Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 56 The Adolescent Girl

Chapter 56 The Adolescent Girl
At the dining table, there were two men and three women, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Among the three girls, Caroline's eyes kept turning around Victor, and there was something strange in her eyes.

In simple terms.

It's the eyes of a teenage girl.

"Victor, are you from Atlanta?" Caroline asked enthusiastically.

"I'm from Manhattan, New York, and the town is a good place for a vacation." Victor followed the prestige and said, his eyes lingering on Caroline's sling for a second.

By the way, wasn't the sling still on the shoulder just now?

Why is it almost falling to the wrist all of a sudden, you are so blatantly seducing, aren't you afraid that a werewolf will go crazy?

Yes, Caroline is a woman with a boyfriend, and a werewolf who transforms on a full moon night.

Just ask if you are afraid of it!
Seeing Caroline's nympho look, Bonnie turned her head and said, "Caroline, your mother is the sheriff of the town. What things in the town can escape your eyes."

"I can guarantee that today is the first time I see Mr. Victor." Caroline gouged out a look at Bonnie.

How can you come out as a best friend to tear down the stage?Well, Bonnie has never been used to Caroline's behavior of attracting bees and butterflies.

Not long ago, because Caroline said a few words to a new high school student, her boyfriend Taylor beat up that high school student and caused a lot of trouble.

Among them Caroline is also responsible.

Bonnie showed a helpless expression.

Elena said with a smile: "Mr. Victor is indeed very temperamental, and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle."

Victor smiled awkwardly when he heard that.

His true self is still here, okay? Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to discuss yourself so openly?
"Mr. Victor is indeed different." Stefan walked over and said, "Among the Asians I have seen."

"Sorry, I'm Chinese!" Victor said.

There is a big difference between the three terms of Asian, Chinese and Chinese.Asians include American immigrants from all over Asia.

Chinese descent generally refers to immigrants from China.

This range can be several generations, such as the Chinese who immigrated to the United States during World War I and World War II.

The last one is Chinese.

Although Chinese can live in the United States, they are not native to the United States.

There is no qualification to stand for election, nor to enter Congress, and even many types of jobs do not allow Chinese to participate.

Such as government-related scientific research projects.

Non-American Chinese are strictly prohibited from participating, and they will even be taken away by the FBI once discovered.And it can easily label you a spy.

Even the extradition treaty is directly annulled.

But Victor still insists that he is Chinese.


He took the initiative to entrust Qin Gray, the chairman of the Mutant Nation, to apply for an ID card in China on his behalf.

This is an ID card with household registration, and the place of residence is the office of the Nation of Mutants in Modu.

This is not Victor hypocrisy.

As a Chinese, no matter where you go, you can't forget where your roots are.If not, Victor would not invest heavily in well-known companies in Huaguo again and again.

In fact, Victor is not very old.

He is only 23 years old when he is full of money.

In the United States, he is only at the age of college.No, Victor was originally a freshman from Yale University!

"Stefan, Elena, why don't we go to the river for a picnic in the afternoon, we finally have a vacation, I don't want to watch TV series at home." Caroline suggested.

Elena's eyes moved.

He looked at Stefan expectantly.

In her eyes, Stefan, who is handsome and can cook, is a perfect male god.

Victor is so sad.

"Yes, I thought so too. It would be very interesting to have a picnic by the river." Stefan smiled slightly, and looked at Elena affectionately.

At this moment, the people around have become air.


I can't stand it any more!
You are a hundred-year-old mallet, do you want to show this affectionate appearance?
Just because Elena looks exactly like your old flame Catherine?Are you not upset? Hello?

This is the grand-grand-granddaughter of your old lover Catherine!

This is simply incest, right?

Victor cursed inwardly.

It's shameful, it's really shameful!

The iron spoon in his mouth was bitten off by Victor.

"Wow, Mr. Victor's mouth is really good!" Caroline said with a nympho, stars almost appeared in her eyes.

