Chapter 91
In the past few days, the entire serious crime team has entered the busy finishing work of the case, collecting evidence, dealing with the aftermath, interrogating, and going through judicial procedures.

After working for several days, at noon, in the office of Dong Biao of the Western District Police Station, Dong Biao said to Lin Guoxiong: "Is anyone from the Public Relations Department of the General Administration here?"


Dong Biao nodded and said, "Call Chen Jiaju and Dong Yi to come in."

Lin Guoxiong opened the door and called the two of them in.

Dong Biao took a look at the two of them and nodded: "Although there was a little accident in this mission, it was considered safe and sound!

We will hold a press conference later. This mission was completed very well. You two performed well! "

"Hehehe, no, the agent Dong Yi is still very good, without him this mission would not be so smooth!" Chen Jiaju smiled.

"No! It's all thanks to the leadership and careful deployment of the West District Police Station that this mission can be successfully completed!" Dong Yi shouted hastily.

Chen Jiaju looked at Dong Yi beside him in a bewildered expression, and immediately reacted: "Yes! It is the leadership and wise decision that made this operation successful!"

Dong Biao nodded in satisfaction, and then said to Lin Guoxiong, "Call the people from the public relations department over here!"

Lin Guoxiong then opened the door and gave orders to the police officers outside. Then, as the sound of high-heeled shoes approached, a sweet face pushed open the door and appeared in the office.


Dong Yi raised his eyebrows, but stood silently and motionless.

Dong Biao went on to say: "Jia Kui, let me introduce you, she was sent by the Public Relations Division of the General Administration, this time I called her here because I wanted to take this opportunity to create an image spokesperson for the Hong Kong Island Police!
We have thought twice, considering your heroic performance for so many years, you will be the image spokesperson this time.

Later, you and Dong Yi will also attend the press conference by the way, remember to answer well! "

"Yesir!" The two said in unison.

"I'm the image spokesperson?" Chen Jiaju looked delighted.

Dong Yi raised his brows when he saw this, he also wanted to be the image spokesperson, to become famous and fascinate thousands of girls, just now, if he didn't grow such a good skin, it would be in vain!
This is a ready-made stepping stone to open the door of the entertainment industry.

Even if Dong Yi went to the entertainment industry, relying on his family's uncle's relationship, he was still offered.

Although because of this incident, in the original plot, Chen Jiaju went on TV and was hated by Zhu Taoji.

But it doesn't matter, Zhu Tao doesn't even let Selena who helped him escape, expecting him to catch others, what a joke!
Even if he doesn't do anything, Zhu Tao still won't give up. That guy is just a dog-skin plaster, he can't do anything left or right, he might as well just do whatever he needs to do!
But how should he speak? He also understood Dong Biao's arrangement, but he didn't want people to think he was partial.

But this will be the 80s, I am afraid that the only way to be famous is on TV and newspapers, and not everyone can get on it.

"Director, in fact, the plan I designed this time is to create two image spokespersons, one is trainee inspector Chen Jiaju, and the other is detective Dong Yi.

For this reason, I also specially designed two different styles! "Annie said.

Hearing this, Dong Yi loves this girl to death, it is his timely rain!
But Dong Biao's eyes flashed, and then he nodded calmly: "That's fine, I'll trouble you with this matter."

"It's okay, it should be!"

Dong Yi was overjoyed when he heard the words, but his face was expressionless. Annie took out the speech script and handed it to Chen Jiaju and Dong Yi, and then said: "After the press conference, you can read it according to this script. We have already prepared it. Related questions."

The two took the speech, and Dong Biao asked them to go out and prepare.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Dong Biao asked Lin Guoxiong to stay, and Lin Guoxiong understood and closed the door.

Dong Biao asked: "In this case, what charges are against Zhu Tao's female secretary?"

"Trafficking drugs, resisting arrest, assaulting police officers!"

"Revoke all charges against her!"


Lin Guoxiong hesitated for a while, but he didn't dare to question him face to face, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

A moment later, in the reception hall of the police station, a press conference on "Operation Pig Hunt" began.

Attending this press conference were Dong Biao, the top leader of the West District Police Station, Lin Guoxiong, the deputy, and the two protagonists who completed the mission!

The scene was constantly buzzing and flashing lights kept hitting everyone's faces. Dong Yi smiled and tried his best to keep smiling, showing his most handsome and extraordinary appearance.

"I heard that this operation was completed by the cooperation of the two Sirs, so which one of you has the most credit!" A reporter asked.

"The biggest credit this time is the leadership of our West District Police Station, the careful planning and meticulous arrangement. The real credit should be attributed to the wise command of the leader!"

The two straightened their backs and said in unison. The reporter frowned, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was reciting lines.

"Zhu Tao wanted to buy the two of you with 1000 million US dollars, what did you think at that time!" Another reporter immediately asked.

This question was not written in the speech, and Dong Yi and Chen Jiaju looked at each other.

"Sue him for bribing police officers, the police on Hong Kong Island will never accept corruption!" Dong Yi said righteously.

"Just kidding! 1000 million, even the police station can be bought!" Chen Jiaju danced.

Dong Yi and Chen Jiaju looked at each other.

"Everyone, don't listen to the wind and the rain, let's wait until the case is closed!" Dong Yi said hastily.

"As a policeman, you have to lead by example and refuse any temptation!" Chen Jiaju said at the same time.

Dong Yi and Chen Jiaju swallowed their saliva, looked at Dong Biao's livid face, and said in a tacit understanding: "Die!"

Half an hour later, a press conference was finally completed.

The following whole afternoon was the time for the two of them to shoot the admissions posters.

The sun was shining brightly, and Annie from the Public Relations Department hired a professional team to take poster photos for the two of them. For this reason, different scenes were set up in the open space of the police station.

First of all, the first theme of the two photoshoots is: Patrol!
The sound of motorcycles sounded, and a white police motorcycle came. Chen Jiaju was wearing a helmet, dressed as a patrolling traffic policeman, holding a pager, and the background canvas was an urban street.

The police officer in charge of taking pictures was a policewoman in her 40s, and she immediately said, "Put your chest up!"

Chen Jiaju's nostrils enlarged, he breathed hard and straightened his back.

The policewoman then commanded: "Open your eyes!"

Chen Jiaju blinked his eyes vigorously, and stared his small eyes with all his might, as if he was so angry that his blood spattered on the spot!

"Open your mouth wider!"

Hearing this, Chen Jiaju pouted his mouth tremblingly.

On the opposite side of him, Dong Yi was riding a cool black motorcycle, holding a silver pistol, wearing a white shirt, wearing a black gun strap on his back, unbuttoning his chest, revealing his eye-catching chest and beautiful collarbones.

On the collar of the shirt, there are a few streaks of bright red, imitating blood, telling people that he has just experienced a fight!

The background canvas is sunset and dusk, with a sense of decadence.

With her hair hanging down naturally, she pointed her gun at the camera, and it was Anne who was in charge of Dong Yi's poster.

Annie looked at Dong Yi who had put on a pose, and then asked: "Put your chin up!"

Dong Yi raised his chin when he heard the words, and Annie continued to command: "There is a little smile on the corner of your mouth!"

Dong Yi smiled slightly, Annie nodded, and then said: "The body posture is a bit inclined, and it looks a little handsome!

right!That's it! "

(End of this chapter)

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