Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 97 The Man in Iron Armor (please subscribe, please order in full)

Chapter 97 The Man in Iron Armor (please subscribe, please order in full)

"Clang clang."

The sound of gold and iron came from the dungeon.

Open the observation window.

The leader Zara took a look inside and found nothing unusual, so he told the guards.

"Be sure to keep an eye on it!"

"Yes, chief!"

After the leader Zara left, the sound of frequent beating in the dungeon stopped, and the guards looked very surprised.

This sound of knocking on iron has been going on for three days.

Why did it suddenly stop.

Could it be that the weapon has already been crafted?
The guard was puzzled.

The reason why Zara, the leader of the base, resisted all opinions and did not kill Tony right away was because of his genius mind.

You must know that weapons of mass destruction are not only extremely expensive, but you can't buy them at all.

This is not a problem that money can solve.

Now I have Tony in my hands.

With Zara's character of wanting to dominate the Middle East in her dreams, how could she kill this cornucopia casually?
And the person who bought the murderer to kill Tony.

No final payment was made at all.

This makes Zara very angry!
He wants the other party to pay for this, and the warriors of Allah are not allowed to be deceived!

Damn white people!

It was they who set off the flames of war in the Middle East and caused their people to lose their homes and be displaced.

Although Zara is also killing.

But in his view, this is just some insignificant sacrifice in the process of proclaiming the glory of Allah.

As long as the greedy white people can be driven out.

He is willing to pay any price.

He even became a lackey of the Mandarin.

The Mandarin said.

He will give Zara's nation a land of true freedom and abundance, where bread and butter and beef are everywhere.

Everyone in the clan will live a happy life.

Although this is very slim.

But Zara can only choose to trust the Mandarin.

For this reason, his hands were filled with blood.

"Dong dong."

Suddenly, someone in the cell knocked on the iron door.

"Hey, janitor, I need food, I'm so hungry that I have no strength at all!" Tony said at the window with a haggard face.

"It's not time for dinner yet, don't shout!"

The guardian didn't doubt that there was him, waved his hand impatiently, and closed the window by the way, he couldn't even eat enough, and wanted to add another meal, do you want human pork buns?
"Damn it, you are abusing the captives!" Tony cursed fiercely, and gestured his middle finger to the camera.

During this period of time, he had had enough of the dark days in the dungeon, and he wished he could fly out with his wings.

But there was nothing he could do.

Even if he was walking at this moment, he had to carefully pay attention to the lithium battery connected to the luminous body on his chest.

Once the solenoid is disconnected.

Fragments of ammunition in his body would go into his heart.

At that time, he will inevitably die!
Reminds me of the days when I was a luxury.

At this moment, he was filled with resentment.

He couldn't understand at all how some mere terrorists dared to attack the garrison vehicles openly.

Is it possible that terrorists in the Middle East have become so arrogant?Damn, almost forgot, all the weapons they used were made by Stark!

This makes Tony puzzled!
He remembered a sentence Victor once said.

The people who use your products are not necessarily the military.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

Could it be that he has been helping the evildoers?
Turning his head, he glanced at the blind corner of his line of sight.

There is a silver-white armored man who is only one step away from completion, and Dr. Ethan, Tony's good partner who has just met, is doing the final adjustments.

"Are you sure you can use it to break out?" Ethan lowered his voice and said to Tony who was walking over, "The guards here are very tight. If you make a mistake, your life will be lost!"

"They will kill you to vent their anger!"

Tony shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "I would rather die in their hands than linger here, and with their weapons, they can't penetrate the steel plate of the armor!"

"You're so confident!" Dr. Ethan sighed.

"Genius always has a reason to be confident!" Tony immediately showed an excited expression when he saw the adjusted Iron Man.

With the help of Dr. Ethan.

He put on a heavy armor on his body.

A "squeak" sounded.

The assist system helped Tony, who was wearing iron armor, take the most critical step. This is a historic moment!
"Hahaha, I'm such a genius!"

