I really don't want to be Gao Wu's instructor.

Chapter 241. 240. Snow Field Experience

Chapter 241. 240. Snow Field Experience
Regarding the issue of enrollment, Su Liao spent a lot of money, and under the constant publicity from many aspects.

Finally, more and more parents are bringing their children to register.

After all, this place has a military background, and Su Liao has a good reputation outside the country, and he has personal guidance from instructors from first-class schools.

For parents, it is naturally a very good choice.

They would rather spend more money themselves and hope to learn more.

But this also moved the cake of many people.

Let some small cram schools in the surrounding area give me grudges.

Because a lot of students came from them, and now they have been transferred to Su Liao's military cram school.

However, precisely because Su Liao had a military background, they did not dare to retaliate blatantly.

These people also know that if they retaliate against Su Liao in such an honest way, they will only be the unlucky ones in the end.

But if they do nothing, they feel uncomfortable. After all, this endangers their survival interests.

So they arranged for several students to sneak into Su Liao's cram school and try to find fault with the teaching of the instructors here.

If you can really point out a lot of mistakes, you can justify the badness of the responsibility cram school.

However, all this is in vain. After all, the tutors in their cram school have a lot of teaching experience and know the courses taught by heart without making any mistakes.

Gradually, the status of the cram school was finally stabilized here.

In school, Su Liao's teaching is going on normally.

Spirit stones have been distributed in the past two weeks, and the students' level has improved rapidly.

The president of Dongda University is very satisfied with this, which means that the money they spent was not in vain.

The only pity is that the students only remember Su Liao's good, after all he is the real provider of cultivation resources.

But in the third week, Su Liao stopped the supply in this regard.

The reason is naturally that the aura of the earth star is thin, and the students who have not yet adapted to the rich aura rashly use a large number of spiritual stones for cultivation. This province is the same as taking pills, which is harmful to the body.

So taking advantage of the short gap, Su Liao also arranged a brand new actual combat journey for them.

That is to take them to the real battlefield again. Regarding this, Su Liao also hesitated. He didn't know whether it would be better to take them to the battlefield of ten thousand realms, or to go to the beast clan.

After thinking about it, I still took them to a snowy field north of the ice city.

There is a snowfield in the north of the ice city. Because of the extremely cold weather, some very cold-resistant creatures live here.

They have rough skin and thick flesh, and their defense is extremely strong. Presumably, ordinary beasts are not a little bit stronger.

Of course, this activity must have been reported to the school, and Su Liao also used his own relationship to ask some people from the Warrior Association of Bingcheng to protect him secretly.

However, under normal circumstances, they will definitely not take action. They will only stand by at various rescue points that have been arranged in advance, and be ready to support at any time.

The rest of the time, it’s all up to the students to express themselves freely.

The reason why I dare to make such a reassuring arrangement is because most of the beasts here have a shortcoming, that is, their mobility is weak. Except for a few herbivorous creatures, they are basically bulky guys.

However, as human students, when they come to the snow field, they must also prepare warm clothes, and it is not convenient to move around.

But even if they are really in danger, they can choose to throw away their armor and armor to outrun the beasts here, and rush to the rescue point as quickly as possible, and the chance of survival will naturally be greater.

In this operation, Su Liao also specially distributed a batch of life-saving elixirs to the students. Of course, these things were paid for by the school.

He only needs to redeem it from Mohs Pharmaceuticals or the system.

Anyway, now the first batch of elixirs of Mo's Pharmaceutical has been produced. With their strong pharmaceutical strength, it is naturally very easy to produce the common elixirs they want to use.

Soon, everyone will be in their places.

They formed eight groups on their own, preparing to start from different locations.

Su Liao didn't forget to tell them.

"Have each team received a map of this area?"

"Got it!" Everyone replied in unison.

"The blue dot on the map is the rescue point I have arranged. It is fully stocked with supplies and has martial arts masters stationed there. If you encounter a strong enemy and cannot defeat it yourself, then run towards the blue dot as soon as possible! Listen! understand?"


Later, some students asked again: "Teacher, what about the two red dots on it?"

"There are two lords in this area. One is stationed on the east side and the other lives on the west side. You must not get close or attract their attention!"

Su Liao specially reminded him, and the two sides had also arranged for two warriors to investigate nearby. Once any abnormal movement of the lord beast was discovered, they would naturally report to the base camp as soon as possible.

You know, those two guys are both strong in the Aperture Realm, and ordinary warriors really can't do anything about them.

If it weren't for the fact that no one lives in this area, and they have no plans to expand their territory in recent years, people might have assembled a large number of warriors to wipe them out.

Finally, he did not forget to remind: "In addition, everyone's radio must be protected! In this snow-capped mountain, our mobile phones may not be able to communicate. If you have any problems, please use the radio to contact us. !"


Everyone answered in unison, and Su Liao finally let the students enter the snowfield with confidence.

Su Liao drove to Bingcheng first.

After all, all measures have been taken here, and as long as the students don't seek death, there won't be any problems.

As for Bingcheng, it was Su Liao who was urgently sought by Commander Luo.

But he didn't have anything too urgent, it was just because a new baby dragon was born.

It seems that after the efforts of the Feilong couple, the dragon eggs are finally hatched.

Naturally, Su Liao should be the first to inform about this great joy. After all, he is the owner of Feilong.

And Su Liao was naturally very happy, after all, the little guy was rescued by himself.

He came to Zhenxing City through the wormhole and visited the baby dragon in person.

"Janida, have you thought about the baby dragon's name yet?"


"Huh? Are you sure?"

"What, is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's your child anyway, just choose whatever name you like."

Janida didn't pay much attention, and the child's name was settled in this way.

"By the way, where's your husband?"

"Where's my husband? That bastard is probably fooling around again!" Janida was helpless, but she never counted on that bastard.

(End of this chapter)

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