Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 35 Victor's Rage

Chapter 35 Victor's Rage

"Who are you?" Victor asked.

The old man in the suit was quite graceful, bowed and said, "Sir, I think you are familiar with my surname."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay, I'm Rockefeller Seven!"

"Damn moth!"

Victor cursed secretly.

The cold gaze looked at the old man from top to bottom, and he could smell the greedy smell of this old man from a distance.

Rockefeller and the other two families are the most greedy people in the world.

Whether it's land or dollars.

Their greed is unimaginable.

Like medieval vampires.You don't even know where their bottom line is.

Now there is the temptation of rebirth and even eternal life.

How could the major forces headed by the Rockefeller family hold back.

They will think of all methods against you.

Until you bow your head and minister.

Whether it is in the military and political circles, or in the financial circles, or within the major religions.There are countless people in power led by the three major families.

So this creates the illusion that the three major families control the entire world.Yes, it is an illusion!
A true transcendent has never bothered to fight with ordinary people.

Like Kama Taj.

Don't think that only Kama Taj has magicians on this earth, it can only mean that you have shallow knowledge.

In Italy, in France, in England, and even in ancient China, they all have their own supernatural circles.

Ordinary people have no access to all this.

And Rockefeller is one of the toads who sit in a well and watch the sky, self-righteously in control of everything.

"That is to say, you sent Clarice?" Victor tried to calm himself down, but the sharp eyes betrayed him, and the atmosphere in the club had frozen at this moment.

The wrath of the Lord of Death is burning.

This kind of anger is not something ordinary people can bear!
"No, it's not like that." Seven retorted: "You are voluntary, aren't you? No one can force you to have a super-friendship with a beautiful lady."

"You are courting death!"

Victor's eyes were red, and a murderous aura broke out uncontrollably.


The terrifying thought power surged forward like an overwhelming mountain.

The end has come!
The destructive power fell on Seven, tearing Seven's body to pieces in just an instant.

Accompanied by Victor's anger.

The endless power began to vent, and the buildings of the entire manor were shattered.

The medium mind power ability already has amazing destructive power!

What's more, there are eighteen flying swords that are indestructible!
"Puff, puff"

Heads soared into the sky.

With death coming, screaming and cursing are no longer enough to appease Victor's anger, and even the souls of these people will be imprisoned for eternity!
This is the fate of calculating Victor.

God's to God, death to Victor!

In the dark prison.

Victor sat in the hall of judges with an indifferent face.

Kneeling in the Hall of Judges was Rockefeller Seven and a group of panic-stricken subordinates.

At this moment, they have great fear in their hearts.

Death did not bow their heads.

But the place where the soul came after death made them truly understand how stupid their previous behavior was!

"God, have you abandoned your people?" At this moment, Seven could no longer maintain his aristocratic restraint. Seeing Victor sitting high in the hall, the fear deep in his heart made him tremble. At the same time deeply sad for the family.

What kind of terrifying existence did the family provoke.

The man in front of him is the master of death.

It's the aloof Satan!
How dare they, how can they!

"In other words, you want to use my blood to find the mystery of eternal life?" Victor sneered, this is simply a group of idiots, do you really think your power comes from genes?

"Yes, sir, no, the great master." Seven said in cold sweat: "Our clan elders believe that you can give them the power to restore youth, so the children who inherit your blood have a certain chance of mastering this talent. "

"woo woo woo woo.!"

A chilly wind howled in the palace of judges.

Victor with an indifferent face showed a cruel smile, waved his hand and slammed Seven and his party against the wall, causing blood from the mouth and nose of each soul body.

But in the underworld, the soul is not easy to die.

A silent torture began.

The many ghost soldiers watching trembled.

After a while, Victor stopped and said, "Tell me the whereabouts of Clarice and all the strongholds of your Rockefeller family."

"No, Master, I can't."


"Ah, I said, I said, don't burn it anymore!"

The terrifying lethality of the soul fire made Seven extremely painful, under the two options of betraying the family and enduring endless torture.

As long as a normal person will know how to choose.

Even if you have backbone, so what, in the black prison, there are countless ways to deal with people with backbone!
Death belongs to Victor.

