One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 328 The New Law of Fishman Island (2)

Chapter 328 New Laws of Fishman Island ([-])
"Hey, the coward is indeed a coward!" Li Bin shook his head in a low voice, and he himself was going to take care of this group of pirates who seemed to have never seen any big storms.

"Have I let Teacher Li Bin down? I'm so shameful! Even an outsider like him can give everything for the Fishman Island, but I can't even tear a small fishing net!" He tried his best to pull towards the huge dragon-binding net.

Immediately, the indestructible dragon-binding net that these pirates said was torn in two.

"Well done, Shirahoshi, keep working hard! I don't want certain thoughts to bind you like a huge fishing net in the days to come!" Li Bin praised in his voice, "The most powerful force in this world It is the courage of each of us, look carefully, the point where courage can reach!"

At some point, Li Bin himself, who had only a layer of bubble coating all over his body, had already appeared in front of Bai Xing: "No one can resist my courage!"

A huge unknown aura emanated from Li Bin's body, and the pirates fell down as quickly as cut wheat.

In the end, there was not a single person on the entire pirate ship who could stand.

"Is this the overlord's color?" Bai Xing was shocked, and suddenly said dumbly.

"No, this is the ability contained in everyone's body. It will only be manifested when the person has enough courage. It is called courage by the ancestors, and some people call it courage!" Li Bin explained. , "In short, cowardly and cowardly people will never be able to master it."

"Also ask Teacher Li Bin to teach me this trick!" Bai Xing said seriously.

"Very good, even if you don't bring it up, I will teach you! It would be a waste to have such a strong body and not learn some good things."

Li Bin nodded, a branch grew out of his palm, and it turned into countless demon vines in a blink of an eye, trapping the swaying pirates and pulling them to the Fishman Island.

"Lieutenant General Li Bin is really quick. We just discovered that these people attacked Princess Baixing, and they have already been defeated!" Roman said very speechlessly, "I really don't know when I will be given a chance to be a hero to save the beauty."

"Hey, Roman, you are too nasty, you must know that Princess Baixing is only 13 years old this year!" Andrea said.

"What's wrong with 13 years old? It is said that in many countries, 13 years old is already the age to get married and have children!" Roman argued.

"Well, I also have a little excitement. It turns out that at the age of 13, I have reached the age to get married and have children!" Andrea's little thoughts seemed to be seen by the entire naval base.

"Is Little White Star okay?" Neptune hurried over at some point.

"It's fine, with Lieutenant General Li Bin accompanying Princess Bai Xing, naturally everything will be fine." Everyone said in unison.

After a while, Li Bin came out of the sea and saw the hesitant Neptune: "Your Majesty, Shirahoshi is receiving my special training in the sea, don't worry."

"Oh, it turned out that Li Bin was pointing the finger at Little Bai Xing. This old man is really ashamed!" Neptune said hastily. Through the sea water, he saw Bai Xing who was still struggling to swim.

"If His Majesty Neptune really wants to do something, then think carefully about how to add one or two clauses to the laws of Murloc Island, that is, how to ensure the equality of humans, murlocs, and mermaids. What kind of punishment will be received, it is best to add it." Li Bin said.

The voice of his last sentence became very low: "Before everyone moves to land, His Majesty Neptune had better consider those characters who are going to the new world. The navy will fully cooperate with your decision."

"Thank you, Navy, and Lieutenant General Li Bin!" Neptune said seriously.

The Fishman Island is really special, and they dare not block the passages for the pirates to enter and exit casually...

A few days later, two very special laws were promulgated by the Dragon Palace Kingdom: "[-]. Regardless of origin or race, all intelligent beings on Murloc Island enjoy the same rights as free citizens of mermaids and murlocs. Illegal and criminal matters, if discovered, will be dealt with fairly.

[-]. All merchants, civilians, and adventurers who want to pass through the Fishman Island must strictly guard the peace of the Fishman Island, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the armed forces of the Fishman Island! "

In the base of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku is checking the information related to Fishman Island: "The characters in the Dragon Palace Kingdom seem to be human beings, and they actually came up with such a weird and dispensable law."

"These two laws are of no use, are they?" asked Montegoga, the administrator temporarily in charge of the daily affairs of the Warring States Period.

"You must not underestimate these two laws. In different periods, they can interpret different meanings. Just like the second article, although it does not explicitly state that pirates are allowed to pass, it implies such mean."

"Well, it looks like I'm far from understanding politics!"

"It's okay, you can study hard slowly!"

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, you asked me to formulate a plan for joint management of branch bases by the Navy Headquarters and allied countries. Can you take a look at it first?"

"Well, okay, let me take a look, Montegoga, and please inform the senior management of the Navy Headquarters to come over for a meeting!"

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

Montegoga immediately walked out upon hearing this.

After a while, all the admirals above the rank of lieutenant general arrived in the conference room in the naval headquarters.

"Okay, what I'm talking about today is related to a special island, and everyone must have heard of its name——Murloc Island.

Because of the existence of racism, even though the Dragon Palace Kingdom has joined the world government for more than 200 years, it has never been protected by the member countries!
In order to strengthen the connection between the races, and for the peace and development of the entire world, under the instructions of the representatives of the Tianlong people - the "Five Old Stars", we have formulated the self-governing management method of the Fishman Island Navy..." Warring States began to orderly Read up on some structural changes to the Murloc Island Naval Branch.

Some people nodded silently after hearing this, and they very much approve of this kind of management model, and even think that the whole world's naval branch bases can do this.

There are also people who do not agree with such an approach at all. These people are the conservatives in the Navy.

"Do you have any special views on the joint management of the Fishman Island Naval Base by the Dragon Palace Kingdom and the Navy Headquarters?"

"No, this can increase people's recognition of the navy and greatly reduce the appearance of pirates."

"I don't think this is a wise idea. If the entire naval branch base becomes the running dog of those allied countries, how can we guarantee that they will take the initiative to exterminate the pirates wandering in the sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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