One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 407 The Birth of the Immortal Medicine

Chapter 407 The Birth of the Immortal Medicine
""Navy Law" is the progress of the whole world, there will never be a guy like Monka again?" Kebi looked at the news and said excitedly, "Marshal Sakasky really can't tolerate the existence of evil The Navy? It can even make this!"

In the past, Kebi might complain that Sakaski was cold-blooded and ruthless, but after learning about his past, he no longer thinks so!
When Sakaski was a child, his parents were killed by pirates, so he especially hates pirates and is an extremely irritable character.

Li Bin also made some changes to adapt to his irritable personality.

"Hehe, although the navy has been changed, what the world government represents has not changed!" Li Bin muttered to himself looking at the test bench in front of him.

"What are you thinking, Li Bin?" Vegapunk asked.

This experiment was co-hosted by Li Bin and Vegapunk.

"I'm wondering if we can add Lieutenant General Ah He's ability to the potion of immortality, so that even the most evil people will be cleansed of their hearts?" Li Bin asked.

"It should work!" Vegapunk nodded, "I'm better at this!"

"Okay, then let's invite Lieutenant General He to come over!" Li Bin nodded.

Regarding the research on the immortality medicine, the high level of the world government has also put a strict blockade on it. Even most Tianlong people don't know about it, let alone Vice Admiral Crane.

"Hey, Li Bin boy, why did you invite me here so mysteriously? If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I won't let you go so easily!" He said angrily.

"Dear Ms. Ahe, why are you so angry?" Li Bin laughed.

"Brother Doflaming invited me to meet, and I happened to catch him by chance, but it was delayed because of you!"

"Hehe, I heard that Ms. He has an inexplicable relationship with Brother Doflaming?" Li Bin said with some meaning.

"Who told you? It must be that bastard Zefa!" Crane said angrily, "Dover is a child worth saving, he is different from other pirates."

"Hahaha, Ms. Crane, I didn't say anything bad about Doflamingo. This time I invite you here to use your ability! We want to make your ability to cleanse the mind into medicine, so that we can After taking this pill, the evil person becomes a very good person!" Li Bin explained with a smile.

"It turns out that's the case. That's what I should do. Tell me how I should cooperate!" After hearing this, Crane agreed without hesitation.

"Let's test it first, this is a heinous criminal, you can use your ability on him first!" Vegapunk pointed to a man in a prison uniform and said to Crane.

"Very good! The power to cleanse the soul!" Crane directly cast his ability on the opponent.

"It's so comfortable, it feels like the whole person's soul has been sublimated!" The man immediately replied extremely comfortably.

"Is this enough?" Li Bin and Vegapunk were a little puzzled, "Isn't it too simple?"

"Of course, I have reversed his heart and mind!" He said confidently, "You can test it as you like!"

"Okay, let's test it! Take him down first to calm down." Vegapunk nodded, "Prepare the treasure, play the role of the little navy girl in distress, the escape map, and give him a chance to escape... ..."

The result of the test is very satisfying. This person was indeed changed by the crane in his mind and heart, and became an upright and kind person. He gave up escape and treasure, just to save a little girl who fell into the water!
After the test results came out, everyone didn't know how to deal with him, so they told him about the bad things he had done before, and asked him to choose to accept Mr. He's punishment.

"I used to think I was bad, but I never thought that I was such a bad person! People like me don't deserve to live..." After saying this, he bit his tongue and killed himself.

He was so upright that he couldn't face his past history!
"How is it possible! Is the ability to wash fruit so powerful?" Vegapunk was a little surprised.

"That's natural. I usually don't purify the souls of those dark people. That's because there have been many similar situations before! These characters who have been completely purified will commit suicide in shame because they can't stand their past!"

"Are these permanent washes?"

"Yes, once it is washed, it will change forever. This is the fundamental reason why the old man has never washed Dover! I am afraid that he will not be able to bear the burden of killing his father and younger brother and commit suicide! The reason why his father died is because It is the result of many people's joint calculations, just like his mother, even if he has no one to do it, someone else will."

"Hehe, what about his brother?"

"This..." He didn't explain anymore, "This thing was done by Dover who has been completely blackened."

"Let's not talk about this, this ability is really great, but it has helped us a lot, Ms. He, we will soon create a medicine to cleanse the soul, you lie there first, we need to extract some of your bone marrow cells!" Vegapunk hastily changed the subject of their discussion.

"Okay, but the old man's body is a bit old!" Crane cooperated and lay down on the experimental table.

"It's okay, Lieutenant General He, I will restore your state to the healthiest state, don't resist my ability!" Li Bin said softly, and he quickly helped He strengthen the cells.

"This state is really good, I feel at least ten years younger!" Crane said.

"Well, we're about to start extracting your bone marrow cells, so let's anesthetize you first!" Vegapunk said.


"Okay? Li Bin, is this the so-called immortal medicine?" Vegapunk looked at the common reagent in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Hahaha, of course, let's experiment with dying old wolves right away!" Li Bin said, "Animals injected with immortality reagents will quickly return to their youthful appearance!"

"OK then!"

Vegapunk is still a little skeptical, because he has seen the research on the immortality reagent, which is a special gene fragment extracted from cancer cells and produced after multiple modifications.

Their assistants quickly found 10 dying old wolves and injected them with the newly developed medicine.

A few hours later, the fur of the 10 dying old wolves turned into another color!
After three days, these wolves had all turned into adult wolves, and their characters were surprisingly docile.

"It seems that the research on the immortality medicine has been successful. Not only can the vitality of animals be strengthened, but even the hearts and minds have been cleansed!" Vegapunk said.

(End of this chapter)

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