One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 19 Abnormal 6-style entry speed

Chapter 19 Abnormal six-style entry speed
After this incident, Li Bin first changed his name back as he wished, and second, he left a deep memory on Ai En, laying the foundation for taking her down in the future.

The following days also returned to normal. Under the urging of Karp and others, Li Bin spent the whole time on the deck, 24 hours a day, 19 hours in the process of training and recovering with his abilities, and only five One hour is the time to rest and eat. Because the power of life is too abnormal, Li Bin's body was revived with only five hours of recovery.

Zefa, the physical skill of the Sixth Form of the Navy, also said in the new barracks that some of them will be taught after their physical fitness reaches the standard.But now it is difficult for Professor Zefa to achieve it in the short term, so he was very happy when Karp proposed to teach Li Bin the six naval styles.

The six navy styles are divided into six body techniques: shaving, moon step, haze foot, finger gun, paper painting, and iron block, which are also known as the ultimate body technique that surpasses the human body.

Shaved: In an instant (about 0.36 seconds), the explosive reaction force generated by stepping on the ground at high speed more than ten times in a row is used to move at high speed, and it seems to disappear from the eyes of the enemy.

Moon Step: Kick in the air while jumping, changing the trajectory of movement before falling.With this air-moving physical technique, people can launch attacks from the air without leaving any dead ends.

Lanjiao: Instead of kicking the enemy to inflict damage, it rolls up a "vacuum" attack, like a sharp slash, to kill the opponent.

Finger Gun: Concentrate the power of the whole body on the index finger, and release a blow in an instant with the electric light that hardens the finger.Because the fingertips have the attack power of bullets, they can easily penetrate the human body.

Paper painting: Unleash the strength of the whole body, through the changes in the airflow generated by the opponent's movements, the attacks directed at oneself can be predicted in advance and avoided.

Iron block: Accelerates blood flow, accelerates muscle movement, drums up strength in the body of lean exercise, and makes it have the hardness of iron.Even ordinary bullets and swords cannot break through the defense of iron blocks.The fly in the ointment is that beginners cannot move freely when using iron blocks.

Li Bin also knows that the return of life at a higher level can freely control the body, hair, internal organs, etc., as long as the consciousness is poured into it, you can freely control any part of the body!It is a skill that every man wants to learn, but it is too far away from him.

"Okay boy, have you decided to learn that technique first?" Karp asked.

"Of course it's iron and shaved!" Li Bin didn't even have to think about it, especially the iron. The force of life can control the blood flow in the body, so he has a unique advantage when learning about iron.

"I'm not surprised if you shave, because Yuebu and Lanjiao are both advanced versions of shaving, everyone will give priority to it when learning the six styles, but are you sure you don't choose paper painting first but iron blocks? Knowing that paper painting has learned, it is easier to comprehend knowledge and domineering!"

"Lieutenant General Garp, because my fruit ability can help me control the blood flow in my body, so I choose the iron block first!"

"So that's it, yes, then I will teach you the iron block first! Put your hand on my shoulder and feel the changes brought about by my blood flow!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Three times the flow rate!"

Garp's shoulders instantly hissed like hot coals.No wonder Luffy was able to develop the second gear, Garp should have taught him the principle of iron blocks.

"Then drum up the strength of the whole body. See if all the muscles around here are twisted into a rope in an instant, and they are in the most basic state of exerting force. The strength of the iron block is closely related to the strength of your body, but It also has an upper limit, which is not much higher than your Dao value, so it is very unwise to use iron blocks when fighting against someone stronger than yourself! Alright, you first control the speed of blood flow in your shoulders, I take a look!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Garp!"

Li Bin immediately took off his shirt and began to speed up the flow of his blood.
The transformation of Tian's body was not for nothing, the blood flow rate in the shoulders quickly tripled.

"Good, arouse the strength of the muscles in and around the shoulders!"

Hearing this, Li Bin began to agitate the muscles in his shoulders, and it felt so hard that it exploded!
"Well, it's an introduction. Next, you have to practice repeatedly and continue to increase the strength of your muscles, and you will be forged into iron. The blood flow rate is the key to this move, and the second is the technique of mobilizing your muscles. For you It’s not very difficult.” Karp nodded in satisfaction. Although this kid’s background is poor, he can comprehend things very quickly. “Next, I’ll cover up the effect of shaving and the basic posture. In the future, you just need to practice repeatedly.”

"Understood, Lieutenant General Garp."

With a swish, Garp's figure disappeared, from Li Bin's left to the right, and the next instant he came to the front again.

"This is the effect of shaving, which makes people hard to guard against! See it!"


"Next, look, this is the 'my shaved' starting gesture, the basic way of stamping!" Garp said and stamped on the ground slowly, "See clearly? This stamping is to mobilize the strength of the whole body , Otherwise, if you only move one foot, the foot will cramp before it can be used. The most important thing here is body balance. Because the reaction force of shaving is applied to the whole body, it is difficult to do it if the body is unbalanced."

"I can see clearly!"

Li Bin tried it as he spoke, and fell out as soon as he stomped on it!

"Yes, that's it. As long as you persevere, you will definitely learn it. But this is on the deck, so you must pay attention to your strength."

"Understood, I will definitely not fly out." Li Bin said emotionally.

"What are you thinking about!" Garpu's iron fist waved over, "I mean, when practicing shaving, control your strength well, don't step on the deck, it has nothing to do with whether you fly out or not!"

"Don't worry, I will never step on the deck. I have fully mastered the speed of the shaved force, and the rest is a matter of balance."

"Very good, you practice here first, the old man is going to break the donut record." After saying this, Garp disappeared, and it was too shocking to be with someone like Li Bin who had an extremely abnormal comprehension speed. people's self-confidence.

If Li Bin knew the truth, he would definitely try his best to explain it. The power of life developed made him fundamentally understand that his lush fruit can allow him to easily control every cell in his body.

Although the six-style technique is difficult, it is too simple for Li Bin who can control his own cells.

Therefore, in just three or four days, Li Bin easily learned the iron block and shaving, setting a new record for the fastest entry into the Navy's sixth style!

(End of this chapter)

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