Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 136 Tenderness in the Night

Chapter 136 Tenderness in the Night
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New Orleans nights are simple and passionate.

There are all kinds of people in the streets and alleys, and occasionally even a few enthusiastic gypsy girls appear, which makes Victor feel overwhelmed.

Now the wine worm is still sleeping on its stomach.

Once the wine bug awakens, Victor takes the initiative more than anyone else.

Well, this is the inevitable greed phase of every man who has enjoyed it.Victor was never a Madonna whore.

He is a true modernist successor.

I assure you, this is taught by primary school teachers.

The most indispensable thing in every city is the bar, and the bar is the place that best embodies the culture of a city.

Accompanied by Marcel.

Victor walked into a restaurant called Tender Under the Night.

It's actually a tavern.

Do you believe it was Marcel who took the literary name?

"Sir, this is the best bourbon I can find." Marcel said in the bar with a tangled face, taking a bottle of bourbon from the waiter whose stickers had already turned yellow.

Bourbon is just the most common wine.

It is equivalent to Chunqing and Yanjing.

Bourbon is also a type of whiskey.

Just like baijiu has the difference between Wuliangye and Moutai.

The most famous bourbons are Scottish bourbon and native American bourbon, and Victor likes the latter.

By the way, why does Victor like bourbon?
In fact, there is a reason for this. It was a dark and stormy night.Miris slipped back from a black supermarket with two bottles of bourbon and a hot dog.

Does Shun Liu mean need to explain?

Well, just steal.

Miris has a broken pinkie, and a thirsty Victor finishes his bourbon and hot dogs before realizing it.

At the time, Miris said, "Oh, that's the price of two bourbons and a hot dog. It's worth it, isn't it? At least you won't be starving to death in this goddamn rotten building."

Victor cried for the first time, for a weeping man who took him in. At that time, he said: "I only drink this bourbon in my life, to remember your kindness."

"Oh shit, all I've ever liked in my life is Scotch, bourbon is so sour," Miris said, laughing.

Victor's heart warmed that night.

So for more than half a year, no matter how much trouble Miris got into, Victor helped to cover it up, even if he fell in love with the mistress of a gangster.

Victor said: "He is my brother, you can kill him, but I will make Hell's Kitchen a pure land on earth."

Well, God damn the pure land on earth, isn't it just to clean up the gangsters, why are you talking so politely.

So from then on, Miris lived a very nourishing life.

"Thank you, you are very charismatic, Marcel." Victor said with a smile, opened the bourbon, and a sour smell rushed into his nose, that's it.

After taking a bite of bourbon, my body immediately warmed up. The temperature difference between the north and the south of Migo is huge. New York is already more than ten degrees Celsius. There was a snowfall in New Orleans a few days ago.

"That girl is nice." Marcel followed Victor's eyes, and the charisma made a sincere smile appear on his face, and he went to invite the girl on his own initiative.

Well, it's very general, I like it.

The girl walked over with a glass of wine, with a shy smile on her face, and said, "Hi, sir, I'm Susan, and welcome to New Orleans."

"Hello, I'm Victor. It's an honor to meet you, Miss Susan." Victor held out his hand to Susan, very soft and soft.

Well, Victor gave Marcel a look.

Experience it yourself.

Marcel drank bourbon blissfully, and it was an unimaginable honor for him to be encouraged by the true god.

This should be thanks to Nicklaus' brainwashing.

Now the vampires in New Orleans treat Victor with a praising God attitude.

"You are beautiful, Miss Sophie." Victor said.

The Sophie in front of her did have a different taste.

Sophie is a gypsy girl.

But there are no messy pendants on her body, but a fresh and refined beauty.

Anyway, it is very beautiful and good!
"Thank you for your compliment." Every girl likes to hear compliments, and Sophie is no exception.

Then Nicklaus came in.

"Sir, are you satisfied with tonight's bourbon? This is Marcel's tavern, I like it very much." Nicklaus sat next to Victor and glanced at Marcel.

Marcel bowed his head.

Nicklaus is not an idiot. Although Marcel is his disciple, this disciple has a criminal record.

"Beautiful lady, can I have a drink?" Nicklaus said, raising his glass.

"Of course, sir." Sophie took a sip.

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Nicklaus a little differently.

Victor had a dark face.

He remembered who the familiar Sophie was.

Isn't it the girl who is fatefully connected with the pregnant woman Hayley in the Nicklaus family?The gladiator among the witches, Marcel's comrades against Nicklaus in the later period.

At the same time, because of the rules set by Marcel in the early stage, witches in New Orleans cannot practice witchcraft, so Sophie now only has the blood of witches and does not know any witchcraft.

If it was just Marcel, Sophie might have resisted and struggled, but the intervention of the ancestor family has completely driven the witches of New Orleans into a desperate situation.

Facing the vampire gods who even the witch gods have to temporarily avoid the edge, the witch can only hide in bed and cry and curse secretly.

"Sophie, can you show me your witchcraft?" Victor said suddenly, this sentence made Marcel and Nicklaus suddenly change their expressions, they didn't realize that Sophie was a witch!
"How could you!" Sophie's eyes widened, and she looked at Marcel and Nicklaus tremblingly.

She didn't want to die, and she secretly learned witchcraft in New Orleans, and the end was death, without exception for a witch.

This is a forbidden place for witches.

Victor took a sip of bourbon, put his strong palm on Sophie's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, witches in New Orleans can learn witchcraft from today on."

"Am i right?"

Victor glanced at Marcel.

Marcel's forehead suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and he nodded tremblingly and said, "Yes, my lord, your will is the will of God, and you can dominate everything."

Sophie's eyes widened in disbelief.

He looked at Marcel, who was pale.

He looked at the helpless Nicklaus again.

At this moment, the image of Victor magnified infinitely in Susan's young mind.

"Okay sir, I can only do simple witchcraft." Sophie said cautiously, and saw her chanting cumbersome and complicated spells under the gaze of everyone. After a while, Victor's wine glass moved a little bit, Yes, to the left.

The corner of Victor's mouth twitched, is this witchcraft?
"Sorry, sir, my magic power has dried up." Sophie looked desperate, and she felt that she had missed a great opportunity.

Victor glanced at Marcel and said, "Are you sure you don't want to bring your little girl who is hidden in the golden house? In fact, some things don't need to be so complicated, trust me!"

Victor didn't come to the theater.

Not to mention that he will not participate in the bloody drama of Nicklaus and Marcel's disciples. In his opinion, problems that can be solved in one episode should not be delayed for one season!
A problem that can be solved in one season.

Are you sure you won't get beaten if you delay for six or seven seasons?
Victor's fist hurts.

A mere harvest ceremony dedicated to the witch god.

It is simply a crime to cause so many human tragedies and comedies and sacrifice so many girls.

Lori is an angel, and Victor has the responsibility to protect.

Marcel hesitated for only a second under Victor's gaze, then nodded and said, "Yes, my lord."

Marcel has no right to choose, nor the right to resist, he can only pin his hope on Victor.

Nicklaus was silent.

Tonight's events were out of his control, and he was no longer sure what the situation would turn out to be.

"Nicklaus, is your vision only limited to this small city?" Victor asked while drinking bourbon.

On the side is Sophie with a cute face.

Facing the irresistible Victor, the latter chose to be as obedient as a cat.

Well, damn capitalism.

(End of this chapter)

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