Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 47 Finding Skull Island

Chapter 47 Finding Skull Island

The third day after Christmas.

The trip to Mystic Falls was interrupted.

Victor expressed great regret.

Because there are more important things to keep him.

A mercenary in strange clothes suddenly appeared.

Claiming to have news about the power stone, but you must talk to the client in person.

Compare priorities.

Victor chose the latter.

As for the serial murders in Mystic Falls, he asked Frank the Punisher to deal with it instead of him.

If the ecstasy messenger Frank can't handle it.

It's not too late to go again.

"Sir, please believe me, I have really seen this kind of glowing stone, as long as you give me 1000 million, no, 500 million dollars, I will take you to find it!"

"Sir, why don't you speak, is it because I didn't express clearly enough?"

"That's a mining area, no, no, no, I want to see the cash first, only green dollar bills can keep my young heart from suffering, please believe me, sir."

"No, I actually saw it, I swear to the damned God, no, no, no, it's a living God."

"100 million? No, no, sir, what a noble status you are, how can you say such a low price? In fact, 300 million can also be discussed."

"Okay, five million is five million."

"Is there a sample? No, no, no, I will take you to that magical place. Believe me, this world is not as simple as you seem on the surface." The chatter was a mercenary in a strange costume.

Yes, don't doubt it.

It's him, the man in the Marvel universe who is so cheap that the audience wants to beat him up across the screen.

Deadpool Wade.

A very very unreliable man.

Victor had a dark face.

Resisting the urge to snap his fingers and imprison the man in front of him in the underworld, he continued to listen to the long speech.

Death God Wade said: "Sir, do you not trust the integrity of a professional mercenary? Please believe me, I am a sincere and kind professional mercenary."


Victor stared at Deadpool Wade with twitching eyes, and said word by word: "I just want to know one thing, do you really know the whereabouts of the energy stone, don't try to deceive me, I can guarantee that even if you have With the super power of immortality, I will also make you regret living in this world!"

"Oh, Almighty God, this man is threatening me, my fragile heart is hurt, no no no, I have to pay more, no two hundred, no, 150 million, I will definitely not take you to find that damn Skull Island." Deadpool Wade, dressed like a circus clown, danced and danced, immediately attracting the curious eyes of the people around him.

Deadpool Wade fears nothing more than threats.

Immortal body is so awesome!
Of course he made a mistake with the person in front of him. If he had the idea of ​​deceiving, Victor would definitely teach him how to behave.

Aren't you immortal?

I can imprison you forever and ever.

It even suppresses you to the depths of the seabed, and you are under tens of thousands of tons of pressure all the time.

Let you be born again and again in pain and regret.

Victor doesn't want to fall out with Deadpool Wade at the moment.

His goal is only the energy stone.

All thoughts before then have to give way to this.

"Stop, stop, stop, I've convinced you, isn't it just money, I'll give you a deposit of 100 million dollars, and I'll give you another 200 million commissions after I find the power stone. I'll warn you one last time, don't lie to me!" Vik Said rich and powerful.

A few million dollars is just a drizzle to him, and things that can be solved with money are nothing.

Although usually he is very frugal.

"Oh no, don't you believe my reputation as Deadpool? You have to know that I value reputation more than life!"

"You can go out and inquire, well, what did you say? Are you willing to pay? This is the most exciting thing I heard today, dear Mr. Victor." The self-proclaimed Deadpool Wade said this From Victor's Chinese response, it can be seen how self-centered he is.

Victor's eyes flashed fiercely.

"When is the departure, sir, please believe that this is a long and passionate journey, yes, I mean my time is very precious." Deadpool Wade received a reminder that 100 million US dollars arrived, and he couldn't wait He wanted to set off to find Skull Island, his eyes were shining.

Victor spread his hands and said, the sooner the better!

The importance of power stones is unquestionable to him.

With the current growth rate of the source point, even if the curtain of Marvel's plot kicks off, it may not be able to be promoted to the second-tier system.

In order to upgrade as soon as possible, you must find power stones.

It is worth mentioning that.

Wade found that the location of the power stone was a small island.

And it is an unknown island in the Pacific Ocean.

Deadpool calls it Skull Island!
This is not good news.

"Okay, Deadpool Wade, I hope you're not wasting my time. If I find out that the power stone you mentioned is only fluorite, I will make you pay the price." Victor patted Wei De's shoulder, eyes full of warning.

Deadpool Wade shrugged with disapproval.

