Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 34 Bad Situation

Chapter 34 Bad Situation
Waking up at noon the next day.

Seeing the messy scene in front of him, Victor's eyes widened. What happened yesterday? !

Damn, he was drunk!

There is only a touch of bright red blood left in the memory.

"What happened?" Victor on the big bed stared at the bright red blood on the sheet and a piece of lingerie left behind with an ugly face.

There is also a girly body fragrance on the underwear!
Could it be last night? !

My God, oh no, God doesn't exist!
Victor was dumbfounded, he actually made a principled mistake, which was fatal!

the most important is.

Last night might have been a girl's first night.Damn it, how could I do such a messy thing?
Victor got up and left the hotel as soon as possible, and rushed to the bar to find the whereabouts of the girl.

He's not a scumbag, and he won't admit it even if he dies!

"What? You said that there is no Asian woman named Clarice in the employee file?" Victor's eyes straightened, and this answer gave him a bad feeling!

Could it be that someone is plotting against him?
Trying to remember what happened last night.

Victor twitched inwardly.Even if I have an extra heart, I can still find the girl's weird behavior and the eyes she looks at the bar time and time again!
Girls are forced!
Even in the end, the girl held the hope of leaving.

"Yes, sir, we really don't have any information you want." The head of the bar spread his hands and was helpless.

"Okay!" Victor took a deep breath, with rage in his eyes.

Who is going to plot against himself?
A small bar owner would never dare to deceive Victor who took out his FBI ID.In the United States, the deterrence of the FBI is amazing, unless you are a terrorist.

That said, the bar owner wasn't lying.

Clarice is not a waitress at this bar, so why should she approach herself?

What do you want to get from yourself?
It shouldn't be, the appearance of a girl.

It definitely has something to do with mutants. Green pupils are a dominant symbolic pupil color of the x gene.

The most important thing is that Victor remembers the participation of a certain actress in the X-Men series.

"It's Charles? Impossible, who is Clarice related to? Well, I didn't pay attention at all!" Victor shook his head to keep himself awake.

Victor was very angry and stepped into the dimension of the underworld.

But soon Victor hesitated again.

Do I really need to ask Professor X for help with this matter?
It seems a bit inelegant to say it out, if the emotionally unstable Qin finds out, it will definitely cause another wave of trouble.

"Forget it, let's stay in San Francisco and take a look." Victor recalled the memory of the X-Men in his mind, and locked his target on a mutant similar to Wolverine.

Saber-toothed tiger Victor!

In the original book, Victor is Blink's adoptive father, and Blink is Clarice's code name.

Blinking Clarice with teleportation ability!

If it is not for the effect of alcohol.

Victor will never be deceived by her clumsy lies, let alone have a relationship with a woman in a daze.

Damn alcohol!
At this moment Victor wanted to drink again.

"Damn it, I'm quitting drinking!" Victor tried to forget the taste of bourbon.

But the wine worm in his stomach was just about to move.

Well, quitting alcohol isn't easy.

"Hi, Natasha!" Victor dialed the internal number of S.H.I.E.L.D. to contact the widow. The only helper he can think of is S.H.I.E.L.D. besides Charles.

"Why, respectable Mr. Vice President, will you also think of such a small person like me? Or is there anything I can do for you?" Natasha joked on the phone.

Natasha is very envious of Victor, who has become one of the top ten richest people in the United States.

Victor said blankly: "Natasha, I do need your help with something. Have you heard of the saber-toothed tiger Victor? I need to find out his whereabouts!"

"Saber-toothed tiger? Are you sure it's him? This is a difficult character." Natasha didn't immediately refuse on the phone.

There seems to be a play.

"Yes, he was involved in some bad things." Victor tried to calm himself down.

No matter who is behind to make plans to deal with him, I must find him out and give him a severe lesson.

When did the death master become a breeder?
Although everything was wonderful last night.

But that's on the premise of your willingness!

Victor is a man of principle.

"Okay, give me 10 minutes." After speaking, Natasha hung up the phone. No matter what purpose Victor had, the two belonged to the same organization.

And the top executives of S.H.I.E.L.D. attach great importance to Victor.

If it wasn't for the fact that Mare Frank Xia didn't have the confidence to control Victor in a short period of time, how could Victor be a peripheral agent with his ability, and he might even enter the decision-making level.

in a certain series.

Shockwave girl became the director of SHIELD, which shows that SHIELD does not exclude superpowers.

She should help this no matter what!
Eight minutes later the communicator rang.

"Victor appeared at the Strength and Life Club in San Francisco three days ago. It is not clear who he had contact with." Natasha's tone was a little surprised.

Victor is one of the most dangerous mutants, and he can easily enter the core area of ​​the United States.

This is gross malfeasance.

Is it understandable that the mutant forces headed by Victor can easily enter Washington?

"Strength and life?" Victor sneered, hung up the phone, called a taxi and went straight to the club.

Knowing the destination is not afraid of not being able to find people.

The big deal is to push all the way across, as long as you find a little clue, can you hide it with the temper of a saber-toothed tiger?

Unless the other party is sure that he dare not act rashly.

Where does the courage come from?Victor wanted to ask.

The Strength and Life Club is located in the suburbs, which is a remote place.Along the way, the taxi driver complained more than once that he took a bad job.

After reaching the destination.

Victor threw ten Franklin cards to make the driver shut up obediently, and the latter even praised him repeatedly.

In the wicked capitalist society, money is omnipotent.

What appeared in front of him was a manor.

There are guards patrolling outside the manor.

In the dark, there are secret whistles watching the surroundings.

"Come to the right place."

Victor, who discovered the secret whistle, immediately identified this place, and it was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Otherwise, why arrange a dark whistle.

You are a club okay!
"Sir, this is a private club, no one is allowed to enter without an invitation." The guard stopped Victor.

Victor sneered, and slapped the guard unconscious, and the alarm in the manor sounded, it was a secret whistle.

"Catch the intruder!"

"bang bang bang"

Rows of heavily armed guards appeared.

Seeing Victor's figure, he couldn't help opening the safety of the gun in his hand, and shot him without even saying hello.

"God, is he a monster?"

"No, he's a mutant!"

"Notify the security director!"

"It's too late!" Victor sneered.

Without even looking at the bullet that disappeared instantly after entering his body, he shot it out in a ball of thought force, no guards could resist this force.

"bang bang bang"

In the blink of an eye, the guards fell all over the manor.

Before finding out the ins and outs of the matter.

Victor didn't want to go on a killing spree.

He is always a human being, not a demon.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" Victor looked up at the monitor not far away with cold eyes.

Really think that I have a bad temper!
I'm afraid you don't understand the horror of the master of death!
"Mr. Victor, please calm down."

Just when Victor wanted to move further.

The door of the club opened, and an old man in a suit and leather shoes came out.

(End of this chapter)

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