One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 329 The Upcoming Wedding

Chapter 329 The Upcoming Wedding

"In recent years, in the face of an increasingly violent world, the strength of our navy has been somewhat insufficient. If we allocate some of our troops to those allied countries, we will definitely be overwhelmed!"

"I think some other conditions can be added to the above, that is, the navy of the branch must first obey the orders of the navy headquarters! In addition, regarding the navies of these autonomous regions, we should send the generals of the headquarters to take turns." Akaken said seriously personal opinion.

"Yes, what Sakaski said is right. If these naval branches are still controlled by the allied countries in this case, it can only be said that the generals sent there are incompetent." Ghost Spider and others immediately echoed.

"Very well, let's add these few items. This also represents the supervision and protection of the Navy Headquarters for the allied countries!" Warring States nodded.

Three days later, a brand new document was delivered to the Fishman Island: "The Navy Headquarters, with the consent of the world government leader 'Five Old Stars', allows the Navy branch of the Fishman Island to exercise autonomy. Except for incidents of interference in internal affairs, the Fishman Island The current king of Dragon Palace Kingdom on Man Island can command a branch navy to protect the peace of Murloc Island!

But the prerequisite is that the branch navy will have high-ranking generals dispatched by the headquarters to sit in command. At the same time, in order to prevent the branch navy from becoming a vassal army of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, the branch navy must first obey the orders of the headquarters navy and protect the peace of the entire world, not just one Fishman Island. "

"It's really great!" The ministers of the Dragon Palace Kingdom almost jumped up excitedly after seeing this document.

"In this way, it is basically possible to avoid the occurrence of mermaids and murlocs being captured by the evil navy to a 99.9% degree. At the same time, there are high-ranking generals in the navy headquarters, and ordinary pirates dare not be in the fish. Making trouble on the island of man or something." Kaixia Jinbe analyzed seriously.

"Yeah, thanks to the hard work of Lieutenant General Li Bin, he is not only powerful, but also considers things so carefully." Shark Star also said very excitedly, "We can now allow the residents of Fishman Island to spontaneously Joined the Fishman Island Naval Base."

"Yeah, we've been waiting for this! Murloc Island wants to integrate into this world, not just to join the world government! It also needs to let people know that murlocs and mermaids, like them, have a With a warm heart!" Neptune said, "Otohime, believe me, the residents of our Fishman Island will definitely be able to live in the sun! I believe it will happen soon!"

A week later, the Navy Branch Base, where a thousand recruits had been recruited on Fishman Island, became more and more lively.

"What are we?" Roman began to train the new recruits who joined the Fishman Island Naval Base again.

There are humans, murlocs, mermaids, and hybrids in this group of recruits, and their backgrounds are all very innocent.

"Sea soldiers who protect the justice of the world!" Everyone roared in unison.

"What are we going to do?" Roman asked again.

"Fight criminals, protect the weak!" Everyone replied again.

"What are we eating?"

"Food from the people of the world!"


"Roman seems to like training recruits?" Li Bin asked in surprise.

"Isn't it because he fell in love with a mermaid in Fishman Island that he acted so hard!" Ai En said while pointing to Li Bin, "No, it's that red-haired mermaid! She will come here on time every afternoon Watch Roman train these recruits."

"I see, no wonder!" Li Bin nodded, "Where's Andrea?"

"He followed Lieutenant General Garp and they escorted the cadres of Flame Calamity and the Don Quixote family to Advance City!" Ain explained.

"By the way, we haven't been to Jinjin City yet, have we?" Li Bin asked suddenly.

"That's right, but I heard that Push City is called hell. Under normal circumstances, we'd better not go there." Ain hurriedly dissuaded.

"Okay, I think Teacher Zefa should call us, why hasn't he done so now?" Li Bin asked with some doubts.

"This..." Ai En said coyly, "Actually, Teacher Zefa called us two weeks ago, but because you were busy with the affairs of Murloc Island at that time, I pushed back!"

"Oh, okay!" Li Bin looked at Ai En seriously, "Ai En, will you marry me?"

"Willing to..." Ai En replied in a low voice, she had been waiting for this marriage proposal for a long time.

"Then let's get married!"


Three days later, Li Bin said to the many sailors at the fishman island base: "Everyone, be quiet. After tomorrow, the lieutenant general of the headquarters, Ghost Spider, will temporarily take over from me and stationed on the fishman island. Please cooperate with him in his work!"

"What, are we leaving?" Roman asked with some reluctance, knowing that his love story has not yet ended satisfactorily.

"No, it's not that we're leaving, it's that Ain and I have some personal matters to leave temporarily!" Li Bin explained.

"What's a private matter? It can't be marriage, right?" Everyone asked in a hurry.

Ain blushed.

"Yes, Ain and I are getting married soon, which we planned a long time ago!" Li Bin said.

"Then why not hold it on Fishman Island? We also want to attend the wedding ceremony of Lieutenant General Li Bin and Major General Ain!" Everyone shouted loudly.

"I'm a navy, so naturally I won't do anything special in the navy. Although you can't participate in the wedding ceremony between me and Ian, the wedding wine and food that should be given to you will still be prepared for you when I come back. !"

"Ho Ho Ho... The Lieutenant General is amazing!"

"I'm so sad to leave the Lieutenant General. My heart couldn't take it when I heard the news that the Lieutenant General married another woman!" Some female soldiers of the medical team pretended to be sad and said.

"Yeah, yeah, why isn't the lieutenant general married to me?" Baby5 also said sadly. During this period of time, she has received the care of many sailors at the naval base, and has become more and more lively.

Luo Luoxing stood in the crowd with her lips pursed without saying a word, she was a little confused about the meaning of being alive.

"Hahaha, it's not a matter of life and death, and besides, this place is still very close to Marin Fanduo. As soon as everyone has any news, I will come over immediately!"

"Well, then I wish Lord Li Bin and Lord Ain sweet, and have a baby soon!" Roman said, after all, Ain will become his wife in the future, so he thinks it is better to call him an adult.

"I wish Mr. Li Bin and Master Ai En have the same heart and soul, and live forever!" Bai Xing said.

"thanks, thanks!"

Li Bin and Ai En hurriedly expressed their thanks.

In the afternoon, everyone finally waited for the arrival of the ghost spider's warship.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider looks so cold!" Everyone said one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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