Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 55 The Strange Vampire Brothers

Chapter 55 The Strange Vampire Brothers

There is a bar in the town.

Victor took a seat and sat down.

Looking at the men and women cuddling on the dance floor, his expression was very calm, and such a small scene could not move him.

Suddenly, Victor's eyes rested on a man with a pale face and an evil temperament.

This stranger looks very familiar!
Damon Salvatore!
If in the DC universe, he is the strongest superman Clark Kent who hates the sky and hates the air!
And in this universe, it's just a brother-in-law vampire who acts a little crazy and pathological.

The difference between the two is really huge.

"Have a glass of wine together? Sir?" Victor came to sit next to Damon, who looked over with indifferent eyes.

Hasty, Victor stroked his chin.

"My friend, it's stupid to approach me on purpose." Damon smiled coldly, and his evil smile made people feel chills all over.

He holds a glass of scotch in his hand.

Victor cursed inwardly, heretics!
"The small town is very suitable for retirement, what do you think?" Victor took a sip of bourbon with a pertinent tone.

Damon paused slightly with the hand holding the wine glass, and said with a sneer: "It may also be the burial place of some people."

"Oh, people are going to die, aren't they?" Victor said disapprovingly, "Death is the final destination."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Damon looked surprised: "Believe me, all human beings are afraid of death!"

Victor shook his head and smiled disdainfully: "I believe that death is the starting point of eternal life. What is terrible is not death, but the poor man who turns himself into a monster for eternal life!"

"Oh, you seem to understand it very well!" Damon's eyes suddenly flashed fiercely, even a fool can hear the implication in Victor's words, his identity has been seen through!

"It's so-so, but I hate certain old monsters who pretend to be young to deceive high school students." Victor smiled slightly.

This is a fact.

It is said that you are hundreds of years old, and the ashes of normal human beings would be slag!
Are you embarrassed to still go to high school?

Experience life or pick up girls?

This wave of coquettish sex is really showing off to me, okay?
Even more incredible.

There are also vampires who like to do this, and I don’t know if it’s because after becoming a vampire, the head becomes tofu. Don’t you feel tired after reading books for hundreds of years!

"Oh, my friend, your idea is very good! This is something I hate very much!" Damon nodded, with a rare sincere smile on his face.

He has always been very disgusted and puzzled by his brother Stefan's eccentricities.

What good is a woman?
How much better than delicious blood!

The stupid younger brother turned against himself for a woman who had been dead for hundreds of years, and became a so-called chicken-blooded man.

This is something Damon is not ashamed of.

Vampires never advocate vegetarianism.

Blood is their source of strength.

If you don't suck blood for a few days, you will even turn into a monster, and the chicken blood person comes from this.

So the blood of vampires in Mystic Falls is low?
It is said that the vampires in Fox Town don't even need chicken blood, and can maintain their lives by eating vegetarian food every day.

Well, it should be possible.

In the middle of the night, Victor and Damon walked out of the bar side by side. The two chatted happily, without any grievances between humans and vampires.

"Well, buddy, I really don't want you to be sent by humans to catch me." Damon said suddenly.

His expression was a bit frustrated and sad. Finally, there was someone he could talk to, but it wasn't a vampire.

This is a sad story.

Victor took a sip of bourbon, hiccupped, and said with hazy eyes: "What! Humans and vampires can be friends too, okay? You idiot!"

"Idiot? You are the idiot!" The sound of an idiot suddenly made Damon furious, showing his sharp fangs.



Victor was actually drunk, and if Damon hadn't hugged his body, his face would definitely have had an intimate contact with the ground.

"Damn it, is it really the FBI?" Damon, who was supporting Victor, accidentally saw a document that fell on the ground.

Normal people may not be able to see clearly in the dark.

But Damon clearly saw the words on the certificate, Victor Hugo, FBI field director.

Damon bared his fangs and stared at Victor.

There is killing and bloodthirsty in the eyes.

There is still a little hesitation.

Yes, Damon hesitated.

This interesting human being in front of him is the only alien who has laughed with him in the past few decades.

