One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 347 Strange Plants (1)

Chapter 347 Strange Plants ([-])

Following its sound, Li Bin soon discovered a huge island of plants through fruit perception, like blooming flowers, it was the legendary Boeing Islands.

This is when the Boing Islands are fully opened. Its area is very large, with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers.

There are very few marine animals around it, because all the animals within a radius of one or two hundred kilometers are attracted to it to eat.

Li Bin tried to use his fruit ability to control the actions of the Boeing Islands, but he was taken aback!
"How is it possible, my ability has failed!"

"No plant can resist my ability, not even those ancient plants on the bottom of the windless zone, they can't resist my ability!"

"Aren't the Boeing Islands plants?"

Li Bin was a little puzzled and withdrew his ability.

But that voice was still echoing in his mind: "Come to me... come to me!"

"It's too powerful, it can still actively communicate with me from such a long distance!"

Li Bin's face was a little ugly. You must know that the distance between him and the Boeing Islands is at least 400 kilometers, and the other party can still communicate with him through such a long distance!
"Come and find me..."

"You wait a moment, I'll go find you later!" Li Bin replied, but the other party still repeated that sentence.

"It can feel my presence and can send me information, but I can't send it information."

"Okay, I'll take a closer look after the battle is over!"

The two sides that were originally stalemate, because of the joining of the Navy on the Spruin, the Bull Pirates retreated steadily, and most of the members were arrested by the Navy.

There are only two captains left - the main ship of the Bull Pirates where "Bull" Gremory and "Drought" Jack belong!
"I said how dare your humble pirate group attack the G9 naval base. It turns out that it is Jack, a domestic elephant!" Li Bin's voice rang in everyone's ears.

"Hey, the lieutenant general is here, Jack will never run away this time!" Li Bin's navy said excitedly.

"The general candidate, Mr. Green Tiger, has made a move!" The members of the G9 naval base were also very excited. They had never seen such a scene of a big man making a move!
The base commander of the G9 naval base is Publius Weitz, an extremely powerful vice admiral.

"The green tiger who is in the limelight, I don't know how he is compared with me!" Weitz said very narcissistically.

When Jack saw Li Bin appear, his expression was a little ugly: "Gremory, we're here today, let's retreat!"

"Yes, Master Jack!" Gremory shouted loudly, "Little ones, retreat!"

"Want to leave? That depends on whether I agree or not!" Li Bin's expression froze, "Armed Sea Explosion Fist!"

"Not good, we must protect the ship!" Jack's face changed suddenly, and he was full of armed domineering all over his body in the half-orc state, and bumped towards Haiboquan with his shoulders crossed.

With a bang, Jack, whose right arm was discounted, spat out a mouthful of blood, and roared at the Bull Pirates who were in a daze: "Why don't you bastards run away and stay here to die? "

"Yes!" Everyone shuddered immediately, and with all their strength, the Bull Pirate Ship fled away in a hurry!
Li Bin was about to pursue, but was stopped by Weitz: "Lieutenant General Li Bin, don't chase, they have ambushes there!"

"Oh?" Li Bin was a little puzzled.

"I have fought against them many times. If they attack like this, there will be many pirate ships ambushing behind them. If we go to pursue them, we will fall into their trap!"

"So that's the case, is this Kaido's territory?"

"No, the area where the Boing Islands are located is a very chaotic place. There are pirates, countries that have joined the world government, and some special races. Because the Boing Islands often arouse the desire of animals to eat, the people here are all Unable to work with peace of mind, mutual plunder often occurs.”

"So that's how it is!" Li Bin also understood a bit. After all, not everyone can resist the temptation of food, and people in these chaotic areas often don't have enough to eat. "About the closure law of the Boeing Islands, Lieutenant General Weitz knows ?"

"I'm not sure, because the food on it is too tempting, and we dare not get too close!" Weitz explained, "The food that can confuse people's minds is really scary, unless there are inhuman No one can stay awake under the smell of the Boeing Islands food."

"Lieutenant General Weitz means that the food on the Boeing Islands is not only delicious, but also exudes a substance that confuses people's spirits. Am I right?"

"Yes, it's like a drug ... addicting to confuse people's minds!" Weitz said, "This substance can not only enter the human body through breathing, but can also enter the human body through the exposed pores of the human body!"

"Then if I want to go to the Boeing Islands, can there be some special methods?"

"This, it's really hard to say! First, you have to prepare some protective masks and clothes to wrap your whole body tightly; second, you have to bring an oxygen tank; finally, you have to bring a hydrogen balloon device ’” Weitz said seriously.

"I see, the first two devices are for not breathing in the Boing Islands stuff, and the last thing is for escape. Right?"

"Yes. Because when the Boing Islands are eating, a sea current vortex with strong suction will appear in its center. At this time, it is impossible to escape from the sea, but it is okay in the sky, although there are also strong waves in the sky. suction, but it is still far behind the hundreds of kilometers wide ocean current vortex."

"Lieutenant General Weitz, you haven't been to the Boeing Islands secretly, have you?"

Weitz was a little embarrassed when he heard this: "I lived on the Boeing Islands for a while in order to capture the sniper Hercules of One Piece, but he escaped in the end!"

"Is Hercules still living on the Boeing Islands?"

"It seems so. At the beginning, he was trying to avoid me. Later, he got used to the life above and lived there. He is an extremely dangerous person. Now the Navy has withdrawn the reward for him, so Lieutenant General Li Bin must Don't provoke him on purpose, he is someone who can hit an admiral!"

"Hahaha, as long as he doesn't affect the peace of the world, I will turn a blind eye to him." Li Bin replied with a smile, "I came here only to see the Boeing Islands!"

(End of this chapter)

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