot weapons in Zhenxing City, will we be mobilized and attacked?"

What Su Liao was worried about was not unreasonable.

After all, the former Earth Star was dragged down like this.

In the chaos surrounding the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, there seemed to be an unwritten agreement.

Once one side possesses a lot of technological and military power, many surrounding forces will encircle and suppress it.

By continuously consuming the resources of this force, they have to give up the era of thermal weapons.

Back then, Earth Star had no choice but to attach itself to the Nether Race when its resources were exhausted.

However, people have never given up on thermal weapons, and have preserved the production methods and drawings of all weapons.

That's why we can usher in the hope of the revival of the hot weapons in Zhenxing City.

And this time, hope is hard-won. Of course, Commander Luo doesn't want the weapons he finally manufactured to be consumed by them at a high speed.

Therefore, this matter must be kept secret, so that other forces cannot see the slightest trickery.

Even if you show hot weapons, you must not take out a large number of weapons at once.

It's best to pretend that these hot weapons belong to Zhenxing City, and it's best to be very hesitant every time you take them out.

"Don't worry, I already have an idea in my mind."

Commander Luo had already thought of a countermeasure, so Su Liao naturally didn't ask any more questions.

But he heard Commander Luo ask again: "By the way, Xiao Su, are you interested in leading a team of troops to support a force?"

"I lead a team to support? But my power is only at the blood coagulation level."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are in charge of making plans. After all, most of the warriors nowadays are a bunch of reckless men who haven't read many military books at all. Those big soldiers will only obey the orders of their superiors. If you really want them to lead troops to fight, it's really hard to choose." Find a few available talents. You have rich combat experience, so there should be no problem."

Su Liao hesitated, he felt that Commander Luo thought of him too highly.

Although it is true that I have led soldiers, I even led students to repel the enemy with real swords and guns.

But when it comes to combat experience, the veterans who have been on the battlefield must be really far behind.

He was about to refuse, but Commander Luo said: "If you undertake the support of a city, I will apply for a spot for you in the ruins after you come back!"

The number of relics?This is a good thing!

You know, he made a lot of money in the ruins last time.

If you can get another place in the ruins, that would be a great thing!
Under the lure of such great interests, Su Liao still chose to compromise.

"Am I going now? How about I ride a flying dragon?"

"Also, it's entirely up to you. But the prerequisite is that you must bring the flying dragon back intact!"

After all, flying dragons are now the treasure of the entire Star City. Commander Luo would rather be injured than let anything happen to these flying dragons.

In this regard, Su Liao didn't give me much attention. After all, it was a war. Who can guarantee that he will be able to go back intact, let alone protect a flying dragon that is many times bigger than them!
"That's okay, I'm not sure, let's drive to support."

Su Liao dismissed the idea of ​​calling it a flying dragon. Anyway, the driving speed itself is not slow, but it is not as majestic as a flying dragon.

"I'm leaving! Please take care of my students."


So, this matter was settled.

(End of this chapter)

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