One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 348 Strange Plants (2)

Chapter 348 Strange Plant ([-])
Knowing the horror of the Boing Islands, Li Bin did not land rashly.

Because it's easier to say during the day, he can use plant armor to make oxygen.

But at night, you must use an oxygen cylinder.

Besides, Hercules is a very dangerous character.

Especially in this kind of environment where you can't expose your body casually, snipers are a deadly threat.

Usopp can get along well with him because Usopp has amazing eloquence, sniper talent and abnormal ability to adapt to the environment. It is only natural that he can get the favor of Hercules.

The description of this in the comics is very rough, but it is undeniable that no matter who gets along with Usopp, they can eventually become friends with this great deceitful god.

"What's the matter, why didn't the Boing Islands close today?" Hercules on the Boing Islands was very surprised, "At this time, it should be closed normally!"

"After a while, because the energy cannot be replenished, the substance it produced will slowly dissipate."

"By that time, the eating animals will wake up and flee this terrible island."

"It's been in vain for so long!"

Hercules said to himself.

At this moment, a flying ant flew towards him, performing something next to his ear.

"What are you talking about, all the delicious fruits produced by those food trees have been digested by themselves?"

The flying ant continued to perform.

"Beyond that, are some of the animals waking up and running away?"

The flying ant started to fly away after saying this.

"There is no food source, and you are planning to move out of here!"

Hercules took out a special instrument, and the number on that instrument kept decreasing...

After one night, the above number almost became 0.

"This is something that has never happened before. What does the Boeing Islands want to do?"

Hercules took off his hood, and took a deep breath of the outside air.

"The long-lost fresh air, the fresh world, without those tempting delicacies and noisy animals, the whole island is like a holy emerald green lotus, so beautiful!"

"At this time, the Boing Islands look like a real plant, not a dangerous hunter!"

Hercules admired the beautiful scenery around him, a little intoxicated...

"It's not good, Lieutenant General Weitz, Lieutenant General Li Bin, something serious happened!" A communications soldier quickly rushed into the conference room.

"In such a panic, what happened?"

Weitz was exchanging some views on justice with Li Bin, and he interrupted him just now when he talked about the gold in the sky, and he was a little angry.

"The Boing Islands... no... it should be called the Baron of the Stomach. It has released all the animals and humans!" The communications soldier replied excitedly.

"How is it possible? You really made a big joke. It is a monster that only knows how to devour life. After putting in so much effort, how could it possibly give up the delicious food that is about to arrive?"

Weitz walked out excitedly. In his heart, this was a miracle!
Li Bin followed out without saying a word.

"I also don't believe it, but Lieutenant General Weitz, you can take a look at the situation on the Boing Islands with a telescope. Those animals and the humans who set foot on the Boing Islands have all woken up and are running away in panic!" Communication Bing said.

Weitz looked over with his binoculars and found that the huge sea beasts, and even some sea kings, which were almost two to three thousand meters long, were swimming out in panic.

Behind them, there are some humans who are paddling the raft, sweating hard.

"It's really lucky, I almost died on it, Buddha bless, God bless, God bless!" A man rowing said happily.

"Although we don't know what happened, let's leave here with everyone. If the Baron of Stomach goes crazy and creates a sea vortex, it will be too late for us to run away." One of his companions said excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, haven't you seen the giant Neptune in front? It's the biggest Neptune I've ever met, and even it doesn't dare to miss this place. It shows how terrifying the Boing Islands are!" Another The partner said in surprise.

At this time, the animals no longer care about who is their natural enemy and who is their food, and they are all swimming out.

I just feel that I have lost a few tails and can't swim fast enough!

"Send some people to rescue those escaped humans!" Weitz ordered, "Ask them what happened on the Boeing Islands!"

"What if this is its trap?" the herald asked hesitantly.

"Let me take someone there to take a look!" Li Bin felt that this matter was related to him, so he took the initiative to take it down.

"That's okay, with Lieutenant General Li Bin taking the shot, it will be safe!" Weitz nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll go there first!" As soon as Li Bin finished speaking, a three-foot-long green phoenix appeared above his head, stretched out vines to pull him up, and then flew into the distance.

The closer he was to the Boing Islands, the stronger the call echoed in Li Bin's heart: "Come and find me... come and find me!"

But Li Bin ignored it and rushed towards the escaped humans.

"Hey, what exactly did you encounter on the Boeing Islands, and why did it let you go?" Li Bin asked.

When everyone heard the voice coming from above their heads, they all raised their heads in surprise: "Master Navy?"

"Well, I'm just investigating what happened to you, and I won't hurt you!" Li Bin explained.

"We don't know what happened on the Boeing Islands!"

"Just escaped in such a daze!"

"When we see them running, let's run away!"

Everyone answered in a hurry.

"Then do you still remember how you entered the Boeing Islands?" Li Bin asked immediately.

"We asked about a scent, and then our minds were full of delicious food and the desire to eat. After that, we didn't care about anything, we just kept eating like crazy!" Everyone replied with some fear, "There is only one desire to eat in life. I don't have any other memories!"

"Well, I see, your speed is too slow! Wherever you want to go, I can give you a ride!" Li Bin said.

"Really, Lord Navy?" Everyone asked in surprise.

Want to know whether flying is faster than swimming?

"Of course, lush and gigantic!"

The three-foot-sized green phoenix soon became more than 50 meters long, and a large number of vines shot out from its body to pull everyone up.

"Master Navy, please send us to a small island not far from the naval base!"

"no problem!"

The green phoenix immediately flew towards the small island.

 No internet, can't send out
(End of this chapter)

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