Darkness Rises

Chapter 94 Father's Approval

Chapter 94 Father's Approval

"Then why do you want to inject the strengthening potion?"

At this time, Norman Osborn looked at the masked Harry in front of him, and suddenly asked calmly.

"I, I..." Harry was caught off guard by the sudden inquiry, and in a hurry he made up an excuse: "Who said I need to inject a booster potion, I just want to take it and sell it for money, yes, for money !"

Looking at the stubborn little guy, Norman Osborn said with a sneer: "Hehe, do you know how the strengthening agent enters the human body? Do you think you can directly inject it into the human body after taking it away? You don't think it's enough to die." soon?"

His father's rhetorical question made Harry flustered, and he asked anxiously, "Then tell me, how to perform human injection?"

"Tell me, why do you want to inject 'enhanced potion'!"

Norman Osborn's attitude at this moment is very firm, his eyes are extremely serious, and he exudes an irresistible majesty from top to bottom. He is worthy of being the chairman of the Osborne Group who started from scratch and has been in charge of this super company all year round.

For a moment, Harry standing in front of him was almost suffocated. After all, the shadow that his father had left in his heart for many years was so deep.


Harry Osborn, who was muttering, almost forgot to change his voice, revealing that he had been identified.

Fortunately, he came back to his senses suddenly, and said angrily, "You, you actually threatened me. We are robbers who specialize in stealing strengthening potions. If you don't want to die, just answer my question honestly!"

But Norman Osborn just looked at his silly son in front of him coldly, with an indifferent expression on his face, he might be thinking how he gave birth to such a fool.

"Hey, Bond!"

Seeing that he couldn't threaten his father, and he didn't dare to really come forward to hurt Norman, Harry had no choice but to look for help to Ivan, who had been standing aside and controlled his father with superpowers.

But Ai Wen just shook his head, spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, signaling that he didn't care about it.

In fact, it seems that he is using the so-called "psychic power" to control Norman Osborn, but in fact, he had given up using the ability when he discovered that Norman recognized the identity of the two.

It was a family affair between the father and son in front of him. I played the son crazily. What kind of meddling did he have? As long as there is no accident in the final result, Harry Osborn will become the first Green Goblin, then everything else is fine. He has no influence.

Seeing that Aiwen didn't help him, Harry had no other better way than looking at his best friend with a look of hatred.

A tangled expression began to appear on his face, and a violent conflict of thoughts arose in his mind, whether he should tell his father his true thoughts.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the still motionless father in front of him, and at the first glance, he met the serious but vaguely disappointed eyes of the other party.

Harry's heart skipped a beat for a moment.

He is too familiar with this kind of gaze. He grew up under his father's gaze since he was a child.

His father has always had high demands on him, but he has been unable to fulfill the other party's expectations. He can only keep the other party in a state of disappointment, until Harry feels that his father has begun to give up on him slowly.

But he has worked very hard. Compared with other rich second generations, um, except for Ivan, he is actually very good. He has no bad living habits, does not smoke marijuana, and his circle of friends is extremely clean.

It's just that his brain is really not as good as his genius father that day, and he can't bear the responsibility that the other party wants him to bear.

But he doesn't want to be like this, he never wants to be like this, he wants his father to be proud of him, and he also wants to do what he wants to do.

Seeing that familiar disappointed gaze again, Harry, who had already made up his mind to make a change, felt an impulse welling up in his heart, making him unable to vomit.

Looking at his father with firm eyes, Harry said in an unprecedentedly serious tone: "I want to protect those who are extremely important to me, those who love me, so I need a stronger force to share the pressure for them , can protect their powerful force!"

After saying these words, Harry even felt a little exhausted, but he was also extremely happy. He looked anxiously at his father opposite.

"Hmph, childish!"

But Norman's answer made Harry, who finally got serious, very angry, but then he was a little discouraged, and whispered: "I really can't get your approval!"

"Come on, let me help you and make you who you want to be!"

Unexpectedly, Norman Osborn suddenly moved at this moment. After saying this, he walked towards the transparent experimental cabin.

Harry looked up in surprise: "Father... Mr. Osborne, why did you..."

His eyeballs almost fell out in shock.

With his back turned to him, Norman said with a blank face: "Because I think you are worth it, you must be able to use this power well to protect those who love you.

Go ahead, take off your shirt and enter the lab! "


Harry didn't think about anything at the moment, nor did he think about his identity as a robber and how he got his father's approval.

He took off his shirt, and walked towards the experimental cabin trembling with excitement, but before entering, he suddenly turned his head with a tangled face and said: "Well, you said before that in animal experiments, the success rate of enhanced potions is only 80.00%. Can't fail.

What happens when you fail! "

At this time, Norman looked at his son with a playful expression, and said coldly: "Death!"


"Do you regret it?"

"No, I won't back down!" With that said, Harry turned his head and entered the experimental cabin without hesitation.

Norman Osborn whispered to himself with a serious expression: "You will succeed, because you are my son!"

Pressing the button, the hatch of the transparent experimental cabin slowly closed, and Norman then turned to Ivan who was standing aside and said, "Ivan, come and help!"

"it is good!"

Ivan didn't say much about how you recognized me, but walked directly to Norman Osborn.

"Have you seen the controller for the power output? I'll let you push it in a while, and you just push it to the end. I need the maximum power output!"

"Yes, Mr. Osborne!"

With the pressing of Norman Osborn's finger, the green enhancement agent in the test tube was gradually pushed into the experimental cabin and turned into a large amount of green gas.

These gases entered Harry's lungs as he breathed, and even penetrated into the body from the capillaries all over his body, and the strengthening began!


Painful screams came from Harry's mouth, and at this moment, Norman said eagerly to Ivan: "Push to the end!"

Aiwen didn't dare to make a call, and directly increased the power output to the maximum, and a dazzling light was emitted from the transparent experimental cabin.

"Mr. Osborne, why did you agree with Harry to do this dangerous enhancement!" Ivan asked curiously.

Norman Osborn looked at the experimental cabin worriedly, and replied: "Because I have seen Harry's change, and I believe he will succeed, just because he is my son!"

Harry's screams stopped abruptly at this moment.

The lights of the entire Osborne Building also dimmed at this moment, and the strong current output caused a major blackout of the entire building.

(End of this chapter)

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