At this moment, the eyes of the goddess Elena finally fell on Victor. Wrong, it was on the mouth, which was very weird.

By the way, this is a pure steel spoon!

"terribly sorry."

Victor smiled and said, "I haven't eaten such delicious food for several days."

Tesfan's eyes twitched, he lowered his head and remained silent.


A group of five people came to the river bed in the small town.

The lawn by the river is very tidy, it should be taken care of for a long time, and there is also a small beach.

A group of boys and girls sat around on the beach.

Some people are playing and playing, while others are sitting quietly and reading a book.

The appearance of Victor and his entourage did not attract anyone's attention. Even when he arrived here, Bonnie took out a thick dictionary and went to read quietly.


This is a picnic?
Victor looked surprised. Shouldn't a picnic be a group of people sit together, barbecue, drink, chat and fart?

All of you sitting there are either whispering or reading quietly. I am afraid that I am too ignorant of the picnic culture in the United States, and Victor is very sad.

He could only find a place to sit down.

And Caroline lived up to expectations and rubbed against him, holding her little head and chattering.

Victor took out a glass of bourbon from his arms and took a sip silently.Caroline suddenly showed a longing expression.

Women also have the right to drink.

"Woo, what a delicious wine." Caroline's eyes were intoxicated, and her face turned red with a sip of bourbon.

It smelled of wine.

Elena next to her was also ready to move, but seeing that there was only one bottle of bourbon, she could only show a disappointed look.

How could Victor disappoint the goddess?

"Hey, do you want to taste it?" Victor took out another bottle of bourbon from his arms, and gave it to Elena, who looked eager but shy.

Stefan looked at Victor in surprise.

Where did this bottle of bourbon come from?He's sure there won't be two bottles of bourbon hidden in that coat!
"Wow, Victor, are you a magician?" Bonnie also showed a surprised expression.

At this time, a man came over from a distance.

"It's Damon!" Stefan looked surprised.

Victor looked over and saw Damon walking over with two bottles of bourbon with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Hey, Damon, don't you prefer to drink Scotch whiskey?" Victor looked curious.

The corners of Damon's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he smiled awkwardly and said, "Isn't it because you drank all the two bottles of Scotch whiskey in my collection last night? You damn alcoholic."

"I'm really sorry." Victor shrugged.

He just wanted to quench his thirst last night, and trust me, there's no drink in the fridge at all in a vampire's house.

Not even a cup of tea!
"Hi, Damon." Elena greeted.

Damon looked at Elena.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he nodded.This made Elena briefly absent-minded for a second.

Compared with Stefan's rigor and shyness.

Damon's aura seemed to attract her even more, especially the faint sadness.

God is so sad, Damon is a brother-in-law!
Stefan frowned and silently glanced at Elena's expression, then took a sip of a bottle of bourbon.

Alcohol can easily make people lose their minds, but after a long vampire life, Stefan has his own way to keep his mind.

Wait until Damon sits on the lawn.

The atmosphere became more and more lively, Bonnie also put away the thick dictionary, took a sip of the bourbon with a strong alcohol taste, and suddenly showed a uncomfortable expression on his face.

"Witches are not suitable for drinking." Damon said silently, which made Bonnie's expression freeze.

As the descendant of the witch family, this is the biggest secret in Bonnie's heart.In the Western world, witch has always been a bad word, representing evil and filth.

Victor glanced at an embarrassed Bonnie.

He took the initiative to make a rescue and said, "Damon, your mouth is still as smelly as ever."

"Damn it, do you want to get drunk again? You passed out at the door of the bar last night." Damon stared.

Victor smiled slightly and said, "As you wish."

Accompanied by two men fighting together.

The girls also showed excited expressions.

Among them, Bonnie looked at Victor very gratefully, because the latter couldn't adapt to being exposed.

Although Bonnie doesn't know even one kind of witchcraft.

 The recommendation ticket is a bit horrible

(End of this chapter)

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