Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 232 Occupational Characteristics

Chapter 232 Occupational Characteristics

Gu Huaxing died, and Dong Yi sat on the ground exhaustedly, his chest heaving violently. This time he was lucky to win, and he almost burped!
Dong Yi immediately got up tiredly, went to the window, and looked at Hui Yinghong who had been beaten so badly that she couldn't move.

At this time, Hui Yinghong was lying on the ground with her back against the wall. She saw Dong Yi get up and slowly walk towards her, gritted her teeth and endured the pain, and turned her face to the side. She didn't want Dong Yi to see her being beaten and injured s face!

Dong Yi came to Hui Yinghong and knelt down on one knee. He was about to ask about the situation when he heard crying from the headset.

Dong Yi sighed and hoarse into the headset: "Why are you crying? Look at the [-]th floor!"

Hearing that the headset was silent for a moment, suddenly there was a burst of cheers!

At the same time, everyone on the ground also saw that the woman who was originally hanging outside the building had been pulled up.

Although they didn't know the twists and turns, they immediately realized that the firefighter, who disregarded his own safety, successfully rescued the woman who was in danger after jumping into the building!

All of a sudden, people cheered everywhere, applauded thunderously, and the whistle was imperceptible to the ears!
"Brother fireman, come on!"

"Good job, this is the real hot-blooded man!"

"Either way, as a police officer, I only recognize the fire brigade, which is ten thousand times better than those police officers!"

"This is the man we girls like!"

And in front of the TV, the three fat mothers and daughters were happily jumping around at home!

A Min breathed a long sigh of relief, suddenly burst into laughter, and said coquettishly: "Bad things, you know that you will worry people all day long!"

On the street, Annie looked at the scene of the TV broadcast in the shop window, pursed her lips lightly, and showed her sweet smile that she had not seen for a long time, and then there was a decision in her eyes, she would not run away again, no matter what the ending is, happiness is You have to fight for it yourself!
In the police station, Dong Biao wiped the corners of his eyes with a tissue, curled his lips, and cursed: "Bad boy! You are so out of tune all day long, I want to scare you to death!"

In the Longxin Building, Dong Yi looked at Hui Yinghong at this time, and found that she was looking away from him. Dong Yi carefully asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"You...don't look at my face...it's ugly..."

Hui Yinghong turned her head to the side, hesitating.

Indeed, as Hui Yinghong said, she looked extremely embarrassed at this time, she was beaten, her face was horribly bruised, and her body was covered in cuts and bruises.

It's a girl who likes to be beautiful, the more proud a girl is, the more she cares about her own image, Hui Yinghong doesn't want people to see herself in a mess at this time, especially in front of a man she has always admired!

Seeing this, Dong Yi understood Hui Yinghong's thoughts, caressed Hui Yinghong's cheek, and said softly: "Let me see!"

Hui Yinghong reluctantly turned her head, her eyes avoided looking directly at Dong Yi, and she whispered in a low voice: "Isn't it ugly!"

Dong Yi shook his head seriously: "No! You are beautiful!"

Hearing that Hui Yinghong stared blankly at Dong Yi, Dong Yi continued, "This is the most beautiful face I have ever seen in my life!

Immediately afterwards, Dong Yi said seriously: "Brave, kind, strong, love others, don't care about yourself in the most critical time, and bear all the suffering by yourself!
You endured the pain, but never gave up!
What an alluring country!What a shameless flower!
Nothing can compare to your blood-stained demeanor, you are the girl I admire from the bottom of my heart!
Now you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life!She is the most beautiful and best girl I have ever seen, no one can match her anyway!

I just want to say, hard work, I'm sorry I didn't protect you well and made you feel wronged! "

Wen Yan Hui Yinghong, a proud and stubborn girl in her bones, suddenly burst into tears, buried her head in Dong Yi's arms, and vented her grievances.

After a while, Yazi's voice came from the headset, and her voice seemed a little choked, "Dong Yi...huh...

Dong Yi, I just contacted the police station. The police station will send a helicopter over later. Now you take Ah Hui to the rooftop. The helicopter will arrive after a while! "

Immediately, Dong Yi picked up Hui Yinghong who was unable to move, walked through the corridor, came to the stairs, and stepped onto the roof.

The night was already deep, looking at the Hong Kong Island at this time from this hundred-story building, the evening wind was blowing on Dong Yi's cheek, and his face was full of relief at this moment.

Dong Yi, who is busy traveling through this isolated city every day, has not stopped to appreciate the night view of this isolated city for a long time.

The night was thick, but Dong Yi felt that the originally noisy city that never slept had become quiet and sweet. He seemed to see the calmness in the busy city.

At this time, Hui Yinghong's originally tense nerves had already been relaxed, and she passed out in Dong Yi's arms. Also, it was time to take a good rest after going through hardships just now!
stomping on...

About two and a half hours later, the sound of the high-speed rotation of the propeller sounded, and finally the rescue helicopter was long overdue!
Dong Yi hugged Hui Yinghong, the two boarded the helicopter, took off from the roof of Longxin Building, and the helicopter carried them straight to the hospital.

Everything here has not subsided yet, the fire brigade also entered the top floor of Longxin Building by helicopter, pushed the switch gate up again, opened the gates that isolate each floor from the outside world, and started searching for survivors...

Until the dawn quietly comes...

Above Hong Kong Island, the first ray of sunlight passed through the window and projected onto the bed indoors. A man was sleeping soundly, his eyes wrinkled involuntarily. When he opened his eyes dimly, he saw a man and a woman standing beside his bed.

A Mei looked at Chen Jiaju who woke up, and said with a smile: "You are awake, I have prepared breakfast for you, black chicken and wolfberry soup, you can drink it while it is hot!"

And Chen Jiaju looked at the man who was also wearing a hospital gown, and hesitated: "Ah Yi, you...look at you, you seem to be hospitalized too!"

"Thanks to you, I was hacked to avenge you, and I almost lost my life!"

Chen Jiaju had already woken up last night when Dong Yi and Gu Huaxing were fighting, and he didn't know much about what happened to Dong Yi. Seeing Dong Yi speak like this, he was puzzled: "It's none of my business that you are injured...Could it be..."

Speaking of this, Chen Jiaju's eyes widened: "You won't meet someone who hurt me!"

Dong Yi curled his lips: "Didn't you see the bandage on my body?" He raised his neck and said: "Look at the gauze wrapped around me, I was almost strangled to death by that Yan family shovel!"

"So, you lost?"

"Are you kidding me? I won, and I sent that guy to hell!"

Chen Jiaju pursed his lips, feeling aggrieved: "That kid is so cheap, I've grown up so much, I've never been beaten like this before, except for me beating someone, I wanted to get back the place..."

Dong Yi interrupted: "Let me not say so much, let me tell you something..."

"what's up?"

"Last night, Dazui suffered a bullet injury to his aorta, resulting in excessive blood loss and brain death. His family has agreed to remove the tube, and the eight men who protected Feng Jingye are no longer here.

The police station plans to hold a funeral in a week, I hope you are mentally prepared..."

(End of this chapter)

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