Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 48 Landing on Skull Island

Chapter 48 Landing on Skull Island

The earth is not as simple as it seems.


This Marvel universe is not that simple

The impressive place name of Mystic Falls appeared.

A group of extraordinary forces can be implicated.

Although Victor did not go to Mystic Falls.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. provided a lot of picture material.

A picture of a bunch of mummies!

The official statement is that the deceased was attacked by unknown creatures, and a large amount of blood was lost, resulting in death.


It's obviously a vampire murder case, do you want to be so reserved and polite?

Victor expressed disdain.

Over a military base.

The Kun-type fighter plane landed here temporarily.

"Hi buddy!"

Tony Stark, dressed up on the stage, attracted the attention of many people when he appeared on the stage. He laughed and said, "Victor, asking me for help is the wisest choice for you. To explore the mysterious and unknown ocean, how can you be without me, Tony Stark?" Stark!"

Victor silently glanced at Deadpool Wade.

These two are simply perfect.

It's all stinky beauty plus stinky fart plus feeling good about yourself.

If it weren't for the cumbersome certificate of going to sea and a series of documents required for the temporary requisition of a yacht, Victor would never find Tony, a big-mouthed man.

Well, regal and luxury yachts are standard.

"Tony, you are still so narcissistic." Victor looked helpless, who asked him to ask him for help.

Tony glanced at the strangely dressed Deadpool Wade, showing a surprised expression, and then said, "What are you looking for is an isolated island without any documented records?"

"I can provide you with approximate coordinates." Victor looked at Deadpool Wade.

Deadpool quickly took out a small note from his trouser pocket.

Damn, his pants have no pockets at all.

God knows where this note came from.

Tony took two steps back with a look of panic, and he also thought of the same question as Victor.

Deadpool smiled awkwardly and reported a set of numbers.


Tony enters the coordinates into the yacht's own device.

A 3D model map is suddenly projected.

As the model map shrinks, the final determined range is in an unknown sea.

"It's an island that looks like a skull."

"Lightning and thunder outside the island, heavy rain and strong wind."

"Believe me, it's a place of wonder."

Deadpool Wade danced and described Skull Island, but Tony struck with a look of disbelief: "Well, if it's true as you said, this island has been occupied long ago."

"No, Mr. Stark, this island is very magical, it will only appear in special time periods, and the prehistoric creatures on the island have amazing destructive power." Deadpool Wade found that Tony was doubting himself, and suddenly became excited up.

"Okay, then we can continue to narrow the scope."

According to the approximate coordinates provided by Deadpool Wade.

Tony accurately positioned the target within 30 nautical miles, which is already the limit of AI calculations.

Deadpool Wade looked at the map with pensive eyes.

After a while, he suddenly jumped up and said: "Yes, it's here, have you seen this reef? Last time I came here with a group of people to explore, the yacht I was driving was stranded on this reef. Believe me, I was right."

"Well, that's good news." Tony twitched his eyebrows and smiled, picked up the bourbon and drank a glass.

Victor looked at the reef belt Wade mentioned.

That is a shallow sea area, if Skull Island is really in this area, then it is really possible.

the next day.

Victor and his party set off.

What appeared in front of their eyes was the endless ocean.

"Wade, what about the reef belt you're talking about?"

Deadpool Wade scratched his scalp and looked manic.

He believed that his memory would never be wrong, even if he was chopped into pieces and revived, he would not forget it.

But why did such a large area of ​​reef belt disappear?
Tony leaned against the railing and lit a cigar.

Exhaled a smoke ring and said, "Well, can you tell me which direction to go? I'm sure you can."

"Oh, it's this direction, no, it's this side, or it's not right! Falk, I can't tell the direction at all on the sea!" Deadpool wished to beat the last guide out of the shit, if it wasn't for that group of people, they would have turned into giants. animal dung.

Deadpool certainly walks the talk.

Victor tried to keep himself calm.

A week wasted here, which is a very sad thing.

"Hey, buddies, look, the reefs have appeared!" Suddenly Wade shouted.

I saw a ray of sunlight on the horizon.

Not far away, a bare reef appeared, which was extremely conspicuous on the calm sea.