As long as your soul stays alive, don't even think about escaping from Victor's Five Fingers Mountain.

After Victor left the prison, he went straight to New York.

According to Seven's confession, Clarice and the saber-toothed tiger Victor took the earliest flight to New York.

No one could have imagined that Victor, who was a mutant, would cooperate with the Rockefeller family.

No one would have thought that Clarice would become a victim of cooperation between the two parties.

Yes, it is a victim!
Clarice is unwilling to serve a strange man, let alone trade her precious first time.

But Werther threatened with his own life.

Well, a mutant with an immortal body, are you sure this isn't a joke?
It can only be said that Clarice knows too little about her adoptive father, the saber-toothed tiger Victor.

As for why the saber-toothed tiger cooperated with the Rockefeller family, this is an old story, so let's not mention it.

new York
Victor returned to the castle in a very unhappy mood.

He missed it.

An hour before he arrived, the Rockefeller family was gone, leaving no clues behind!
Victor was stunned by this reaction speed.

At the same time, a person who surprised Victor came to the castle manor.The person who came was Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hand over Clarice, this is my bottom line!" Victor looked indifferent.

Nick Fury is here to be a peacemaker.

The latter hopes that Victor can stop at Clarice's matter, after all, no matter how you look at it, it is not a man who suffers.

Nick sat on the sofa and heard Victor who refused without hesitation, and said in a helpless tone: "Victor, you have to know that the Rockefeller family is a terrifying existence that you can't even imagine. Are capital giants going to war? For a beautiful misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding, are you sure this is a misunderstanding?" Victor's eyes flashed fiercely, and he stood up suddenly and said firmly: "Director Nick, from now on, I, Victor Hugo, officially declare war on the Rockefeller family. I want them Pay the blood price for your stupid actions!"

"Fuck!" Nick Fury's eyes turned cold, he stood up suddenly and shouted: "You are challenging the order of the world!"

"Are you putting money on their faces?!"

Victor sneered, pointed at the door and said, "If Rockefeller represents the so-called order, then very well, I, Victor, represent destruction!"

"Honorable Director Nick, please take your capital backstage out of my sight. I can guarantee that once I make a move in person, no matter what backhand you have, you will die!" Victor turned his face.

Each has its own bottom line, and the behavior of the Rockefeller family has completely detonated his anger!

"Impulse can't solve anything!" Nick obviously didn't expect Victor to act so irrationally because of a woman.

In his opinion, this is simply nonsense.

Besides, even if you have a one-night stand, you may not be able to conceive a child, why don't you make such a big fuss.

Black Braised Dan's heart is broken, he just came to be a peacemaker, okay?

"Slow down!" Victor waved his hand and turned around.

Like to be a father?
Absolutely does not exist!

He's not irresponsible Magneto.

Even if there is no emotion, it is impossible for one's own child to be used as a guinea pig by others.

This is challenging a man's bottom line.

It also challenges the traditional morality of a Chinese.

"I hope you stay sane!" Nick Fury said.

He has done his best.

In fact, Nick Fury is also very dissatisfied with the Rockefeller family.

You said that even if you ask for peace, you have to show your sincerity.

Seeing the Rockefeller family's strong support for S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past, Nick Fury didn't mind making this trip.

But you actually used US dollars to sue a world-class new top ten rich man, are you slapping your face in the face? !
The kind that hurts!

Victor has no shortage of money!

Even people all over the world know that the second largest shareholder of Osborne Industries is not short of money!
And where did Rockefeller have the confidence to think that Victor would be able to bow his head if his family offered an olive branch?
I'm afraid it's not Shi Lezhi!

Nick Fury left Victor's manor with a rage in his heart, dialed the private number of the Rockefeller family patriarch on the way back, and relayed Victor's words without any emotion.

"Mr. Mark, I can calm down the matter by handing Clarice to Victor within three days. If not, please bear the consequences. Don't forget his title, he is Deathwalker!" After disconnecting the phone, Nick Fury glanced at the castle manor that disappeared from sight behind him.

He cursed severely.

"Mommy Fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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