Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 109 Helping Magneto (please subscribe, please order, please recommend tickets)

Chapter 109 Helping Magneto (please subscribe, please order, please recommend tickets)
Chaos magic is so terrifying!
The earth is torn apart, and the mountains are reduced to dust.

The sky is twisting and deforming.


The Scarlet Witch's hair stood on end, her scarlet eyes were like a hungry ghost in hell, she was trying to break free from Victor's control of his thoughts, and she tried her best.

"Let me go!" Wanda yelled.

A power that modifies reality is quietly approaching.

for a while.

Even Victor's thinking.

All were affected by this extraordinary power.

He let go of his right hand.

In an instant Wanda broke free from control, but when she looked back, her brother Pete was gone.

How is this going?

Could it be that I exerted too much force just now, which affected Pete?Thinking of this, she suddenly turned pale.

"It was you, you killed Pete!" Wanda suddenly went crazy, using her chaos magic like a madman to try to destroy everything in front of her eyes.

"Damn it, are you so paranoid?" Victor couldn't help but wryly smiled, and got into a fight with his woman's sister out of nowhere. Who should he reason with?
He stretched out his hand again, stepped forward against the all-destroying Chaos magic, and stood in front of the Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch glared at Victor angrily.

But not eggs.

Her chaos magic couldn't even hurt Victor's hair, and it even dyed the latter's hair black!
This hurts, okay?

Victor's face suddenly changed.

It is the ability to modify reality that spreads over again.

He felt that his immortal body stagnated for a moment, and even his soul felt a tearing pain.

Is it possible that this kind of super power can break the immortal body?

Immortality is his greatest reliance!


Victor's eyes narrowed.

A shock of thought force acted on Wanda's consciousness.

Suddenly her body softened.

He casually threw her into the underworld and imprisoned her.

Just calm down for a while.

This crazy woman can't communicate at all!
Victor turned to look at Tony Stark who came out of the manor and said, "Have you seen enough of the good show?"

"Cough cough!"

Tony coughed in embarrassment and said, "Sorry, I can't help you with the situation just now. My steel suit is still under production, but what's the situation with those two brothers and sisters?"

"They're here to kill you!" Victor said.

"Kill me? Why?" Tony suddenly showed a surprised expression, and soon he thought of something and said, "Could it be that Obadiah Stanis found the killer?"

"This is not yet clear!"

Victor shook his head and said: "Leave the next thing to me. They have something to do with me. What happened just now should be a misunderstanding. By the way, why did you mention Obadiah? Have things changed?"

"Yes!" Tony said with a dark face: "Obadiah escaped on the way to escort the FBI. The person who kidnapped him may be someone from the Ten Rings. I saw a few familiar figures from the surveillance. They are from the Middle East!"

"It seems that you have to buy time for yourself, Obadiah will not let you go easily!" Victor said: "He wants to kill you in his dreams, you know this better than me!"

"Don't worry, Victor, I will make Obadiah regret being born in this world!" Tony said confidently.

He took a look at the dire situation around him.


It will cost a lot of money to repair.

Then he turned and went back to his laboratory.

He wants to develop Mark II as soon as possible to deal with Obadiah's possible revenge.

He will not rely on Victor's strength for everything.

This is an act of cowardice.

He already has a complete set of ideas for the steel suit, as long as he is given a little time, he can make the world go crazy!

Possess the power of a god in a mortal body!

He glanced at Tony's back.

Victor turned around and drove the supercar to the castle.

There were no accidents along the way.

After half an hour.

Victor appeared in the castle, he glanced at the empty living room, but did not see the figures of the women.

He sat down on the couch with a glass of bourbon.

Turn on the TV.

A report is being broadcast on the TV news.

A man named Ben Peter was shot dead on the main road by a group of robbers who had just escaped from prison.

on TV.

A teenager hugged the dead body and wept bitterly, and many passers-by were watching.

Victor looked calm.

A whirlpool appeared in his eyes.

Ben Peter's soul is waiting for trial in the black prison at this time.

Mind a move.

He asked Murphy Dirada, the judge of the black prison, to temporarily keep the soul of Uncle Spiderman and place it in the reincarnation area of ​​the black prison.

No matter how.

Spider-Man is likely to join the Guardians in the future.

As the chairman of the Guardian Alliance, Victor must consider everything that can be used to win people's hearts.

what else.

What is more shocking than resurrection from the dead?

Although he does not have the ability to resurrect others for the time being.

But it does not mean that there will be no such ability in the future!
As the master of death, the emperor of Fengdu, how could Victor only have the authority to rule over death?
Life and death should be in your hands!

Turn off the TV.

Victor thought of the naughty Rebecca.

Rebecca is now Peter Parker's classmate!

It is worth mentioning that.

Rebecca's custody has been transferred to Victor's name, legally Rebecca is Victor's sister.

And her name was changed to Rebecca Hugo.

As for the process of fighting for custody.

Then there is nothing to mention.

Under the full play of Osborne's legal team, Rebecca's parents have no qualifications to refute.

A parent who pushed his own daughter into a pit of fire.

What qualifications do they have to face Rebecca?


Suddenly there was the sound of dishes breaking in the kitchen.

Victor's divine sense extended to the past.

He saw that someone was making soup.

What's happening here?
Victor stood up and walked towards the kitchen, where a white-haired old man in an apron was sorting out the debris on the floor.

"Ah, damn it!" The old man's finger was accidentally scratched by a piece of the dish.

"Are you a new helper?" Victor asked in surprise. Where are the aunts hired before?
Is it possible that everyone is on leave?

Actually let an old man come to make soup.

This is simply too much!
Victor was dissatisfied.

But nothing has changed on the surface.

Left and right are nothing but negligible expenses, irresponsible, simply change to a better housekeeping company.

What a helper!

The old man raised his head expressionlessly.

He glared at Victor fiercely.

"Jesus Christ, how could it be you?" Victor looked at the old man in front of him dumbfounded.

For a moment, I almost thought I was hallucinating.

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(End of this chapter)

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