Chapter 78
"I think so!"

Victor nodded. He felt sorry for Lorna, Miss Polaris at this time. Her helpless expression was like that of a little girl who lost her favorite toy.

Lorna smiled suddenly, but tears flowed from the corners of her eyes uncontrollably, and said, "I see, I want to go back to the hotel and be alone, okay?"

"As you wish." Victor waved a black hole and brought them back to the real world.

With a bang, the door of the room was closed.

After cutting off the outside world, Lorna's faint crying came from the room not long after.

No matter how strong she was, it was hard to hide the fact that Lorna was just a little girl.

The current Lorna is far from being as strong and confident as the future Miss Polaris.

Blame Eric Lanshere.

Damn scumbag, he only knows how to sow seeds!

Victor's affection for Magneto disappeared completely at this moment. (Speaking of which, I didn’t like you before!)
A strange old man who likes to wear capes.

Look at how much you have wronged our Lorna?

The style of Europeans and Americans who turn their faces and deny people when they lift their pants has caused too many tragedies. Miss Polaris Lorna is the tragic result of this situation.

Victor had the hotel deliver lunch to the suite.

As for delayed tickets.

Whoever you love will go.

Now who brings Victor back to New York, Victor promises not to beat him out of shit.

"Sir, our flight ticket has been delayed again."

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Of course not, I'm just asking."

"Wait another three days!"

"Well, yes, I see."

After hanging up Emily's call, Victor looked at the closed door and sighed silently.

All poor children.

Either Lorna or Emily.

At this time, Rebecca and the waiter pushing the dining car entered the room. She asked the waiter to leave first, then sat on Victor's lap and said, "Master, did something bad happen?"

Victor's eyes lit up when he heard that.

I couldn't comfort Lorna by myself.

It doesn't mean that Rebecca, who has lived for thousands of years, can't do it. She is a ready-made confidant sister.

He quickly explained the whole story to Rebecca. In the final analysis, he just met a scumbag.

Believe me, Rebecca's biological father is also a scumbag!

It is popular in Europe and the United States to kill one's wife or kill one's father to preach.

And Rebecca's father is even more wonderful.

I have been pursuing the killing of children to prove the truth all my life.

Yes, the old vampire wanted to kill his five children in his dreams, especially Nicklaus.

In his opinion, the mixed-race Nicklaus is the greatest shame of the family, for which he has been chasing him for thousands of years.

"Give it to me, master, if I complete the task, how will you reward Rebecca?" Rebecca breathed hot air next to Victor's earlobe.

Like a cute little kitten.

At the moment, she is wearing a light blue princess dress.The collar on the chest is slightly open, which makes people imagine.


Rebecca's long golden hair fell down just enough to block the important position, which made Victor feel a little sorry.

"Go, don't make trouble for me!" Victor patted Rebecca's plump buttocks, and said while the latter was panting.

"Hmph, the master knows how to bully me."

Rebecca pouted coquettishly, turned and knocked on the door.

"Lorna, it's me, Rebecca"

"Sister Rebecca, please come in!"


Looking at the door being closed again.

Victor recalled the touch just now, and lighted a cigarette for himself with a restless heart.

in smoke.

He closed his eyes intoxicated.


In less than 5 minutes, Rebecca and Lorna walked out of the room door, and a smile appeared on Lorna's face again.

Seeing the scene of sisterly love in front of me.

Victor's jaw was about to drop in shock, what kind of manipulation is this?Didn't you cry just now?

It can only be said that Victor doesn't understand women!
"Master, should we go?"

"Oh, ah, where are you going?"

"Of course it's shopping, don't you want to?"

"Of course not! I'm more than happy!"

Victor turned into a licking dog in seconds, and instantly stood up from the sofa to carry the bag for the second daughter himself, acting like a personal bodyguard.

Isn't it just to go shopping with girls?

Made it so mysterious.

For men, the way to decompress is cigarettes and alcohol.

And for women.

The most irresistible thing is to buy, buy, buy!

A man and two women took the hotel's special pick-up vehicle and came to the shopping plaza on a street full of patrolmen.

Atlanta is under martial law today.

Because of the extremely vile homicide in the center of Atlanta last night, the prosperous Paradise Bar was burned to ruins in a raging fire.

In the cellar of the bar.

FBI agents found hundreds of human corpses that had been burned beyond recognition.

But from genetic comparison, law enforcement agencies found that most of the victims were mutants.

After the last dam incident, this is the second mutant massacre, and it happened right in the city center.

If this matter is exposed, the entire state of Georgia will be shaken by a major earthquake.

The vast majority of officials for their black hat.

Choose to shut up.

The bar massacre is also defined as a general criminal case, which is handled by the local police station.

This is a typical case of making big things into small things, and making small things into small things.

But secretly.

All members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation were dispatched to check for suspicious persons at various intersections.

Especially mutants.

In just one day, the mutants living in Atlanta suffered disasters. Not only the cells of the police station were filled with innocent mutants, but the surrounding psychiatric hospitals were also temporarily requisitioned.

The mutants complained.

However, under the suppression of the government, everything was carried out quietly, and ordinary people did not notice the large-scale arrests happening around them.

The reason why the government did this, of course, was not to find out the culprit behind the mutant laboratory.

What they were looking for was in this incident.

A mutant who broke the balance and pinned all the charges on a mutant underground organization.

This has always been the style of the federal government.

If something goes wrong, push it to the mutants. As long as you guys are alive, it's a mistake. It's best to die!

Even if it has nothing to do with mutants.

They can also find a lot of reasons to push all the charges on the mutants. Could it be that they are still terrorists?

Destroyed a bar in one fell swoop.

But at the site of the ruins.

No weapons of mass destruction have been found, who else has such destructive power but mutants?

Needless to say.

Both the high-level government and the public believed that this was another bad incident caused by mutants.

As for Rebecca who caused all this.

He was also defined as a member of mutants, and somehow became one of the leaders of an underground organization.

This is simply nonsense.

If it weren't for the lack of video data, it is estimated that Rebecca's photos have been posted everywhere on the official website.

Victor has a card from the New York FBI.

So it was smooth sailing.

Neither the police officers in Atlanta nor the federal investigators set their suspicious eyes on this special explosion-proof vehicle for VIPs from the George Hotel.

 Just ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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