Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 180 Saber-toothed Tiger

Chapter 180 Saber-toothed Tiger

"Oh no!"


The entire surface of the sea was dug into a deep hole by the handprints that fell from the sky, and the terrifying waves turned into shocking waves.

At this time, the saber-toothed tiger Victor was dying and unconscious in the depths of the sea.As for his companion Yax.

A mutant with shape-shifting abilities has been torn to shreds by horrific psychic powers.

Victor's body plummeted, and the rushing sea water was repelled the moment it met him.

After beckoning, the suitcase held by the saber-toothed tiger Victor fell into Victor's hands.

This is the only surviving item from that palm just now.

Victor's thoughts deliberately avoided it.

Because once the elements inside are leaked out, the sea area with a radius of a hundred miles will become a restricted area for life.

This is a very dangerous element.

Throw it into the underworld world and put it together with the finished god element to wait for disposal.Victor looked at the saber-toothed tiger.

The saber-toothed tiger is indeed a man who survived World War II, and his strong self-healing ability has barely opened his eyes.

He saw Victor!
"Aren't you missing?" The saber-toothed tiger Victor's eyes widened, and the panic in his eyes proved that he knew the man of his adopted daughter Clarice very well.

Victor is the last person in the mutant world to offend.

It's a recognized thing.

Because Victor personally facilitated the kingdom of mutants!
Offending Victor is tantamount to offending the entire mutant nation, and all mutants will regard him as a public enemy!

Sabertooth doesn't want to be openly hostile to Victor.

Even if the adopted daughter Clarice was kidnapped, it was after confirming that Victor was missing.That deal was a disgrace to Saber Toothed Tiger.

He wants to bring back his adopted daughter Clarice all the time.

But with more and more legends about Victor, the saber-toothed tiger knew that he and his adopted daughter Clarice would never have a chance to meet again, which made him very unwilling.

It so happened that one day.

He met Rivakaji the Black Queen, leader of Hellfire's inner circle.Black Queen Reva told Saber Tooth Tiger that there is a magical element that can make mutants stronger.

The saber-toothed tiger joined the inner circle organization and obtained the right to use the first batch of god elements.

He is a person who injects the god element himself!


Unexpectedly, the recovery speed of the saber-toothed tiger was so amazing, and he suddenly rushed up under Victor's surprised gaze.


The saber-toothed tiger's eyes widened, looking at his sharp bone claws, he doubted his life for a moment!
Did he hit the iron wall with that claw just now?

Why is Victor in front of him unscathed, and there is no claw mark left in the torn clothes on his chest.

Victor's expression was also a little surprised. He was sure that his immortal body had not been activated, which meant that he resisted the fatal blow of the saber-toothed tiger with the most basic physical strength!
Is this the divine power that Maot gave him?


Victor snapped his fingers.

Immediately, the astonished saber-toothed tiger was imprisoned, and then thrown into the underworld to be imprisoned.

"You should be glad you have a good daughter!" Victor muttered to himself, and then disappeared in place.

Time to head to Georgia again.

Thinking of Elena who was taken away by the ancient one, Victor's eyes suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

If he is strong enough.

And who can take his woman away from him?
Although Elena is not Victor's woman.

at the same time.

The system prompt sounded in Victor's ears, and after three days of waiting, the underworld system was finally upgraded.

"Ding, the system has been upgraded successfully, and the authority has been elevated. Please check the authority content by the host."

Entering the underworld, Victor lost his mind for a moment.

what's the situation!
Why is the underworld dark?

No, why is it dark in the underworld?

Victor looked up and saw a bright moon.

The cold light from the bright moon covered the earth with a layer of frost. At this moment, the world seemed to be different.

Victor is not the only one who has this mentality at this moment.

All the creatures in the underworld are looking at the sky.

That bright moon gave all life in this world a sense of belonging.

Before this.

There is only daytime in the underworld world, there is no night!
Victor saw a coastline appear on the other side of the sea.Behind the coastline is a whole new continent.

The area of ​​the new continent is more than ten times larger than the land where the mutant nation is located.

And at the end of the line of sight.

There is also endless darkness shrouded.

The underworld is a plane whose limits cannot be predicted for the time being.

Even Victor is not sure whether the world under his feet exists in the form of a planet.

The universe is full of wonders and everything!

