Chapter 336 Uncle
"Hahahaha, Marbles deserved what he deserved!"

After hearing the news, many navies in the Navy headquarters clapped their hands and cheered. They just felt that the bounty offered to Marbles was too low, and they couldn't understand their hatred.

"Based on Marbles' virtue, shouldn't he offend Prague Dodd Saint for these 99 beauties?"

"Hahaha, who knows, no matter what, we have to celebrate, to celebrate that the villain Marbles finally got the punishment he deserved."

"Yes, yes, every time I see his arrogant face, I feel very sick."

"Let's go, let's have a drink together, today I will treat you!"

"Colonel Vail's treat, you must let go of the meal."

A similar situation also occurred in many naval bases near the Holy Land of Mary Joa, and in some of the countries that he oppressed.

"This kid Li Bin really knows how to play tricks. He thought of drawing attention to this bastard Marbles. He is really smart!" Zhan Guo said meaningfully, "I have long wanted to pull out this bastard Marbles!" It's a cancer."

"It seems that the title of wise general of the Warring States Period will be transferred." He said quietly.

"Xiaohe, I heard that Doflamingo has escaped. Has he contacted you?" Karp asked.

"What can he have to do with me, Garp?" Crane asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"In order to escape, he beat this old man hard! Even Bogart, the lieutenant general with this old man, was kidnapped by them, and this old man is very dissatisfied." Garp didn't look like a gentleman at all, He answered with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, okay, even if Doflamingo wanted to tell Ah He about his situation, he would not use such a stupid way of passing the news, but would make some amazing moves to tell the world. I think we will soon I will receive the news." Zhan Guo said.

"This old man must catch Doflamingo and beat him up!" Garp left immediately after saying these words.

"It's true, Karp, Xiaohe, don't take it to heart!" Zhan Guo hurriedly comforted.

"I can understand Garp's mood. Bogart's time with Garp is only a little shorter than the time the three of us have known each other. The kid Dover has gone too far this time! No wonder Garp let Aokiji and The green tiger arrested him again," He said.

"Do you also think Garp is in charge of the whole thing?"

"Although Karp looks rough on the outside, there are some circles in the way he has done things over the years. In addition to his extreme knowledge and domineering, ordinary things really can't be hidden from him. He is also Turn a blind eye to Dover for the sake of our old friendship."

"When it comes to Brother Doflaming, I have a headache. Back then, the five old stars asked us to take care of their two brothers. I didn't expect it to develop to this point now."

"I didn't teach him well!" He said, she took all the responsibility on herself.

"It's not your fault. Anyone who has experienced so many things will never want to have anything to do with the Tianlong people." Warring States said, "Doflamingo has returned to the holy land of Mariejoa!"

"What? How dare he?" He said in surprise, "Don't those people really want him to die?"

"Don't worry about this Ahe, the Don Quixote family is not Huo Minggusheng, a Tianlong person!" Warring States comforted, "His uncles, aunts, and cousins ​​are all still alive!"

"So what, when what happened back then, they didn't care about the blood relationship between them at all!"


"The air in the Navy Headquarters is still fresh!" Li Bin said, taking a big breath of the surrounding air.

"Hahaha, Li Bin, it's been too long since you left Marin Fando, so you miss the former residence, don't you?"

Zefa walked over slowly, and beside him was a strange little old man, whose appearance was somewhat similar to Li Bin.

"Teacher Zefa! Uncle!"

The emotion rooted in his blood made him recognize the identity of the other party at a glance, it was his uncle Old McCann.

"Okay, okay!" Old McCann said three good words in a row, as if he was proud of having such an excellent nephew.

"Is everything okay at home?" Li Bin asked.

"Fortunately, your brother Ryan also got married a year ago. I wrote to you that time, but the reply from the people at the naval base was that you are doing a very confidential mission, and I'm afraid you won't receive it... ..." Old McCann said.

Ryan was his cousin, and the two often ate and slept together as children.

"Hey, yes, I was executing a very confidential task at that time, so I was delayed!" Li Bin said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you live well, everyone is happy!" Old McCann said and turned his gaze to Ain, "This is your lover Ain, right?"

"Yes, uncle!" Li Bin hurriedly pulled Ain over, "Ain, this is my uncle, he raised me."

"Hello, Uncle!" Ai En hurried over to salute Old McCann.

"Okay, very good!" Old McCann nodded. "By the way, this is a naval base. I won't hinder you from performing official duties here, right?"

Old McCann said and turned his gaze to Zefa.

"It's okay. Li Bin married Ain under the witness of you and me when he came back this time. This is his official business." Zefa nodded and said.

"Haha, what Teacher Zefa said is right, let's go, let's go back!" Li Bin said, "It's a bit embarrassing to be surrounded by a group of subordinates."

"Okay, let's go!" The two old people walked in front.

"Lord Lieutenant General, Andrea, my subordinate, requests to return to the team!" Andrea said loudly.

"Well, it's just right, you and Baby5 will arrange the warship together, and then you can move around freely after that, just treat it as a few days' vacation for everyone!" Li Bin nodded and said.

"Yes, Lieutenant General!" Andrea hurried to the naval warship.

"Uncle, where do you live now?" Li Bin asked.

"It's in the family guest house of the Navy Headquarters, and it's quite relaxing," the old McCann replied, "Do you have a house in the Navy Headquarters now? Should I buy you a house first, after all, you and Ian will get married in the future You can't live in the barracks all the time, can you?"

"Uncle, I already have one. The largest villa in the naval base belongs to our family!" Li Bin said emotionally. In his previous life, only his parents would consider how comfortable he lived.

"Really? Even if your position is promoted very quickly, it is impossible to buy the house so quickly, right? Return the villa!" Old McCann was full of disbelief.

"It's true, Uncle, Li Binjun is a Devil Fruit user, and his ability can build houses!" Ain, holding Zefa's arm, explained.

(End of this chapter)

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