One Piece: Arrival of the Tree Realm

Chapter 18 Rectify Your Name (5 more)

Chapter 18 Rectifying Your Name (Five Watch)

Seeing that Ain and others left with Bogart, leaving only himself, Garp, and the registrar on the deck, Li Bin thought this was a very good opportunity.

"Mr. Garp, I want to change my name to represent my rebirth!" Li Bin said, staring at Garp seriously.

Because the chance is only this time, when everyone gets familiar with his killing in the future, he will really become Binz forever!

But his own obsession is also very deep. Although he has become Binz, he still wants to tell himself that my soul is still the same me. read!
"Rebirth? This is your freedom. Just tell me the name you want, and I'll help you apply!" Garp naturally agreed.

Every naval warrior who has experienced growth will remind himself with extraordinary marks. The name is just a way of reminder, and Garp is not surprised at all.

"Li Bin, McCann Li Bin! Thank you Lieutenant General Karp." Li Bin replied loudly.

"Does it include a change of promise to your companions?" Garp nodded, "Very well, the registrar has written it down, and there is also the pirate group with a reward of 150 million!"

"Write it all down! I'm going down to Lieutenant General Garp," the registrar replied.

Cap nodded.

"Okay, Li Bin, tell me about your experience in this battle!" Karp said.

"First, don't underestimate any enemy. Even the weakest child can kill us who are unsuspecting! Second, don't be arrogant when facing the weak, or you will die miserably. Third, the Navy Remember the knowledge you have learned in the academy, it may save your life at a critical time."

"What is this all about? Silly boy!" Garp hammered down with a big fist, and a big bulging bump immediately rose from Li Bin's head, "You are still too weak, if you change to Sakalski or Kuzan came here, how could he hurt them with such a little damage! In short, you are too weak to defend against ordinary swords!"

They are all the most powerful natural elements, how can I compare with them, but he dare not say this directly, because Lieutenant General Karp loves too much!

"Yes, I'm too weak!" Li Bin admitted with his head down.

"Okay, starting tomorrow, in addition to daily exercise, take an hour to practice the six poses!" Garp said.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Karp!" Li Bin replied in great surprise.

"Okay, let's use your ability to recover your injuries. I can't bear to express myself like this in front of your little girlfriend!" Garp said in a low voice, then shook his shoulders left the deck.

On the surface, Lieutenant General Karp seems careless, but when he thinks about it, he is smarter than anyone else!
From becoming a naval hero after capturing Lockes, refusing to continue to be promoted, to helping the Pirate King Roger raise Ace to grow up, to deliberately letting Bellmeber's father Monka go, and a series of performances on the top of the war etc.

All these show that Monkey D. Garp is a person who is meticulous and considers the feelings of others. This is the fundamental reason why Luffy has been released by the navy.

"Okay, Lieutenant General Garp!" Li Bin then sat down and closed his eyes, and began to use his ability to restore the injured wound.

Li Bin once discovered that there are two ways for lush fruits to promote the rapid growth of animals and plants. One is to make cells taller and stronger, and the other is to promote cell division.

Therefore, he can also use the ability of lush fruit to drive his own cells to divide.

But unless he was injured, Li Bin would not use the ability of the lush fruit, because too many cell divisions would easily damage his lifespan.

However, for the injured wound right now, it is not enough to rely solely on the power of life to strengthen the cells and restore the cells. The loss of lost cells is greater than the loss of split cells. Even if he does not use his ability, the cells in the wound will divide spontaneously. It's just that there is no one manipulating it.

So he began to stimulate the skin cells in the wound to divide new cells, and his wound healed in a short time.

After dinner, Ai En came to see him specially: "How is your injury?"

"Okay, everything is healed!" Li Bin said with a smile, "Just drink a bottle of milk, and all my injuries will be healed!"

"Is there such a miraculous milk?" Ain was a little puzzled.

"Of course, Mr. Garp's battleship has it." Li Bin ran to the kitchen and brought out a cup of hot milk for Ain, "I just drink this, don't believe me Are my wounds healed?"

Li Bin pushed back his sleeves, and Ai En was surprised to find that there were only shallow scars left on the wound.

"It's really all right. If I hadn't seen you hurt with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!" Ain touched it in surprise.

"I'm right! Do you want to try this magical glass of milk?" Li Bin said and handed over the glass of milk.

"Just try it!"

Ai En took it and took a sip, only to find that it was just ordinary milk, a little annoyed.

"You lied to me, it's just regular milk."

"Really? Then let me taste it!"

Li Bin took it, ignoring the lip marks left by Ain, and finished drinking it with a gulp.

"This is really ordinary milk, maybe there is only one cup of the magical milk I just drank!"

After Li Bin finished speaking, he blinked, his face not blushing and his heart not beating.

Ai En didn't expose his lie: "Well, I'll trust you! I heard Lieutenant General Garp say that you decided to change your name, and you will be called Li Bin from now on, right?"

"Yes, this name represents my rebirth!" Li Bin said seriously.

"Names have special meanings. Are you sure you want to change them?" Ai En asked, biting his lips tightly, as if this incident had a great impact on her.

"Of course, I've been thinking about it for a long time. Lieutenant General Garp has already reported it for me. How can a man change his mind at will!"

Ain told Zefa to guard his will!

And Zefa also said that Binz inherited his will!

"Are I going to guard the young man in front of me from now on?" Ai En was a little dazed. Once upon a time, that ridiculous young man in floral clothes had grown into a steady and mature man!

"What's wrong with Ai En? Are you going to change your name with me? Do you want to change it to Li Ai?"

Li Bin's voice brought Ain back to his thoughts.

"Who wants to change my name after you, I will be Ain from now on, I will always be Ain!" Ain said angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't be so angry!" Li Bin took the opportunity to wrap his arms around her neck and shook her gently, "I was just joking."

"Don't shake me, I want to be quiet!"

"Yeah." Li Bin took the opportunity and didn't dare to move.

Under the setting sun, the figures of the two on the deck stretched very long...

 Chapter 5 is here, more than 1 words today, please recommend and collect!thank you all


(End of this chapter)

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