Tony waved his iron fist and felt the great power. At this moment, he was full of confidence.Now his only trouble is how to open the heavy iron door in front of him.

The limited energy is not enough for Iron Armored Man to directly destroy the blockade of the Iron Gate, and he will be unable to move an inch without solving this problem!

"Wait a little longer, the time will come soon!" Dr. Ethan comforted the restless Tony, like a wise man.

Slip away quietly with time.

He kept staring at the monitor screen.

The terrorist, who hadn't noticed anything for a long time, became suspicious. He asked people to check the situation in the cell to make sure the hostages inside were safe.

"Dong dong."

The guards outside the iron gate slapped and shouted: "What are you two doing inside? Is the weapon the leader wants ready? Talk quickly!"

"Dong dong."

Accompanied by the rapid knock on the door, the gatekeeper noticed something was wrong, and quickly took out the key to turn the lock of the iron door.


The iron door opened.

Two guards walked into the cell carefully with AK47, and he looked around suspiciously.

What about people?

Where have people gone!

Suddenly an iron fist magnified in the guard's eyes, and instantly hit the latter's face.


The guard covered his face and fell to the ground with a scream.

"Da da da da."

The second guard immediately fired.

But the bullet landed on Iron Man without any reaction, instead it was blocked by the steel plate and hit himself.

The guard who was shot fell limply to the ground, his eyes full of panic and confusion before he died.

What the hell is this Iron Man?

"Hahahaha, this is your courting death!"

Tony laughed.

He grabbed the handle and opened the heavy iron door, and couldn't wait to shout to Dr. Ethan who was hiding in the corner: "We should go, Ethan, our time is very limited!"

Ethan showed a surprised expression, quickly got up and followed the armored man out of the cell, and ran out impatiently.

During the process, wave after wave of guards came.

But under the unrivaled strength of Iron Man, these guards have no power to resist.

But just when they are about to succeed.


The rough armored man suddenly couldn't move.

Tony was sweating profusely. He glanced at the faulty line and said, "I need time!"

Dr. Ethan heard footsteps getting closer and closer in the distance, he bent down and picked up an AK47, and said with a heavy face: "I'll hold them back, you have to be quick!"

"No, don't go, you will die!" Tony hurriedly stopped, but the shouting didn't make Ethan stop.

Ethan just waved his hand and said, "Tony, everyone must face death bravely!"

"bang bang bang"

"No, I will never allow you to die, you are my friend of Tony Stark!" Tony cursed.

Can't wait to start troubleshooting.

But the more nervous he was, the more he made mistakes again and again, and the gunfire ahead was getting more and more intense.

Ethan is just a helpless doctor!

He has a bad feeling!


"Damn it, it's finally dealt with!" Tony raised his feet and walked forward. The iron man who was not flexible enough made him walk very slowly.

when he came around a corner.

"bang bang bang"

Dr. Ethan, holding an AK47 in his hand, was frantically shooting the intruding terrorists, cursing something in his mouth, and the terrorists were dying in a pool of blood.

He was venting his anger.

His family died at the hands of these terrorists!
This is his last madness!

He wanted justice for his dead child!
Even if it makes no sense!
"Be careful, Ethan!" Tony stared, seeing a guard pointing a gun at him at close range.


The whole world suddenly fell silent.

Dr. Ethan was shot and fell to the ground. His lung was punched with a hole, and the blood gushed out unstoppably.

"damn it!"

Tony was furious when he saw this.

He stepped forward and slammed the guard who shot dead, then looked back at Dr. Ethan.

"Ethan, you will be fine, hold on, we will succeed soon!" Tony's eyes were red.

"Ahem, I can't do it!"

Ethan was coughing up blood, covered his lungs and said with a desolate smile, "Tony, let's go, remember what I told you, don't waste your time, let your abilities be used on meaningful things!"

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(End of this chapter)

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