Is such a person really going to be killed?

No, I, Damon, am not a bloodthirsty and brutal vampire!
"call out"


Damon disappeared into double shadows, leaving only Victor sleeping soundly on the grass.

Maybe an illusion.

A curve appeared at the corner of Victor's mouth.

"Look, it's a poor drunk!"

"It seems that God is blessing us today!"

"Paul, stop talking nonsense and see if there is any money!"

A group of drunks surrounded him, trying to take advantage of the situation and rob him.

A biting cold wind suddenly appeared on the street.

One is absent.

The man who appears and disappears floats over from a distance!

"Damn it, what the hell are you!"

A drunk man let out a horrified cry as his partner was bitten by the neck by a man.


The visitor's eyes glowed red, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, and he threw the blood-losing body on the ground.

"Damn it, are you a devil!" the drunk yelled in horror, and turned around to run away.

But the killer stepped forward quickly.

Tear the aorta in the neck of drunks one by one, and let them fall to the ground waiting to die.


The murderer showed a cruel smile.

The only one who was not affected was Victor.

"What a pig, trouble!"

It was Damon who was going back and forth who was talking. He stepped forward and grabbed Victor's arm, looking in one direction and leaving quickly.

As for the bodies of the drunks on the ground.

As a vampire, he has no habit of collecting corpses, and Damon, who has his own way, has always been lawless.


Suddenly, another person appeared on the street.

The visitor's facial features are deep, giving people a heavy melancholy atmosphere, which is a type that can make all girls obsessed.

"That human being can actually make the bloodthirsty Damon like him, he is really an interesting person." A whisper rang out from you on the dark street.

The visitor is also a vampire.

He threw the body into the stinky ditch as fast as lightning, and then disappeared like the wind.

Early the next morning, in an old castle manor.

Victor woke up leisurely.

There was still drunkenness on his face, and the smell of alcohol was very strong all over his body. When he raised his head, he saw a small note.

"Get out early when you wake up, troublesome human being."

Victor grinned.

What an interesting vampire.

He obviously still has human nature, but he still wants to show a crazy look. Is this to attract the attention of his younger brother?
Well, shameful brother-in-law.

Get up from the soft bed.

At this time, a girl's voice suddenly came from outside the room. When he opened the door, Victor's eyes froze.

There are indeed girls outside, and there are more than one!
Elena, the goddess of temperament, and Caroline, the queen's aura.


And Bonnie, the witch who has not yet awakened!
Our heroine and two supporting actresses have both appeared on the stage.

Where is the leading actor?

Victor looked behind the three little beauties.

"Hi, I'm Stefan. Nice to meet you!" A handsome guy with deep eyes stretched out his right hand.

"Stefan, isn't he your brother?"

"God Elena can't you see the color of his skin? He's Asian!"

"Ahem, I'm so sorry!"

Victor looked embarrassed, stretched out his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Victor, nice to meet you!"

"Has Damon left already? Well, he's always elusive." Stefan has long been accustomed to Damon's own way, and smiled and said, "Friend, do you want to stay for lunch?"

"Of course!" Victor nodded.

It's already eleven o'clock in the morning, so why not go out to eat bento?By the way, is there any bento in the town?

This is a question worth pondering.

It's Stefan who cooks.

Speaking of you, a vampire cooking, it’s a bit against the law, okay? Could it be that you’ve lived for hundreds of years, and it’s wasted on how to master the skills of picking up girls? !

Victor has a heart!
You can't taste sweet, bitter and spicy at all, okay!

Yes, vampires have no sense of taste.

They can only be stimulated by donating blood.

And when a man cooks, he is either forced by life, or for the woman he likes.

Stefan is definitely not forced by life, so the answer is self-evident, in order to please girls.

Most importantly in the West.

A man who can cook is definitely the best mate in a woman's mind, because it represents consideration and tenderness.

Didn't you see our goddess Elena, who is almost fascinated by the gentleman's back?
 Can I ask for a wave of favorites and recommendations?
  Thank you Huang Xiaohuo for your reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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