Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 96 The Slave Saint

Chapter 96 The Slave Saint

The crying in the small building lasted all afternoon.

This is simply outrageous.

"Tap tap."

Victor came out fully dressed, behind him was a trembling mixed-race girl.

There was dark brown blood on the girl's lower body.

This is her first night!

Suddenly looked up.

She looked at the back of the white-haired young man with hatred.

Think of the scenes that happened before.

She wished she could hit the pillar directly to death.

But she dared not.

Because the white-haired young man told her.

If she dares to seek death.

Then her parents and relatives will be buried for her.

she asked him.

Do you want me to be your woman?

He said.

You do not deserve!
She asked.

Why?I am the daughter of God!

He sneered.

god?Just a wild dog.

You don't even have the qualifications to carry my shoes!
Let me show you what is the real God!

She followed the white-haired youth into a bizarre world.She saw tens of thousands of mutants living in a city she had never heard of.

in this city.

There are smiles on everyone's face.

She saw a statue reaching to the sky.

The facial features of the idol are white-haired youths.

And there are mutants praying at the feet of the statue, and the god they pray to is called the Lord of Death.

She looked at the portal to hell.

There are countless demons baring their teeth and claws on the portal.

And there are four big seal characters engraved on it.

The gate of Youdu!

This scared her into a cold sweat!
Isn't the Gate of Youdu the legendary gate of ghosts?

Could it be that behind this gate is the ghost town of Fengdu!

After entering the gate, she saw an ancient city.

There is nothing special about the ancient city, but the buildings inside are quaint, as if traveling back to ancient times.

To her horror it was.

She saw "living" ghosts.


One of the ghosts inside is her father Mandarin's right-hand man, a Middle Eastern man named Ba Jin.

The man knelt and shivered in front of the judge's hall.

He told his crimes in detail.

And explained all the footholds of the Ten Commandments Gang in the Middle East.

The girl wanted to stop it but couldn't move at all!

The white-haired youth said.

This is God, give and take.

The death of the body is never the end, and the punishment of the soul will always accompany it.They want to atone for the sins they have committed, and this time will be thousands of years!
The girl left the black prison in a trance.

She looked back.

In the depths of the black prison, there is a Palace of the Son of Heaven.

In front of the Temple of the Son of Heaven stands a statue of a god.

The appearance of the idol is exactly the same as that of the white-haired youth!
Going back to reality.

The girl gritted her teeth and lowered her head.

She glanced at her right hand.

On her small hand, which was as smooth as jade, was wearing a black gemstone ring at the moment.The ring was shining brightly, and it had some mysterious power that made her look in a trance.

At this moment, her thoughts of suicide became weaker and weaker.

And deep down in her heart.

The figure of the white-haired young man became more and more stalwart, like a god so high that she couldn't breathe.

She didn't even have the courage to hate!

The white-haired youth told her.

This is a contract ring, wearing it, I will be his slave forever and ever.

By the way, this ring is also called the slave ring!
The contract inside is a slave contract!



Outside the small building, Rebecca and Frank looked at the refreshed Victor with weird eyes.

Three hours of heart-piercing crying.

Are you sure you're not a beast?
"Have you found Tony's location?" Victor asked with a natural expression, not feeling guilty at all for bullying the girl.

The other party is the daughter of the Mandarin, and her actions should be called seeking justice for the dead!
Although the way is a bit unsightly.

But the Ten Commandments Gang under your Mandarin is making troubles in the Middle East, how many innocent people have been harmed?

Don't mention the bullshit saying that it's not as good as the family members.

Could it be that the Ten Rings Gang made a confession to the Mandarin, and didn't a dime fall on the girl!
This money is all in exchange for flesh and blood!

And the fact that the girl appeared in this base already explained the problem. She knew what the Ten Rings Gang was doing.

Moreover, the girl's death energy is no less than that of the terrorists of the Ten Rings Gang!

"The approximate location has been determined!" Frank nodded and took out a blueprint blankly.

There are some lines drawn in all directions on the drawing.

A red dot above is where Tony is now, which is the information he obtained through torture.

at the same time.

There is a dilapidated town in the desert, where thousands of terrorists have gathered. They are the main armed force of the Ten Rings, and they are gathering at this time.

They get important information.

The core base in the Kashgar area was massacred.

Hundreds of millions of dollars of supplies are stored there.

This is not the point.

The point is that the saint who came to the Middle East to inspect is involved!
The saint has lost her whereabouts!
She is the most beloved daughter of the Mandarin!
Once the adults are angry.

Everyone in the Middle East branch of the Ten Rings Gang is doomed to die, and they must set out immediately to rescue the saint.

"Zara, don't worry about that damn Tony, if something happens to the saint, we're all finished!" A bearded man shouted in horror.

Zara glanced at the bearded man with gloomy eyes.

"Mokash, shut your mouth, don't I know the importance of the saint?" Zara scolded: "Now those people are slaughtering our compatriots, we don't know their details at all, they can slaughter If you leave the Kashgar base, you can also slaughter us, I have no objection to you taking people there, but you must find out the details of the other party, otherwise you will be sent to death!"

"Wait, wait, stay here if you want to die, I will take my men to the Kashgar base to rescue the saint!" Mokas shook his arm violently, grabbed the AK47 next to him, and shouted The terrorists just left.

Looking at the back of the bearded man leaving.

Zara's face livid.

He is the supreme commander of the Ten Rings Gang in the Middle East.

But Mokash has been reluctant to follow his lead.

He even formed a faction in private to openly resist his strategic decision. This is to seize power!
If it weren't for someone behind Mokash.

Zara will cut open his chest with his own hands and sacrifice his internal organs to the great Allah!

Warning everyone, this is what happens with betrayal!
"You want to die, I will help you!" Zara crushed the eyeball in his hand, which is a treasure in his collection, a dried eyeball from a female soldier of the United States.

Glancing at the hundreds of men who were taken away by Mokas Hulala, Zara snorted coldly and turned to leave.

He went into a crypt.

There are hundreds of cells in the crypt.

Dozens of prisoners are held in each cell.

These prisoners come from all over the world.

There are members of the anti-terrorist armed forces, ordinary people, beautiful girls, and the rich man Tony Stark!

Tony Stark is held in the deepest part of the crypt.

It is heavily guarded.

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(End of this chapter)

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