Chapter 90
Dong Yi's eyes were terrified, Zhu Tao was not like other villains, he was a man who would take revenge, and he was a bullshit plaster, the kind of stalker, why keep him.

It's a pity, just a little bit, Chen Jiaju came at the wrong time.

Although Zhu Tao was arrested, Dong Yi felt somewhat regretful that he did not kill Zhu Tao.

As if there was a definite destiny in the dark, Zhu Tao, a poor man, had a hard life, and escaped from Dong Yi's gun several times.

If it wasn't for Chen Jiaju's arrival, Dong Yi would have thought of a good reason, saying that they had guns on their bodies, and to ensure their own safety, they would have fired first. The witness was the bus driver who they used to threaten them all the way.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jiaju arrived at this time, and Dong Yi couldn't help complaining about this person in his heart: "Don't go on the road, why do you have to walk on the cliff? If you cheated, you also cheated me!"

After all, the target has lost the ability to resist. Shooting at this time, a manslaughter cannot escape unless Chen Jiaju is persuaded to join him...

Dong Yi thought about it, it was impossible, Chen Jiaju was good at everything, he had a witty and funny side, but he was also stubborn, he was a person who would not easily violate the rules.

Dong Yi really wanted to kill Zhu Tao now. At first it was for the finale, but now it was for himself.

Dong Yi knew that in the original plot, the person Zhu Tao hated the most was Chen Jiaju, so now, Chen Jiaju ranked second, and Dong Yi definitely ranked first!

A person who wanted to put him to death all the way, Zhu Tao might have already figured out Dong Yi's plan. Even if he was arrested now, Zhu Tao pretended to be as obedient as a quail. It was because he wanted to kill Dong Yi from the bottom of his heart.

Although at this moment, Dong Yi and Zhu Tao seemed to be silent, in fact, it had become a life-and-death situation.

A moment later, the police brigade arrived, took a group of criminals away, and returned to the police station. The scene of arresting criminals was considered to be over.

In the afternoon, in the West District Police Station, in the chief's office...

Dong Biao slammed the table and cursed: "Lin Guoxiong! Didn't you direct the scene? Why did you make so much noise!"

Chen Jiaju, Police Officer Wen, and Lin Guoxiong stood in Dong Biao's office, showing embarrassment. Lin Guoxiong turned his head angrily and shouted at Chen Jiaju: "Chen Jiaju, what's going on!"

"It was our police officers who accidentally exposed their identities, Director, I have tried my best!"

"It's all because Chen Jiaju's actions were exposed that Zhu Tao escaped!" Police officer Wen hurriedly added a knife, his cheeks and mouth were still red and swollen.

"You also said, if you hadn't left your post without authorization, how could Zhu Tao run away when the truck was blocking the way!" Chen Jiaju immediately turned to the police officer beside him.

"What do I call AWOL? If it weren't for the team you led, the village would be full of chaos. I would lead my people to support. Don't be ignorant of good people, and I want to complain to the director!"

Dong Biao was puzzled when he heard the words: "What is the complaint?"

"Complain to Dong Yi, an agent of the Serious Crime Squad, for beating up his superiors. The wound on my face was caused by his punch!"

Dong Biao frowned upon hearing this, and then said: "Jia Kui let Dong Yi in!"

Jia Kui was not upset, he was delighted to hear that Dong Yi had beaten Police Officer Wen, and then he left the sheriff's office and came to the office of the Crime Squad.

When he arrived at Dong Yi's desk, he hurriedly reminded in a low voice: "Director Dong Yi called you, by the way, Police Officer Wen is talking about you beating him, be careful!"

Dong Yi nodded, got up and went to Dong Biao's office.

When Dong Yi arrived at the office, he saluted first and immediately asked, "Director, you are looking for me!"

With a stern face, Dong Biao pointed at Dong Yi and reprimanded: "Say! Why did you beat the superior for no reason!"

"Abandoning duty without authorization, obstructing the pursuit of fugitives!" Dong Yi said loudly.

"You're talking nonsense, when will I stop you from chasing the fugitive!" Officer Wen quickly retorted.

"Sir, then I asked you for the key to the truck. Why did you lie that the key was not with you? If I hadn't driven after him, Zhu Tao might have escaped by bus!"

Officer Wen hurriedly looked at Dong Biao and said, "Director, there were many passers-by on the road at that time, and the truck was big. The reason why I didn't want to give the key was because I was afraid of an accident. If there was an accident, who would be responsible?"

Dong Yi immediately choked back: "You are completely sophistry, how about this, I am willing to accept an internal investigation on this matter, but I also ask Police Officer Wen, it is best to explain why you left your post without permission and obstructed the pursuit, if I At that time, I believed your nonsense, so did you expect Chen Jiaju to run four wheels on two legs?

I don’t know what position Officer Wen acted out of, and who benefited from all your actions.

I think Police Officer Wen is also an old man, and he should know that the logic behind any behavior is to benefit his own side, so who is the beneficiary of your actions, don't tell me it's the police! "

"You! You talk nonsense! At most, I don't want to have an accident and cause unnecessary responsibilities. Why don't I want to borrow your key? I'm a traitor to the police force!"

"I never listen to what other people say, but watch what they do. A person's behavior will reveal his true purpose!"

Officer Wen was furious and looked at Dong Biao and said, "Director, I just complained that he beat me, and now he wants to call me a police traitor. Just because I disagree with him, do I become a gangster?"

"Ah Wen, Dong Yi is young and energetic, so don't make things difficult for the director, okay? This was an accident. We have worked together for so many years, and we still don't know who you are." Lin Guoxiong hurriedly persuaded.

Snapped!Dong Biao slapped the desk, pointed at Dong Yi and yelled: "Baby boy! Don't do evil in the police station just because you are my son. This is the police force, not a place for you to dominate. You beat your boss." , is the following offense.

Now you go get checked and get out of here! "

"Yesir!" Dong Yi stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left.

Dong Biao looked at Police Officer Wen, and said slowly: "Ah Wen, don't be angry, I will let him review it, don't worry, I will give you an explanation on this matter, you can go to work first."

Awen nodded: "Yesir, Director, I just want to teach him a lesson. I don't really want to do anything to him."

"I see. We've worked together for many years. Don't listen to that bad boy's nonsense. I know who you are."

When Officer Wen left the office and closed the door, Lin Guoxiong said loudly: "Director, you must deal with Dong Yi seriously, otherwise you will chill the heart of the clerk!"

Dong Biao listened attentively to the footsteps outside the door, and when the footsteps were far away, Lin Guoxiong said softly: "Ah Wen, I will let him take over other cases, and I will not let him have any more contact with Zhu Tao's case, and I will secretly send someone to watch him." he!"

"I'll leave this to you!"

Lin Guoxiong nodded, and left Dong Biao's office to deal with some details of Zhu Tao's case.

Dong Yi returned to the serious crime team office, sat down at his desk, took out a pen and paper, and was about to write the inspection.

Upon seeing this, Chen Jiaju ran over and asked, "How's it going?"

"Write an examination, what else can you do..." Dong Yi curled his lips.

Chen Jiaju patted Dong Yi on the shoulder and said: "It's okay, isn't it just an inspection? Since I started working, I have to write a lot of inspections every year, so it won't be a problem!"

Dong Yi nodded and kept silent. Anyway, the alarm bells that should have sounded had already sounded, but he didn't know if his father and Lin Guoxiong had tasted it.

No matter what, in troubled times, before there is no conclusive evidence, Police Officer Wen can't stay. Even if he can't be kicked out, he can't be allowed to get too close, as far away as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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