Death Master of a certain manga

Chapter 108 Chaos Magic (please subscribe, please fully order, please recommend)

Chapter 108 Chaos Magic (please subscribe, please fully order, please recommend)

Red-haired women, silver-haired men!
Isn't this Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver?
What did they want to do at Stark Manor?

Is it possible to assassinate Tony Stark!

Victor tried hard to recall the story of the Scarlet Witch, but unfortunately there are too many versions of the Scarlet Witch in the Marvel world, and it is impossible to determine the goal of the Scarlet Witch in a short time.

But one thing is certain.

He must return to Stark Manor!


Victor casually shot the black man's life.

Since you dare to focus on yourself.

The only end is death!

What capital crime can be avoided, life crime cannot be escaped, this standard is only for people who are pleasing to the eye!

The dignity of the master of death cannot be desecrated!
If it's not Victor standing here.

But a weak Chinese woman?
Will the malicious black driver let her go?

This possibility is very small!
Never test humanity!
Because human nature is the darkest thing in the world!

Step on the accelerator, and two flames burst out from the supercar.

Gone like lightning.

And in situ.

In the pool of blood is a black man who is dying!

If you give him a chance to choose again.

Will he still come together desperately?


There is no if in this world!

at the same time.

Two unexpected guests appeared outside Stark Manor.

They look strange.

The woman has red hair and a very large chest.

The facial features are so pink that water can be squeezed out, just like a Barbie doll who came out of a fairy tale.

By the way, her name is Wanda!
on her left.

There stood a handsome young man with silver hair.

"Wanda, is this the Stark's manor? What a luxurious manor!" the boy said in amazement.

Wanda said with cold eyes: "Peter, he killed our parents, he is a hateful executioner!"

"Yeah, so we need revenge!"

Pete nodded, put on the goggles and said, "Let me take a look at the situation inside the manor."

The words fall.

Time seemed to have stopped.

Pete bypassed all the defenses of the manor in an instant, and entered the manor at a speed that his mind could not capture.

Like entering nowhere.

Even if the manor has countless high-tech weapons and super rudimentary artificial intelligence Jarvis can't stop it.


No one was found to have broken into the manor at all.

this speed.

Already touched the realm of the law of time!
The world in Pete's eyes is static.

of course.

It cannot be said to be absolutely still.

Instead, the flow rate is slow to the limit.

Even Wanda.

Can't catch his figure either.


Suddenly everything around returned to normal.

Quicksilver Pete appeared on the right side of Scarlet Wanda Wanda and said in a deep voice: "I have some good news for you. Tony Stark is going to die soon. I saw the X-ray report held in his right hand. His body With a lot of shrapnel and signs of palladium poisoning, he won't live long!"

Wanda heard the words.

Suddenly showing a puzzled expression, he said to himself: "Why is this happening? Could it be that he went to the battlefield?"

"Don't you two brothers and sisters watch the news?"

At this moment, a white-haired young man descended from the sky.

Seeing the alert expressions of the Scarlet Witch siblings, he quickly said, "Tony was kidnapped by terrorists in the Middle East, and the whole world knows about it!"

"Who are you?" Wanda looked up at the white-haired young man, her eyes were red, and the chaos magic was ready.

Along the way.

They climbed mountains and crossed borders.

The two siblings have gone through countless ups and downs and will not trust any stranger easily.

Even an ordinary person!

Victor floated down from mid-air.

His supercar stopped not far away.

This is to avoid bad situations that could happen.

Tony could care less about millions of dollars.

But he can't.

He has always been frugal.

And it's shameful to waste it!

He felt the active elemental power around him.

Can't help but think of the magic source of the Scarlet Witch.

It is said that although the Scarlet Witch Wanda is a mutant, her best ability is not to modify reality.

It's Chaos Magic!

She signed a contract with Sissos, the god of the underworld, and used Chaos magic with the help of Sissos' power.

Hisos is the ancient demon god of the earth.

He created a line of black magic, and through it became one of the most powerful demon gods in ancient times.

If it wasn't for the birth of Yatum, the God Eater.

Humanity today is still living in the nightmare of black magic.

And Scarlet Witch Wanda.

He is the most powerful contractor under the command of the god Sissos.

"You can call me Victor, Lord of Death, I have no ill intentions towards you!" Victor said.

at this time.

Quicksilver Pete disappeared instantly.

Victor was a little embarrassed.

Is this going to fight yourself?

"Hey friend!"

Pete appeared in front of Victor, and a shiny black dagger was pressed against his neck.

This is very unfriendly!

His eyes narrowed.

Victor instantly imprisoned Kuaiyin Pete's body with his telekinetic powers and said, "Sorry, I don't like threats!"

He was about to talk about his relationship with Lorna, so as to ease the tense atmosphere between the two parties.


A terrifying magical power descended on Victor in an instant, and counteracted his telekinetic powers.

Quicksilver Pete disappeared instantly.

"Wanda, be careful, the power of this Chinese is a bit weird, he can imprison my body!" Pete said.

Victor sighed.

Do you always have to fight to give up?


Chaos magic has unimaginable lethality.

It can destroy everything.

Coupled with the super power to distort reality.

Even when Thanos met her, he almost knelt down and sang conquer!
"Can't you wait for me to finish my sentence!"

Victor was a little upset, he hadn't used his undead ability for a long time.

Undead is immune to all damage.

Whether it is a magical attack or a physical attack.

He will reset Victor's physical state.

For example, the white hair that is very characteristic.

At this moment, it became black and bright in an instant.

Damn it, he has carefully maintained this!
As a color control.

How can I tolerate my hairstyle being destroyed!

He stretched out his right hand and shook it lightly.

Immediately, Scarlet Witch Wanda's body was pulled over.

Pete saw the situation was not good.

Hastily activated superpowers to take Wanda away.

But his ability is super speed.

rather than strength.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move Wanda.

And he himself was imprisoned again!

Scarlet Witch screamed.

An unparalleled magical force spread out, instantly destroying everything around.

Even a hill in the distance was shattered.


The sky was full of gravel, the concrete floor was torn into huge gullies, and the whole world was crumbling.

Is this the strength of Scarlet Witch?
It's just terrifying!
 Two hundred recommendation tickets plus updates!

(End of this chapter)

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