Wade laughed out loud and said, "Hahaha, as I said, it must be here, it's here!"

The yacht approaches the reef group.

After Wade determined the direction, he continued to move forward.

as predicted.

A miraculous scene occurred more than ten nautical miles away.

This side is sunny weather, but the other side is lightning, thunder, rain and wind!

"God, this is simply a miracle!" Tony Stark looked shocked.

Victor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just find the target.

To him, time is life.

How much origin can be obtained on land in seven days?

If it really went to waste, he's going to knock the shit out of Wade's head.

Near Skull Island.

All the intelligent systems on the yacht failed.

It can only be operated manually. Fortunately, Tony is an all-round genius, otherwise he would have to paddle ashore on a small wooden board.

Land on Skull Island.

Suddenly there was a bloody smell.

"Victor, I have a bad feeling that this island hides unknown creatures!" Tony turned pale.

Tony, who is just an ordinary person, is very uncomfortable here.

It was as if his heart had been frozen.

If he didn't want to save face, he would definitely choose to run back to the yacht to taste the fine wine.

Victor suggested: "Tony, you can choose to stay outside, as Wade said it is very dangerous inside."

"No, how can I back down, as a perfect gentleman, I absolutely can't say no!" Tony refused.

Wanting to save face and suffer, Victor shook his head.

Anyway, there is himself.

Keeping Tony safe can still be done.

At worst, let Tony transform into a gorgeous shape, and it's not impossible to throw it into the underworld dimension.

Anyway, Tony will definitely not die!
The Skull Island is very humid, and the special environment has bred countless snakes, rats and ants on the island.

Tony complains all the way.

Ahead is the primeval forest.

Deadpool Wade is not afraid of the environment here.

Jump up and down like a fish in water, and change roles from time to time to become a guide, introducing various scenery on the island.

"There are natives here?" Tony's face changed, and he said angrily: "Damn it, those natives will kill us, we should bring an army over!"

"No, those natives are friendly."

Wade's face was not very good-looking, as if he remembered some not so good past.

"Be careful, do you see that mountain in front of you?" Deadpool Wade suddenly jumped up, pointing at a gray-brown hill not far away and shouted: "It has bad breath!"

"Fack!! X2"


Suddenly the hill trembled, and a prehistoric monitor lizard appeared in front of the three of them.

Wade looked like I said I have bad breath.

Tony looked desperate.

Victor's eyes twitched, and his eyes were not very friendly.

How did such a huge lizard survive?
Victor felt suddenly.

It would have been a wrong decision not to bring Norman.

Norman, who has studied biotechnology all his life, must be extremely interested in the creatures on the island!
This is the answer for sure!
"Why didn't you tell us in advance that the hill was a lizard?" Tony was numb and sweaty.

Deadpool Wade said: "I told you, it has bad breath!"

"Are you sure!"

A drop of cold sweat fell from the tip of Tony's nose.

God, this joke is not funny at all.

Victor stepped forward and patted Tony on the shoulder and said, "Trust me, Wade is a monster, but I don't know if he can be revived by chopping him into pieces. Let's try together some other day."

"Okay, try it!" Tony said blankly.


Deadpool Wade suddenly let out a scream.

Because a two-story-high giant spider suddenly descended from the sky and spit out spider silk to entangle Wade.

"Damn it, I hate spiders!" Wade screamed loudly.Slashing back and forth with the samurai sword in his hand, he escaped from the sticky spider web with great difficulty.

"Run away, if you don't run away, we will be surrounded by these giant beasts!" Deadpool Wade shouted out of breath.

Victor pulled Tony into the air, jumped directly over the height of the forest and suspended in mid-air.

"my God!"

Deadpool was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

He viciously gestured his middle finger to the sky, and fled frantically under the chase of the giant beast.

As for Victor, pulled out a glass of bourbon.

"Tony, would you like a drink?"

"Well, now I admit, I kind of like being friends with you, Victor, cheers!" The tense expression on Tony's face immediately relaxed.

It feels so good to fly in the sky.

Taste the mellow bourbon.

Watch the live version of the man-beast chase below.

Shouting cheers from time to time, he had a strange idea at this moment.

"I belong to the sky!!"

(End of this chapter)

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