Hong Kong Movie: Pretty Boy and Bad Guy

Chapter 174 Confirmation of Identity

Chapter 174 Confirmation of Identity
It was clearly stated in the autopsy report that the extracted body fluids of the female deceased contained a large amount of sawdust and a small amount of drink.

With a little thought, you can determine what else the victim went through after being violated!
In fact, Dong Yi had been simmering with anger since he read the report. If he caught the real culprit, he would feel that the death penalty would be cheaper than the murderers.

Immediately, Dong Yi took a few people with him, immediately left the Western District Police Station, and drove to Hong Kong Island Yingtong School.

After arriving at the destination, someone from the school was in charge of reception, and Dong Yi went directly to the meeting room of the school staff.

A moment later, looking at the school leaders in front of him, Dong Yi looked livid because he had just learned that this school was a fucking boarding school!

It has been so many days since the murder happened. In the school conference room, including the principal, a group of foreign teaching staff, and a very small number of Asian staff, they took the initiative to contact the police.

Dong Yi was annoyed, smiled coldly, and asked the principal of this school angrily: "You guys are so interesting, it is a boarding school, and the students in the school are missing, but you don't know to call the police?

We have to wait until our police make a storm in the city through the media, and everyone knows about it!Be willing to notify the police! "

"I'm sorry, sir, our school has always upheld the educational philosophy of openness and freedom. Students of this age are almost adults, and we have no reason to violate their freedom.

After all, this school is one of the few aristocratic schools on Hong Kong Island, and all the students who go to school here are British students.

We have always adhered to the Western concept of freedom and equality in educating students, and it is reasonable for them to travel and participate in activities occasionally! "

Dong Yi pointed at the principal's nose and cursed: "Fuck off! Fuck off your mother's freedom, your fucking Western freedom is only fooling some ignorant local turtles.

I only know that since this is a boarding school, as the school administrator, I have the obligation to take good care of their children for the parents!

At the very least, we must ensure the safety of students. Whenever something happens, we should be highly vigilant and contact the police as soon as possible. Otherwise, why would you charge so much money?
Now you are licking your face and talking to me about freedom. When the case first happened, our police called all the major schools to explain the situation. They said it so clearly, why don't you have snacks and have to delay it for so long?
Isn't it because you are afraid that the incident will affect the reputation of your school, and maybe other parents will transfer their children to other schools?

Let me tell you, don't say that I am a policeman, even if I am an ordinary passerby, I will complain to the Hong Kong Island Department of Education and sue you for dereliction of duty!

Just wait, not only will I file a lawsuit against your school for obstructing official duties through the police channel, but you also have to be prepared to wait for how the family of the deceased will settle accounts with you! "

Speaking of this, Dong Yi breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the principal wanted to explain, Dong Yi waved his hand and interrupted: "You don't need to say more, I just said those words to you from the standpoint of an ordinary person.

Now!I am asking you as a Hong Kong police officer and law enforcer!
Who is the teacher of these two students, the class leader! "

Immediately after the two walked out, there were two blond ladies.

Both of them wore glasses. Dong Yi first asked: "I believe you have also read newspapers and TV. Let me ask you, why are you contacting the police now?"

"Because the principal said that if the deceased on TV and newspapers is not a student of our school, wait a few more days, what if the child comes back by himself?"

Another female teacher hurriedly said: "I can testify that his behavior constitutes an obstruction of official duties."

When Dong Yi heard this, he knew that it was actually the blame-shifting behavior of the two class leaders. Once the family of the deceased learned about this case, it would be inevitable to sue the school, and they would not be able to escape even in the UK.

Dong Yi was too lazy to say anything and asked directly: "Where is their dormitory? Take me there now!"

After a while, Dong Yi and others first came to the girl's bedroom.

Dong Yi only asked the girl's class leader to follow him and asked the others to wait outside the dormitory.

This is an aristocratic school, and every student has an unusual family background. Dong Yi saw that the furnishings in the room, both the sheets and the decorations, had a girlish feel, and the whole room was filled with pink.

On the desk where he was studying in the house, Dong Yi saw that the girl was covered with photos.

One is a photo of her and her family, the other is a photo of her and her boyfriend, and the other is a photo of her volunteering with the elderly on Hong Kong Island.

Regardless of the background of the deceased, Dong Yi could see that the girl was a kind-hearted girl. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

The class leader at the side saw Dong Yi observing the photos of her students, and couldn't help but think of the girl's lively and lovely appearance before she was alive.

The teacher, who is a mother, suddenly had a sore nose, and shook her head regretfully: "Mei Si will be graduating from high school this year and June next year. She is a kind child and often volunteers in some orphanages and nursing homes on Hong Kong Island." .

She told me that her greatest wish is to go to Sichuan and see the pandas there. She also likes some Chinese elements. I really don’t know what’s wrong with her, why God treats her like this! "

Dong Yi didn't reply. When he saw the photo of Mei Si and her little boyfriend, it was exactly the same as the photo he analyzed from the German photographer.

The deceased was indeed a high school student!
Dong Yi then asked: "Your school should have her family's phone number?"

The teacher nodded, and then Dong Yi said: "I'm 100% sure that the deceased is Meisi, call her family and come to the West District Police Station to claim the body!"

For a while, all the school staff waiting outside the house sighed after hearing the words.

Just now, some of them had the last luck, especially the headmaster.

But hearing Dong Yi's conclusion that the deceased was identified, the headmaster closed his eyes in despair. He knew that his headmaster had come to an end, and he might have to bear related responsibilities.

Immediately after Dong Yi left the dormitory, he said to Ade who came with him: "Ade, notify the police station and send people from the on-site investigation department to collect the items in the dormitory and go to the police station to collect clues.

From now on, no one is allowed to enter this dormitory until the on-site investigation department arrives! "


Then Dong Yi asked Ade to stay and guard the dormitory, and then went to the boy's dormitory.

The boy's dormitory looked a little messy, but Dong Yi could tell that he especially liked collecting sneakers. A whole wall was lined with shoe boxes. They looked expensive, and most of them were limited editions.

There is also a game console TV in the dormitory, but according to the performance of today's game consoles, they can only play some fighting games.

And Dong Yi also learned the true identity of the deceased from the boy's class leader.

The boy's name is Bly. He is a sophomore in high school and is 17 years old. He has a cheerful personality and has no bad habits except that he doesn't like studying and loves playing video games.

It is not difficult to tell from some personal belongings in the dormitory that the boy and the girl are lovers.

A 17-year-old high school boy fell in love with a senior who was one year older than him. It was supposed to be the beginning of the age, but the two met to climb a mountain, and their life came to an abrupt end.

Dong Yi left a police officer to guard the dormitory, and then he asked the school staff and classmates who had a good relationship with the deceased step by step, so as to learn more about the social network they had and find a breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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