Chapter 337 Wedding ([-])

"I see!" Old McCann nodded, "Then I won't worry about you! But since you have a house, I'm going to live with you!"

It seems that the old man is still a little worried, he has to see it with his own eyes to believe it!
Li Bin nodded and agreed: "Of course, even if you don't want to live with me, I will tie you back, uncle."

The group came to the red villa Li Bin built in Marin Fanduo, talking and laughing.

"The shape of this house looks similar to Polusalino's!" Zefa asked in surprise, "Did you build both houses?"

"Of course. I haven't lived in it for a long time. I guess this house is full of dust. Let me clean it up!" An inexplicable breath emanated from Li Bin's body.

The whole house exudes a sense of life and has been immaculately clean inside and out.

"It's really a magical ability. I used to think that your ability is a waste ability!" Old McCann said in surprise, "If I had known you had the potential to be a construction worker, I would not have sent you here! The Navy is really A dangerous profession."

"Haha, uncle, my ability can only be brought into full play in the navy!" Li Bin said with a haha.

"Okay, are you going to talk to us two old men outside the door?" Old McCann continued.

"Of course not. Uncle, Teacher Zefa, come in!" Li Bin hurriedly opened the door.

"It's really a beautiful villa, no wonder you don't like living in the navy dormitory!" Zefa exclaimed.

Because Li Bin had used his abilities, the entire courtyard looked lush and lush, and the flower trees and fruit trees not far away were in bloom.

"Wouldn't it cost a lot of money to build this house?" asked old McCann.

"No more. Except for wires, water pipes and some special furniture, everything else is directly produced by my ability." Li Bin pointed to the grass next to it, and the grass quickly grew into a magical tree. green pony.

"Hohohoho... really powerful ability, it seems that he can still work in the circus!" Old McCann said with a bright eye.

"Hahahaha, as expected of Li Bin's uncle, even his thinking is so interesting!" Zefa laughed. It seems that only such an interesting bloodline can produce such a wonderful vice admiral.

"Not only can I go to the circus to perform acrobatics, but I can also participate in magic contests and technology contests, uncle!" Li Bin said angrily.

"Okay, okay, I'm thinking too much, sorry!" Old McCann rubbed his head and said, "By the way, Mr. Zefa, when will they get married that we have arranged before?"

"No.16 of this month, today is Wednesday, which is next Saturday!" Zefa replied.

"Well, since they're all back, let's start preparing. Are there many people who need a banquet?" Old McCann looked at Li Bin again.

"It seems that there are not many..."

The more Li Bin talked, the more he lost his confidence. He thought about those people who had a good relationship with him in the navy, but found that there was no one. Because the navy at the same time was dead, he still has no friends to get along with.

"Uh, what a failure!" Old McCann sighed, "I didn't expect you to have such a high position and not even a friend."

"You can't blame Li Binjun for this. In fact, our sailors in the same period..." Ai En hastily explained.

"Ai En." Li Bin shook his head at Ai En, and Ai En stopped talking.

"Our sailors in the same period were all sent to other places to perform official duties, so they didn't stay in Marin Fando!" Li Bin explained.

"Oh, it turns out that's the case, I misunderstood you!" Old McCann nodded, "No matter what, it's not very good to attend a wedding ceremony without friends. I still hope you can invite some friends over!"

"No problem, Uncle!" Li Bin readily agreed. After all, there were still quite a few sailors on his warship, so it was okay to bring over a dozen or so to make up the number.

"Well, then I don't have to worry about it. The rest is things like taking photos, wedding banquets, and churches!" Old McCann was very thoughtful, and even Zefa listened patiently when he spoke. ...

"Li Binjun, do I look this good?" Ai En was a little shy about his attire, wearing a black wedding dress, stockings and high heels, like a beautiful black swan.

"Of course, you are the most beautiful!" Li Bin said, at this time he also changed into a black suit.

After taking photos of this outfit, the two quickly changed into another outfit...

"Tomorrow is the wedding ceremony between the Lieutenant General and Ms. Ain. Everyone must dress more formally. Men wear dark blue dresses, and women wear white dresses with red roses on their shoulders. Do you understand?" Ender said. Leah ordered.

"Understood!" The sailors below replied excitedly.

"If anyone is short of money, tell me, so we can break up!" Andrea said.

"Should we give some gifts to the lieutenant general?" Some sailors surrounded him and asked.

"No, the Lieutenant General said, you can just arrive, and you don't need to bring anything else. For his level of existence, money has become dispensable." Andrea explained... …

In the Chambord Islands, a group of men dressed as gentlemen are discussing something together.

"That person is getting married tomorrow, should we express it?"

"How do you say that? Could it be sending a human head over there?"

"Gelroy, you are too much, can we have a good discussion?"

"Hehe, I wouldn't try to curry favor with an inferior person like you guys!" Gerroy replied.

"If you are really a proud god, why did you still come to this party with us? If you have the ability, quit now and see if we can achieve the dream of eternal life. When that time comes, who will still be like a mouse? Eating garbage!" A former Tianlong who was very dissatisfied with Gerroy's tone said.

"Who do you call a mouse?" Gerroy asked dissatisfied.

"Whoever eats the flying squirrel fruit is a mouse!"

"You..." Gerroy finally didn't make a move.

"Okay, the other party is holding a wedding in Marin Vanduo, this place is our forbidden area, we can send someone over to give some gifts!"

One of the oldest former Tianlong people said that although their abilities can also increase their longevity, it is still different from real immortality. His old face that has lived for 500 years is the best portrayal.

When everyone heard the words, they all asked, "Then what is the best gift?"

"He's most interested!"

(End of this chapter)

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