Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 135 New Orleans

Chapter 135 New Orleans
Things in the small town come to an end.

Victor didn't have anything to do with Daisy, he just slept with his arms around him.

Believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway.

This is the way of life of Europeans and Americans.

After leaving the town.

Victor went to the stronghold of vampires.

New Orleans, Louisiana.

This is an invitation from the original vampire Nicklaus.

New Orleans is said to have been taken by Nicklaus.

Taken over from his protégé Marcel.

The fighter plane takes off.

Accompanied by Coulson's resentment.

Obsessed with the disappearance of the wreckage of the Destroyer, Victor has come to an eye-catching harbor city.

"Master, my brother Nicklaus has prepared the freshest delicacies for you." Rebecca said with a smile, the beautiful long dress set her off perfectly, like a beautiful princess in a fairy tale, but this princess is blood-sucking .

By the way, there are quite a few women.

The maid was only Rebecca.

Victor rolled his eyes: "Rebecca, don't tell me it's human blood, or I'll put you all in confinement."

Rebecca shrank her neck when she heard this.

Before because of her excessive indulgence.

He was thrown into a small dark room for a whole day and night.

Damn it, there's no light, no sound, and even the air is extremely thin, it's hell, okay?
Yes, hell indeed!

Although it was true that Rebecca was a vampire, she was no different from a normal human being after becoming a Guardian Angel. This dark environment made her very uncomfortable and painful.

Some people may ask, don't vampires often lie in coffins, why are they afraid of the dark?
Hell, that's a case of sleeping, okay!
Open your eyes and face the darkness!

New Orleans Airport.

More than a dozen black luxury cars have been waiting for a long time.

When the Blackbird fighter plane landed at the airport, family members headed by Nicklaus came forward one after another.

"Master, welcome to my city, beautiful New Orleans!" Nicklaus said excitedly.

A noble salute was performed in public.

This scene fell in the eyes of many followers behind him, and each of them looked at Victor with suspicion.

Who in the end can make the king of New Orleans do this great gift?

Disciple Marcel bowed his head deeply.

There was something called ambition burning deep in his heart again, and New Orleans was his!

In a manor covering hundreds of acres.

Nicklaus entertained Victor graciously.

There are countless delicacies from mountains and seas, most of which are top-quality ingredients flown in from all over the world, and the cost of just one night is as much as one million dollars.

Guardian messengers have food needs.

Nicklaus and the others were no longer the vampires who used to only need blood to satisfy their appetites. Delicious cuisine has now become their staple food. It is said that Elijah has recently become obsessed with oriental cuisine and gained a lot of weight.

It feels so good to be alive!
This is the common feeling of the five ancestors of vampires.

As for human blood, it is just a drink to them now, dispensable.

Only Cole couldn't stop enjoying blood.But because of the rules set by Victor, even if Cole wanted blood, he could only start with some villains.

Otherwise, the law of the black prison will let Cole know what real hell is.

Of course, Cole can also change his taste, such as going to the hospital blood bank to find some expired plasma.

Trust me, that tastes absolutely bad.

"Master, now New Orleans is completely under my control. Please believe me, whether it's the mayor or the members of the city council, it's all on my mind." Nicklaus is like a big boy who likes to show off his toys.

His face was full of pride, and New Orleans was his favorite work.

Victor took a sip of bourbon, and looked at Marcel, the black man who remained silent the whole time.

New Orleans is actually the vampire empire established by Marcel, but Nicklaus took it from him.To be honest, what Nicklaus did was a little unnatural.

You yourself patted your ass away hundreds of years ago.

Leaving a small town in ruins.

Your disciples have spent hundreds of years of time and painstaking efforts to rebuild their homeland, and the ups and downs in it can be imagined.

Well, you're back now, claiming this is your domain and your home, and you're taking it back!

Fuck Fake!

This sentence is a true portrayal of Marcel's heart.

It is a pity that in the vampire world where the strong are respected, blood is the root of all suppression.

The ancestor vampire is the existence at the top of the pyramid.

Even if the ancestor vampire dies, the vampire transformed by his blood will also die together.

So there is nothing Marcel can do!

Although Marcel has a trump card in his hand, there is no difference between the ancestor vampires and ordinary people who have priesthood.

The witch god is just a god of a small pantheon.

The priesthood of the underworld pantheon naturally suppresses all small pantheons, even Thor, the god of thunder of the Asa protoss, would feel uncomfortable in front of Victor.

How dare you let the witch god come out to seek death?
"He is Marcel, my most proud disciple!" Nicklaus introduced proudly.

Marcel came to Victor.

Kneeling on one knee like a devout believer, he said, "Marcel obeys your oracle."

Long before Victor arrived in New Orleans.

Nicklaus had already brainwashed the vampires under him. This time they welcomed a supreme god, the true god believed and worshiped by the ancestor vampire family.

Nicklaus demanded.

As long as the people of New Orleans must worship and believe in Victor like the ancestors, they even dedicate everything to this, even their lives!
Well, Victor became a god just like that.

And there is an additional group of believers headed by Nicklaus. For such a subordinate, Victor said that he could come a little more.

"Marcel, let you be my guide!"

"Okay, Your Majesty, it's my honor." Marcel raised his head and smiled, his eyes glowing brightly.

Elijah glanced at Victor in surprise.

It's very curious how Victor can treat an ordinary vampire like Marcel differently.

His eyes are slightly heavy.

But now Elijah's focus is on a werewolf girl, a girl named Hayley, a werewolf girl with Nicklaus blood.

Once the child in the girl's womb is born, it will be the king!
This is Elijah's answer in the affirmative.

How powerful and terrifying would it be to be a hybrid with the blood of the ancestor of the vampire and the blood of the werewolf?
Even a witch who has been asleep for hundreds of years will be terrified and disturbed by this, so Elijah must guard it carefully.

Even if this kind of protection has surpassed friendship and family affection.

Elijah was such a self righteous gentleman.

Victor is very contemptuous.

(End of this chapter)

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