Chapter 175
Three days later, in the mortuary room of the police station, stainless steel corpse refrigerators, also known as mortuary cabinets, were densely packed against the wall of the house.

The hard texture and cold metallic color give people an illusion of coldness.


With the help of police officers, two drawers of metal stretchers were pulled out of the cabinet.

Cold air suddenly emerged, surrounding the two cold bodies. The bodies were covered with scars and linear sutures left during the autopsy.

" is not my child! No! No!"

A blond, blue-eyed, foreign middle-aged woman held her head in her hands, clutching her hair tightly, her voice was full of despair, as if she was self-hypnotic and unwilling to accept everything in front of her.

Looking at the mortuary, in addition to the police officers, there are also two foreign couples, to be precise, British couples.

The two couples were accompanied by relatives and friends, who couldn't help but comfort them.

At this time, among the two couples, one wife obviously couldn't accept the fact that she was on the verge of collapse.

In her impression, her child is only 17 years old this year, sunny and handsome, definitely not the unrecognizable corpse in front of her eyes.

The husband next to him hugged the wife tightly, and he was full of tears. Compared with his wife who was about to collapse, he just managed to maintain his composure.

In the other couple, the husband looked at the body of his daughter and saw that she looked neither human nor ghost, so he bit his lower lip hard, the corners of his lips were trembling, and he was trying his best not to cry.

The wife beside him looked unusually calm.

The woman came to her daughter's unrecognizable corpse, her eyes were doting, her right hand was gently arranging the hair of the corpse, and she said in a gentle tone: "Hi, my little sweetheart, mommy is here to see you, you When will I sleep...

Dear, my sweetheart, wake up quickly...

Haven't you always wanted to see pandas in Sichuan? Mom promises you that as long as you wake up, I will find a way to fulfill your wish no matter what! "

Seeing that her daughter still didn't respond, the woman closed her eyes in despair, and murmured: "Don't leave mother..."

With a pop, he threw his head back and fell to the ground!

The people around were shocked and rushed to help, the husband on the side collapsed completely, leaned over and hugged his wife in his arms, while shaking, weeping and begging: "No, no, no! My dear, our daughter has left me. You can't have an accident again, if something happens to you, what should I do in the future! Darling, wake up, don't scare me, okay! "

After a while, there was a flutter of chickens and dogs, and the woman opened her eyes under the call of her husband.

Looking at this person again, his eyes were dull, tears gradually came out of his eyes, and his lips began to tremble!
what--! ! ! !

A mournful roar, full of despair, unwillingness, and pain, instantly pierced everyone's eardrums, piercing into the hearts of everyone present like a sharp sword.


Dong Yi was in the corridor outside the mortuary room, leaning his back against the wall and sighing. He heard the weeping sound from inside, but he didn't go in.

There is a saying that a thousand miles of lonely graves is desolate, a white-haired person sends a black-haired person, and the death of a child, no matter who it is, who it is or what background it is, is the cruelest thing for parents.

This human tragedy of separation of flesh and blood, Dong Yi can only be a bystander, saying nonsense about condolences and resignation. Instead of doing that, it is better to wait outside.

Who makes people live in this saha world, content with the ten evils, unwilling to do good, and be confused in the three evils and five destinies.

That's why people also call the human society they live in as the land of tolerance, the soil of filth, and the evil world of five turbidities.

Driven by desire, unmeasurable human hearts, the nature of human beings biting each other will never change. Dong Yi knows that only by setting a bottom line and clear rules can restrain the inherent brutal nature of human beings.

Thinking of this, Dong Yi warned himself in his heart: "I am the bottom line! If the bottom line festers, it will be chaos!"

Then he called the police and told the man to wait for the victim's family members to stabilize before asking the fathers of the two deceased to question them one by one.

About two hours later, with the comfort of relatives and police officers, the two couples finally stabilized their emotions and planned to accept Dong Yi's questioning.

In Dong Yi's office...

Ade took the tape recorder and was responsible for recording, while Dong Yi planned to ask for some information.

The first person to come in was Mei Si's father, and Dong Yi carefully asked him about his identity and background.

This person is engaged in foreign trade business and often travels between Hong Kong Island and the UK.

Ask him if he has any feuds with anyone, or has offended someone, and some details about his daughter's life.

The answer was that this person was just an ordinary businessman with a higher education and a not very complicated background.

Whether it is being kind at work or in life, even if there is friction with others, it happened a long time ago.

So Dong Yi focused on asking about the details of his daughter Mei Si's life.

Wait until the chat is over and the person leaves.

Dong Yi couldn't help frowning, rubbed his temples, his face was a little livid.

Ade, who was recording at the side, saw Dong Yi's ugly face, and hurriedly asked, "Dong sir, what's wrong with you?"

Dong Yi shook his head and said: "It's difficult, I'm really afraid of something!"

"Dong sir, what do you mean by that!"

"I mean, this case is not easy to handle. From the girl's father's conversation, I can conclude that this is an accidental murder!"

Hearing this, Ade opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. He knew the meaning behind Dong Yi's words.

When handling cases, the police are not afraid of murders with traces, whether it is vendetta, revenge, or love, because in these types of cases, there is an important premise.

That is, in these types of cases, the deceased must have had contact with the person who killed him or the mastermind. Even if there is no contact, there will be conflicts of interest. The police can completely eliminate them one by one through the relationship network behind the deceased.

If you are afraid, you go to the street alone, and it is still an inaccessible place. There are no witnesses, and you meet someone who has nothing to do with you, and then you are stabbed with a knife. In a situation like this, the police have no way to start.

After communicating with Mei Si's father, Dong Yi already had a rough judgment, that is to say, the young couple Mei Si and Bligh met to climb the mountain, but when they arrived on the mountain, they encountered a group of gangsters by accident.

The gangster and the two were totally out of reach, but out of cruelty they killed the two, leaving behind two corpses and walking away.

Especially nowadays, there is not much surveillance on Hong Kong Island. In this era of lack of surveillance, there are no witnesses, and the barren mountains and mountains make it difficult for people to find the murderer in the vast crowd.

At this time, Dong Yi was inevitably a little depressed. After calming down, he said to Ade beside him: "Call Bly's father in..."

(End of this chapter)

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