Such low-level threats have been commonplace in his life, but he didn't know that this time it was real.

A Quin-jet fighter plane belonging to SHIELD was temporarily requisitioned by Victor, although it was a bit suspected of private use of the public plane.

But does Nick Fury dare to say no?
Victor was very dissatisfied with the last friendship aid.

In order to appease Victor's dissatisfaction, the two parties renegotiated a cooperation method.

S.H.I.E.L.D. can get Victor to help.

But there has to be a price to pay.

For example, the remuneration for each task should not be less than one million US dollars.If the task is not completed.

Then naturally there will be no cost, so the two parties are now in a cooperative relationship.

As for the fighter call this time.

The right to subsidize the last mission funds.

Victor doesn't like losing money.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. has been trying to investigate the initiators behind the Guardians recently.

In order to prevent Victor from joining the Guardian Alliance, Nick Fury could only use all means to stabilize Victor.

If only Nick Fury knew.

The League of Guardians is Victor's handwriting.

I don't know if the black stewed egg will make the seven orifices smoke?
It is worth mentioning that.

After the Guardian Alliance publicly recruited heroes to join, it caused a lot of movement.

This is because the conditions offered by the alliance are really good.

There are five levels of heroes in the League, and the first level is open to open recruitment for folk heroes nationwide.

As long as you have a righteous heart and enough ability, you can get the title of primary hero.

Among them, even the lowest-level junior heroes have a guaranteed salary of [-] U.S. dollars per month.

As for other benefits.

For example, a monthly public-funded trip.

Free access to high-end residential areas.

There are also full medical insurance and pensions, as well as a life-long widow's welfare fund that can be obtained by passing the assessment.

All kinds of things.

It ignited an upsurge of grassroots heroes joining the entire Federation.

Just ask if you accept it!

That is to say, as long as you become a member of the guardian.

There is no need to think about money in this life, and your children and grandchildren are also considered.

In order to get more sources.

Victor was cruel this time, otherwise it would be impossible for Norman to formulate such a money-losing deal.

According to the latest report provided by Norman.

The number of members of the Guardian Alliance has expanded to double digits yesterday, including Frank the Punisher, Yuriko the Dead Girl, Daredevil, White Tiger Girl and so on.

It is said that a certain Iron Fist who studied art in Kunlun, China, and is now very active in Brooklyn, has also submitted an application for membership on the official website of the Guardian League.

The latter was occupied by the manager because of the family company.

Currently worrying about high legal fees.

The hero welfare of the Guardian Alliance brought him a ray of hope.

Well, the plot of Marvel has been messed up before it even started.

It's very Victor.

Quinjet fighter jets soar over the Pacific Ocean.

Deadpool Wade's chattering attribute broke out again.

Looking at the endless Pacific Ocean in front of him, Deadpool said with a guilty conscience: "God, I can be sure that Skull Island is near this coordinate, why is it gone?"

"Skull Island?" Victor's heart moved.

"Yes, sir, some people call it Skull Island. Believe me, that island really looks like a skull, and there are prehistoric monsters sealed inside!" Deadpool Wade, who was fearless, had a rare expression on his face. There was a look of fear.

It's incredible.

Victor was silent when he heard the words.

If the Skull Island mentioned by Deadpool Wade is the Skull Island where King Kong was bred in a certain movie.

It is really possible to have power stones on the island.

But Skull Island is isolated from the rest of the world.

Finding it is as difficult as reaching the sky. The most important thing is that Victor has long forgotten the plot of King Kong in his memory!

God knows where the male and female protagonists of the film King Kong are hiding in. Could it be that they have to wait for a few years!

Victor was not reconciled.

Some people may say, King Kong is such a classic movie, but you don't remember it?
Well, even if you've seen the movie.

After a few years, can you remember the company that found Skull Island in the movie?Do you remember the name of the heroine?

You're not a Teletubbies!

The one with built-in signal search.

Victor is currently in this awkward situation.

"It seems that the hope of finding Skull Island today is about to fail again." Deadpool Wade looked frustrated.

Flying at low altitude for three days in a row looking for Skull Island.

No matter how magnificent the ocean in front of you is, it will make you sick to your stomach.

Victor was thinking.

After a while, he said, "We're going to change the way."

Although the memory is fuzzy.

But Victor can be sure that if he looks for the legendary Skull Island in the sky, he may not have any hope of finding it for several years.

(End of this chapter)

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