Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 179 God Element

Chapter 179 God Element

Well, Victor said he was a little bit overwhelmed.

Compared with Huang Qianqian.

Qinglian's aura was perfect and pure, and the latter did not conspire with Wu Jun, which was why Qinglian and Zheng Xian appeared at the hotel last night.

Qinglian had already handed over all the matter to Zheng Xian who came to Shanghai for inspection.

Jung Hyun is a charismatic leader.

That night, someone was sent to capture Wu Jun.

"The core circle of Hellfire?" Victor complained inwardly. It seems that the inertia of the Marvel universe is still irresistible.

In the end, Miss Polaris was still imprisoned by the Hellfire Inner Circle organization.By the way, Clarice doesn't seem to be the Asian Korean in the TV series, why can't she escape her own fate?

Damn the will of the universe!
Victor was angry.

Looking at Wu Jun's eyes also became unfriendly.

These nonsense things are caused by the dwarf winter melon less than 1.5 meters in front of me.

Bald heads and short winter melons are not good things!

For the god elements that were secretly seized.

Victor wisely chose not to mention it, and planned to complete this "deal" by himself.

He was looking forward to seeing Victor see his expression.

But money can't be less.

20 billion US dollars fell into the pocket of the short winter melon in front of him, looking at Wu Jun's height.

Victor understood why the former was so persistent in wanting to create a divine body.

By the way, do you know how to transfer your soul?

An idiot who takes it for granted!
This is the domain dominated by death, do you think you are a demigod-level mutant Apocalypse?

Victor looked at Zheng Xian, his expression self-evident.

I don't kill people, but you have to give me back the money!

A dying person is afraid of getting his hands dirty.

And this is in China.

Victor isn't so arrogant that he's going to kill people here, and say a set of bullshit that no one can keep the person I'm going to kill.

The kind of brainless protagonists are often living in their own world and have never seen the world.

people live.

It is a circle and a society.

It is an organizational structure, you have offended everyone, do you think others will not retaliate?

Unless you are a nanny every day, or the friends around you are all supermen who can't be killed.

Well, the scumbag Miris is not.

Zheng Xian put forward the terms of exchange with a helpless face, 20 billion US dollars is not a small number, and this money should be compensated by Huang Liqi.

It is legally so.

"You mean my money is gone just like that?" Victor's eyes widened. At worst, he sold all the auxiliary elements purchased in Wu Jun's laboratory.

He didn't believe he couldn't get a fortune back.

Zheng Xian shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Those auxiliary elements have all been finished products, and now Huang Liqi has become an idiot again, no one can find out the whereabouts of the one hundred grams of finished god elements."

Well, Victor closed his mouth wisely.

Victor left the magic city base of the Shenspear Bureau, and Qinglian went directly to the mutant world to treat Mili.

Everything is going in a good direction.Victor isn't worried about Lorna and Clarice's safety.

Because long before going to the Sahara Desert.

Victor left an original seed on the second daughter. As long as the second daughter's life is in danger, the original seed will send them to the underworld.

Victor's only worry is that the Hellfire organization will torture the second daughter, which he cannot bear, and if this happens, he promises to bloodbath Hellfire!

Georgia is not China.

In the United States, the treatment of mutants has always been bad!

If you kill a mutant who endangers social order, the top government officials will give you a wreath and a medal.

This is completely different from the national conditions of Huaguo.

Back at the hotel, Mockingbird Barbara sat on the sofa with a resentful expression on her face. There were a pile of empty wine bottles on the ground.

This day, Barbara felt terrible.

This is the country of Hua, the world of the yellow race.

Barbara is a Caucasian.

And it is a big tall man of more than 1.8 meters, and it is as eye-catching as a benchmark when going out.

Just ask in this case.

How does Barbara track down Victor's whereabouts?

It's not like she hasn't tried it!
She walked out the door in less than 3 minutes.

Without exception, the agents of the Spear Bureau will appear, and they can't be shaken off, as disgusting as brown sugar.


Barbara admits that this country is not for her.

So Barbara could only drink away her sorrows in her room.

Fortunately, after the last drop of wine was drunk.

Victor appeared.

"Oh, Victor, I miss you so much." Barbara threw herself on Victor and began to kiss, the strong masculine breath made her completely intoxicated and out of control.

Victor is passive, he sure is!

Poor Li Yan in the next room suffered from insomnia again.

Nothing in the night

Early the next morning, without telling everyone, Victor came to a small port in Shanghai. This was the place where Huang Liqi and the saber-toothed tiger Victor agreed to trade the second batch of divine elements.

The first batch of God Elements was brought back to Georgia by Victor a month ago, and the effect was astonishing.

The god element is an element like no other.

Not only ordinary people wearing it for a long time can induce x gene.

Even if the mutants carry the god element on their body, they can still allow their own x genes to continue to evolve into growth.

It's incredible!

It's a pity that if mutants are injected with divine elements, they will be no different from ordinary people, and their genes will also be in danger of collapse. Otherwise, this element will create a group of super-powerful mutants.

Even so.

The core circle of Hellfire also has an unimaginable attachment to the mysterious god element, and even searched for a batch of core raw materials of the god element at all costs, so that Victor once again came to Huaguo to trade with Huang Liqi.

When the time came to eight o'clock in the morning, a yacht appeared on the sea, and Victor, who had been hiding in the sky, showed a cruel smile.

Saber-toothed tiger Victor!

A man who has always been missed by Victor!

Victor's expression was very serious at this time.

Hundreds of years of killing gave him an instinctive warning of danger. At this moment, he was sweating coldly on the yacht, even though the cold wind on the sea was bone-piercing!
"Damn, what's going on, why do I have a very bad feeling when I enter this sea area?" Victor, holding the suitcase in his hand, watched the coastline getting closer and closer vigilantly. Huang Liqi, a yellow man who had met once, had only scattered workers on the pier.

The saber-toothed tiger Victor with his pupils constricted looked at his companion driving the yacht and asked, "Ax, have you noticed anything unusual?"

"Hey, Victor, you are too careful. That yellow man will never dare to play tricks. He needs the raw material of the god element provided by us. This element is contraband in their country." It was a little uncomfortable to have his eyes squinted on his face.

"No, no, no, turn your head, turn your head immediately, let's leave this sea area!" The saber-toothed tiger Victor suddenly shouted, because the sense of crisis had made his heart almost stop.


Suddenly a palm print fell from the sky. This is an incomparably huge Buddha's hand print, which has the power to destroy the world.

(End of this chapter)

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