In the vast starry sky, it is not only composed of star-like land.For example, Xingjue's father is a living planet and can change his appearance.

Who can guarantee that the underworld world is not alive?
At the same time, the eighteen layers of hell opened up another three layers.

Along with the previous three levels of hell, Victor has the authority to use the six levels of hell.

Correspondingly, the theocracy has also improved.

Previously, the only priesthoods that Victor could bestow were Ferryman, Enchanter of Souls, Guardian of Hell, and so on.After the upgrade, you get a third-level theocracy.

Level [-] divine authority can grant more powerful priesthoods.

Hellbringer and Lightbringer!
The messenger of hell corresponds to the eighteen levels of hell.

Every level of hell has a messenger who walks the world.

What the messenger has mastered is the power of divine punishment in the hell.

For example, the envoy of Tongue Pulling Hell can display the irresistible Tongue Pulling Illusion.

Opponents in the fantasy world will be punished by pulling out their tongues again and again.

Until the soul collapses and is swallowed by the hell where the messenger is.

Thinking about it makes me shiver with cold.

The two of them were fighting well, and suddenly one of them's tongue was pulled out forcefully, and it happened again and again.

Victor's eyes trembled slightly.

Fortunately, this power has an upper limit.

For example, it is impossible to pull out the tongue of an Omega-level enemy in the hallucinations cast by the beta-level hell messengers, and forcibly casting the illusions may even cause backlash.

Unless the strength of the two sides is not much different.

even so.

Opening the God's Punishment Illusion will also consume a lot of divine power.

In the underworld god system, divine power is the original power.

Its counterpart is the Lightbringer.

There are two types of Lightbringers.

One is the day and the other is the month.

Angels derive their power from the sun.

As long as there is sun, you can resurrect infinitely.

And it has unimaginable power beyond ordinary people, just like a weakened version of Superman, and it is an undead Xiaoqiang version of Superman.Just ask if you are disgusting!

The Moon Envoy is an elf of the night, whose power comes from the moon. He dedicates his faith to the Lord of Death, and will comprehend various mysterious and unpredictable spells from the darkness.

At the same time, the second envoy of the sun and the moon and the envoy of hell are also disseminators of faith.After the transformation, with the messenger as the starting point, all dead lives within a radius of ten kilometers will be guided to the underworld.

In other words, Victor will not be the only humanoid coordinate in the underworld in the future.

Victor was greatly relieved by this.

At the same time, Victor can also place three coordinates to open the gate of hell at any place.

With the gate of hell as the radius, all undead within a hundred kilometers will be guided to the underworld.

This is very different from the previous fixed portal.

The fixed portal can only lead to the surface world, and cannot enter the black prison, let alone hell.

No, it's not the Black Prison. After the upgrade, the scope of the Black Prison has expanded tenfold, and it has become a quaint oriental ancient city, and its name is Fengdu.

Fengdu ghost town.

This is the ashram of Emperor Fengdu in oriental mythology.

It is rumored that Emperor Fengdu is the highest god in the underworld, and there are five ghost emperors and ten hall kings sitting on his seat.

It's just that Victor only got the dojo, without the emperor's inheritance, and he didn't have the emperor's theocracy.

This is the castrated hell!

Victor felt very sorry.

It is worth mentioning that.

The gates of hell have a self-awareness, you can think of it as a projection of the will of death.

Undead favored by the gates of hell.

Can become an apostle of hell.

The apostles are immortal.

Moreover, immunity to damage from demons is specifically aimed at wraiths, evil spirits, and special beings that cannot be summoned by the underworld. For example, ghost knights belong to the business scope of the apostles of hell.And the future will be the key task target.

It is worth mentioning that.

Hell Angel and Hellbringer are not directly related.

It must be said.

It can only be said that the apostle of hell can only be transformed by the undead.Hellbringer has no limit.

Except for the new theocracy.

Victor gets a third upgrade perk.

Believe in supernatural powers!
A magical spell that forces others to believe in themselves.

Buddhism calls it Duhua!
"It seems that I am really more suitable to be a magic stick." Victor felt the mystery of the Faith Technique, and his eyes fell on the half-finished Destroyer on the Flame Mountain.


Is it a good choice to let the Destroyer be a magic stick?

(End of this chapter)

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