Chapter 406 Imam
"Bastard Sakarski, it's too disgusting, he dared to do this!"

After Wulaoxing received the news, he immediately became furious.

"As a violent institution of the world government, the navy cannot have its own opinions, otherwise it will lead to the situation of devouring the master!"

"Yeah, get rid of Sakaski right away, and get a new admiral!"

"This is not good. Most of the admirals of the navy are promoted by the three admirals of the navy. The remaining three, one of them is a scientist who wants to study the medicine of immortality, and the other two are newly recruited admirals. How loyal you will be to us!"

"If Sakalski is killed, and another admiral who is less controllable than him comes up, what will you do when the time comes?"

"Or let's set up four admirals. In this way, we can arrange our own people in, and then kill Sakaski!"

"This is a good idea, but how to deal with the current situation, the whole world will soon know the news that Sakalski is going to legislate, and if we don't take any action, I am afraid that the entire world government will become the laughing stock of the whole world! "

"Immediately stop the supplies to the navy and paralyze the entire navy. In this way, the navy without supplies will become a hungry beast and a mess! When Sakaski realizes his mistake, He will immediately take the blame and resign!"

"Not bad, but I heard that Green Tiger has already established a food base for the navy. Even if the supply of supplies is stopped, it is impossible to paralyze the entire navy, right?"

"Hehe, there is a reason why we did this. If we don't do anything, I'm afraid someone will be unhappy right away?"

The sound of boots came from far and near.

The five of them glanced in the direction where the voice came from, and they immediately knelt down in fear and trepidation.

"Lord Im!"

"I have heard about the naval legislation. This is not unacceptable news! I have also read the "Navy Law". Sakaski just doesn't want the navy to do some dark things. It doesn't affect the navy's loyalty to the world government, just agree directly!" Im said directly.


One of them wanted to continue asking, but was stared back by a look from Im.

"Don't you want to gain eternal life?"

"This..." Wu Laoxing was even more frightened, "Subordinates dare not!"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, no one doesn't like to live forever! Even I am very interested in this."

"Aren't you?"

"What about me? I have nothing special!"


The world government quickly agreed to the naval legislation, which means that they can no longer directly convey some dark orders to the navy.

At the same time, the World Government has secretly established a new organization—the Divine Guard, which is in charge of CP1 personnel to deal with some shady things.

When Akainu received the news, he seemed full of energy. Excited, he stayed up all night and immediately began to issue orders.

"The navy immediately set up a special department to be responsible for the finishing work of these dark incidents, and to give those trafficked children and women a good arrangement! Besides, unless you are facing those organizations that destroy the world, you must not send out demon-slaying make!"

"A naval court was specially set up to try those hateful naval scum, and put them all in prison, and they will never be released."

"Set up a research department to analyze and study the orders sent by the world government, and then decide whether to execute or reject them!"


Wulaoxing's order was rejected by the Navy for the first time!
"Has our order been dismissed by Sakalski?"

"Yes, since we have agreed to the naval legislation, we have to bear this situation, but how do we explain it to the nobles of the alliance countries?"

"Well, this is really a big problem. You must know that their gray business has huge profits, and they have given us enough Bailey! If we can't guarantee their interests, then they will Hand in Bailey?"

"Just this one item has cost the World Government a lot of revenue!"

"Also, a big country has withdrawn from the world government!"

"The reason they gave is very simple, that is, the world government cannot protect their interests, so why should they pay the world government money?"

"Really? It's time to let them know what the consequences of leaving the life of the world government's asylum will be! Have the personnel of the CP agency started to act?"

"It has already begun to act and is causing chaos within their country!"

"Very well, when they understand the benefits that the world government brings to them, they will ask to join again."

"In this case, we can just take the opportunity to increase the income of Tianshangjin."


In the middle of the night, the aloof Lord Im was talking to a man who was hiding his face.

"I've made them agree to his request!"

"Thanks, Em!"

"You're welcome, this is what I owed you, and I just returned it to you. From then on, neither of you owes me anything!"

"Hahahaha, after staying in that position for a long time, you have become more and more arrogant! But you have to understand that you are not a god! As long as you still have human characteristics, then you have shortcomings."

Im was silent for a moment: "There is only one Gore D. Roger, there will be no second one!"

"Haha, isn't it? This world has always been ups and downs. Even under the rule of the world government, there are 170 alliance countries and countless factions! Everyone has their own thoughts, and you are at most Control Wu Laoxing, but what about the others! Every once in a while someone will jump out and challenge your authority!"

"At least not you! You have failed!"

"Really? But I have already spread my will!"

After listening to the man's words, Im clenched his whole fist, but he still didn't make a move in the end.

"You can obviously become a god, but you want to give this world ridiculous freedom. You are really depraved!"

"That was me in the past, and now I just want to give myself freedom!"

From the words of the two, it can be heard that this mysterious man has a huge relationship with the legendary "D" family.

"Since I have agreed to your terms, then this transaction is over! See you again."

(End of this chapter)

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