Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 77 Your Father Is Magneto

Chapter 77 Your Father Is Magneto

Lorna suddenly looked at the statue of City of Hope upon hearing the words.

The statue pierces the sky and the earth, soaring into the sky, isn't the vivid facial features just the man Victor in front of him?
The existence of Mutant Nation is no secret.

And the one who gave mutants a home.

It is said that he is a true god who walks in the world.

He calls himself the Lord of Death and walks on the edge of darkness.

He is the Walker of Death, a god from the East.

Some people say that he is a devil, while others say that he is guarding the last bit of truth in the world in the dark.

But in the hearts of mutants.

He is the supreme god!
The mutants call him Your Majesty, which is a respectful title to God!

Although he himself has never had a good impression of God.

Lorna couldn't imagine that Victor in front of her eyes was the legendary man, no, the legendary god!
Lorna was extremely proud at this moment.

Her man turned out to be a god!

No wonder the noble lady Rebecca called him master.

as a servant of the true God.

That's no shame.

But supreme glory, okay?

After all, most Europeans and Americans call themselves servants of God when they pray.Compared with the real Victor, the illusory God is not worth mentioning.

"Victor, oh no, Your Majesty, why are you willing to help the mutants tide over the difficulties?" Lorna suddenly asked with a gossip expression: "Is it really the same as the rumors, Ms. Qin, the director of the mutant country One of your women?"

"Cough cough."

Victor covered his mouth and coughed, with an embarrassing expression on his face, he quickly said, "This has nothing to do with Qin, but I don't deny that Qin is my woman!"

Is it because of Qin?

of course not!

It was Charles that Victor found.

The suggestion to create a home for mutants is purely for the development of the underworld, okay?

This is a lucrative deal.

And what he paid was just a piece of land.

This is his most successful transaction so far!
It is worth mentioning that.

No matter how powerful the mutants are.

As long as it is stamped with the imprint of the underworld.

Even if he is as strong as an Omega mutant, he will eventually subtly recognize Victor in his heart.

This is Victor's ultimate goal.

Catch all the mutants and bring them under his command.

Don't say anything about me being insidious and betraying the trust of the mutants, Victor will never admit it.

It's a fact that he gave mutants a home.

Am I a philanthropist?Giving the right to the land or even tacitly acquiescing that you build a country on my territory?
Except for one Jean and Victor who are physically related.

Does the life and death of your hundreds of thousands of mutants have anything to do with me?

Take Victor's divine right.

It is best to drop a nuclear bomb to kill all mutants, then the origin of his goods will be astronomical!

This is to maximize the benefits!

Because mutants are at least level [-] souls!

But compared to turning a mutant nation into his loyal support, the future even becomes his powerful help.

Killing them is a bit like killing the chicken and picking the egg.

And Victor is not a murderous demon.

That being the case.

Why not choose the best value deal?

I will give you the land, and let you become a vassal state under my territory. On the surface, I will not ask for anything.

In fact, including your body and soul already belong to me, do you think this deal is a good deal!
With the mark of the underworld, even if you travel to another universe, your soul will belong to the underworld after death.

After all the calculations, Victor is not at a loss!

And get the friendship of a race!

Lorna heard the words with a dubious expression on her face. Anyway, you are a god, and everything you say is the truth!
Victor looked desperate.

This seems to be unclear.

"Your Majesty."

"Call me Victor!"

"Okay, Victor, so how many women am I? Does the god of your Hua Kingdom like three wives and four concubines just like humans?" Lorna asked with a curious expression.

This problem is a pit!

Victor said embarrassingly: "Of course, this is the traditional culture of our Chinese people, and it has been like this since ancient times."

Yes, since ancient times.

Victor nodded seriously, this word is very appropriate, you can't find any faults.

Since the history books.

The Chinese nation is patrilineal sovereignty.

For example, Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese people, didn't he leave behind the mythical story of three thousand imperial daughters, who rode a dragon to ascend to heaven?
Do you dare to say that my ancestors did not respect women's rights?
What about Zeus, the god of you Westerners?

Isn't it just a wave of flying, illegitimate children can form a reinforced group, and there is no morality at all!

Don't know how many kings and knights have been cuckolded!

Off topic.

Lorna showed a pitiful expression and said, "Will you be like the hateful Zeus, the god of heaven?"

"Of course not!" Victor said that he is a responsible man, how could he do the same thing as Tony?The latter is a scumbag, okay?

"Trust you for now!" Lorna said.

Victor breathed a sigh of relief.

This little goblin really knows how to toss people, saying that I have passed this test, right?

In fact, he brought Lorna to the underworld.

Not necessarily without the idea of ​​being honest with each other.

After all, there is still a Clarice living in the family, and Hill will come to the door from time to time to ask for the essence.

When Lorna knows that Victor has relationships with so many women, maybe something will happen.

Acknowledge your cultural beliefs openly.

That's what my ethnic heritage is.

Isn't there a polygamous Arab in the Middle East?
I have never seen you Europeans and Americans talking about equality between men and women.

If you accept it, you can accept it, if you don't accept it, you can get together and leave. I am not a man who gives up his dignity for the sake of a woman.

Victor has always insisted.

Blessed to be born again.

If I don't create a harem, I'm sorry for the country and the nation. Anyway, I don't harm the girl who grows flowers.

Bite me if you have the ability!

My thick skin is not afraid of pain!

Victor gestured his middle finger to the sky!
"Actually, there is one more thing, I want to tell you, it has something to do with your life experience." Victor stroked Lorna's small face.

Lorna's face was suffocated when she heard the words, and she showed an unattractive smile and said: "My parents are not mutants. I have been doubting this, including my brother and sister. Although I really don't want to know who that man is, but He owes us an explanation, even if it's just a reason!"

Her heart fluctuates.

Just one day.

There was a fusion in her life.

A god walked into her life.

Now this god told her to know who her real father was, although she didn't want to know about that man.

But she has the right to know who her father is!
At this moment, she couldn't help but think of the day when she ran away from home.

Because of her mutant ability, her adoptive father scolded her as a bastard, while her mother could only cover her face and cry.

This made Lorna feel a lot of pain in her heart.

She wanted to say it out loud.

I'm not a bastard, I'm your daughter raised for 17 years, I want to be a normal person, I don't want supernatural powers.

But the appearance of the x gene left her speechless.

Because her parents are ordinary people.

It wasn't the father who cheated, it was the mother who cheated.

She came out of her mother's womb, and her birthday was the third year of her parents' marriage.

Her mother cheated on her!
And cheated on a powerful mutant.

Because she has the mutant ability of alpha level, which can control the magnetic field and the creative field!
"Your father, you should have heard his name, he is Magneto King Eric Lanshere, his real name is Max!" Victor sighed in his heart and said, "He is now in the Mutant Congress in the city under your feet." building."

Lorna was startled when she heard this.

Try to make yourself laugh.

But the smile he showed was uglier than crying.

Her purplish lips trembled, as if confirming or denying, she gritted her teeth and said, "Are you saying that my biological father is at my feet now? He is the famous Magneto, right?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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