Chapter 231 Die
"Die! Die! In the end, I won, hahahaha..."

Gu Huaxing's face was ferocious, and the steel wire in his hand tightly strangled Dong Yi's neck.

At this time, Dong Yi's skin on the neck had already been strangled with bleeding marks, his eyeballs were protruding and turning upwards, his complexion changed from red to purple, the veins on his forehead were bulging, his mouth was open, and white foam gradually appeared!
On the ground, listening to Gu Huaxing's maniacal smile, Yazi burst into tears and subconsciously said: "Dong Yi...lost!"

Jian Huizhen and Chen Yalun wept bitterly for a while, and they could hear them clearly. Wu Junjun in the police station, listening to the message from the earphone, turned his head in a daze, and looked at Dong Biao and Lin Guoxiong who had been paying attention to the news behind him. The others murmured, "Dong Yi lost!"

Like a bolt from the blue, Dong Biao froze on the spot, shaking his body, shaking his head frantically, and murmured: "No way! My son is so good! He won't lose! He won't lose! He'll be fine. ——I won’t allow him to have an accident——!!!!”

The last few words of Dong Biao were almost equivalent to roaring, with a pair of cloudy eyes, but they were already full of tears!

On Dong Yi's side, everything in front of him became increasingly blurry, and only one obsession kept ringing in his mind, seize it!catch!catch!

Gradually, Dong Yi's eyes seemed to be plunged into darkness, and he realized that this was an illusion on the verge of death!

At this moment, he found himself in a dark and silent space, without any sound, and could not see anything, including himself!

I just felt that he was standing, and gradually realized that he was in a dark tunnel, and his feet were light and light. Dong Yi wanted to step on it but couldn't step on it, and wanted to touch the tunnel wall with his hands. Suddenly, his hands tingled Hearing this, it made his whole body clear like an electric shock for a short time. He realized that his hands were still holding something real, and he knew what it was, so he held it with all his might!

Suddenly seeing a white light at the end of the tunnel, I involuntarily began to move closer to the white light, as if I couldn't resist it, as if a magnet met steel and was firmly attracted!

At this time, there was also a booming sound as if the sky and the earth had just opened, the wind and clouds, lightning and thunder, and then it turned into a huge torrent. With the sound of menacing water, he just drifted towards the end of the tunnel.

Not long after, I discovered that there was an exit ahead, and outside the exit was a golden world, dazzling golden light, bright, warm and transparent.

This kind of light has no source and direction, it seems to be the inherent color of all objects, and there is no interval, they are one with each other.

It's just that there is a particularly bright line at the edge where the two things touch, and the outline of the object is drawn, and those lines are also inlaid in the light, blending and blending, there is no difference between the inside and outside of the line, they are all the same gold Yellow light makes everything feel connected and a complete whole.

In the brilliance, Dong Yi saw his body clearly, standing upright in the warmth of golden light like transparent glass.

The difference was that he noticed that the yellow inside his body was obviously lighter than the golden yellow outside. Although there was this difference, he felt that he was part of this world.

As the sound of the waterfall continued, the flow of golden light began to pour upwards from the soles of his feet, and the flowing light climbed up step by step along the outline of his body. Soon the golden light flowed through his waist, his limbs felt the temperature, and rose to his ears. The sound of the waterfall became the sound of nature. Dong Yi heard the laughter of children, and the natural sounds of flowers, birds, fish and insects in the fields!
Just as Dong Yi was getting drunk, he wanted to relax his hands and touch everything in front of him!
A dull sound, like a stone, hit the phantom in front of Dong Yi's eyes, and everything was shattered like a mirror!

In an instant, Dong Yi began to regain his sight, and saw that he was already kneeling on the ground, and he was still holding on to the rope tied to Hui Yinghong!


Cough cough cough...

A rapid cough sounded, and Dong Yi burst into tears and realized that he could breathe!


A rapid panting sound came from Dong Yi's mouth, and he was breathing heavily!

Look again, Gu Huaxing was attacked from the back unexpectedly, and a sculpture made of plaster in the house was used to smash Gu Huaxing hard on the back of the head!

The sculpture in this person's hands has been smashed, this person has no eyebrows, and his head is tilted unnaturally. He looks exactly like Liming. It is A Bin, one of the bombers!
It turned out that Gu Huaxing thought he was killing him in the elevator, but unexpectedly, this man named A Bin survived. His neck had been sprained by Gu Huaxing. Enduring the discomfort, he escaped from the elevator and climbed along the iron chain to the The higher-ups found a utility room that no one cares about, and hid!

He knew better than anyone else which floors the explosion occurred on. At this moment, unless he flew out with wings, the only way was to wait for the fire to go out by itself, and then find a way to leave!

But just after he hid in the utility room alone for an unknown amount of time, rapid gunshots rang out, and the atmosphere suddenly became chilling. When he sneaked out of the utility room, he saw corpses lying on the ground in disorder !

Driven by strong curiosity, he observed the fallen body while walking towards the room where the sound of metal friction came from. Not long after, he saw a man with wolf hair and blood all over his body outside an office door. He was dying. Use a wire to strangle someone!
A Bin instantly understood that no matter who the strangled person was, the purpose of that person was the same as his, to kill this tough man in Tang suit!
So, enduring the stinging pain from his neck, he picked up the decorations in the office and came behind Gu Huaxing, who was laughing ferociously!

He swung it hard towards his head!
The handicraft was shattered, and Gu Huaxing was so dizzy from the beating that he lay on his side.

It is also because of this that Dong Yi ushered in a respite and woke up from the illusion of dying!
Seeing this, Dong Yi didn't talk nonsense, while adjusting his breathing, while flying his hands, he pulled up vigorously!

Gu Huaxing's head was in pain, blood was flowing from one side of his head, he hurriedly got up in a half-squat, shook his head, looked at the person who attacked him, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty color, and suddenly he looked at A Bin Swoop.

Pushing A Bin down, he punched A Bin desperately with both fists, crackling, like a beast that lost his mind and fell into madness, only hitting A Bin's Adam's apple in the neck.

One punch after another, each punch is like a lion fighting a rabbit, giving everything!
Abin began to spurt blood from his mouth and nose, and then his pupils gradually dilated, but at the moment when he was about to die, he suddenly laughed!
This smile, laugh, get what you want!
Seeing this strange smile made Gu Huaxing regain his senses and secretly thought that if something was wrong, he should turn away!
But there was a hoarse voice behind him, as if his life was impermanent, screaming: "Die——!!!"


With a flash of crimson, Gu Huaxing felt that the world was overturned and everything was spinning and changing!
With a plop, he seemed to be lying on his side on the ground, in front of him was a headless body, kneeling on the ground, and then fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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