Darkness Rises

Chapter 93 Norman Osborn and His Silly Son

Chapter 93 Norman Osborn and His Silly Son

"Me, my God!"

Harry looked at the terrifying green lizard nearly three meters tall in front of him, with a horrified expression on his face under the hood.

And Ivan in the elevator was completely speechless, whether it was Harry's decline or his decline, no matter what happened.

Is this Dr. Connors ready to go out on the street, or does he want to play with Spider-Man, and I don't know how the citizens of New York are subjected to this shit-like life.

Harry was extremely worried at this moment that the head of the huge lizard that had poked its head in from the opposite side would bite off his neck in one bite, which made him dare not breathe out.

Because he seemed to have suddenly discovered that this green lizard monster seemed to have very poor eyesight, and he did not find Ivan and him who were close at hand.

In fact, this is just Aiwen using the power of reality to make Dr. Lizard's mind trance for a while, so as to avoid disrupting their actions.

When the elevator was closed again, Dr. Connors shook his lizard head. He couldn't help wondering what happened to him just now. Does the lizard serum have side effects that he didn't know about?
"What kind of monsters are in the Osborne Group, James Bond, do you think my father knows about it?"

Well, James Bond is the code name that Harry gave to Ivan. According to him, agents who conduct secret operations have their own code names.

His code name is Jason Bourne, the actor of "The Bourne".

Ivan rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Go back and ask Mr. Osborne yourself, how do I know."


The elevator finally came to the top floor of the Osborne Group, where there is the office of Chairman Norman Osborn, as well as the top-floor laboratory with the most strict protection.

Of course, no matter how tight the protection is, it can't stand the insider like Harry Osborn stealing things.

When Ivan and Harry walked out of the elevator, they immediately frowned. Something was wrong. The surroundings felt like they had experienced a battle. Many documents were scattered on the ground, and a table was overturned. status.

When the two walked in cautiously, they soon found a dead body in a corner.

"My God, it's Dr. Systrom, how, how..."

Harry was shocked. The bald man in front of him, who had lost his vital signs and died in shock and pain, was the top researcher of the Osborne Group, his father's close friend, and the co-developer of the "Enhanced Potion", Strow Dr. Tom.

Could it be that someone has already arrived first to steal, or in other words, kill and rob the "enhanced potion"?
"Be careful!"

Ivan and Harry entered the laboratory cautiously, and they were surprised by the scene in front of them. They discovered that Harry's father, Norman Osborn, had already taken off his shirt and was only wearing a pair of pants, preparing to enter the transparent laboratory. Experiment cabin.

"James Bond, stop him!"

Ivan resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and immediately used the power of reality to immobilize Norman Osborn. It was really the reason why he remembered this scene.

This is the scene where the Green Goblin was born. If Norman Osborn succeeds, then the mission of the system will be completely over.

At this moment, Norman Osborn was also shocked. He was going to put all his eggs in one basket tonight and use his own body to conduct the first and only human experiment on the "enhanced potion".

Unfortunately, his plot was seen through by his co-developer, Dr. Systrom, who was extremely opposed to his actions. After some disputes, he accidentally killed him.

But when things got to this point, there was obviously no room for retreat. Norman desperately put the green "enhanced potion" into the syringe connected to the experimental cabin, preparing to test himself.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, in the top-floor laboratory with a very high security level, two men in black wearing hoods would break into them, and that person seemed to be...

At this moment, Harry saw that his father was immobilized by Ivan's superpower, so he walked forward slowly, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing, why are you doing this?"

Norman looked at the guy in front of him with a strange expression, but didn't respond for a while.

Harry was anxious, turned his head and shouted to Ivan: "Bond, you just need to hold his body, don't stop him from talking!"

Ivan thinks that Harry is simply a fool, do you think I can't see who you are?

He said to Harry angrily: "I didn't stop Mr. Osborne from talking!"

At this moment, Norman looked at Ivan with surprised eyes again. He fully recognized who the two little guys were, and then he turned his head to look at Harry, and asked in a deep voice: "Where are you two robbers?" How did you get into the Osborne Group, and what do you want to do?"

"Hmph!" Harry said disdainfully: "If we want, we can come in casually, we are professional agents, we are going to steal the strengthening potion, and then..."

Ai Wen almost raised his forehead to the sky and sighed.

"And then..." Norman asked curiously in a deep voice.

"No, why did you ask me a question, and now I'm interrogating you, what were you doing just now, why did you enter that experimental cabin, and how did Dr. Systrom die?"

Harry finally came to his senses, and asked loudly.

Norman Osborn didn't know what to think, but he confessed directly at this moment: "He prevented me from using the strengthening potion, and I killed him!"

Harry was stunned. He didn't expect his father to become a murderer.

"Why did you do this? If he disagrees, you can persuade him. How can you kill someone directly?" Harry was anxious.

Norman Osborn looked at the silly son in front of him who was wearing a hood, but his identity was recognized at a glance, and said coldly: "I can't convince Dr. Systrom, because what the military said is true, ours Fortifying potions did have problems at the formula stage.

In the animal experiments, the experimental subjects injected with the strengthening agent only had an 80.00% success rate of strengthening, and had to endure great pain during the strengthening process.

In particular, after the successful strengthening of these animal subjects, all of them developed uncontrollable violent emotions and signs of schizophrenia. This probability can be said to be [-]%.

So the military canceled our cooperation plan, and Dr. Systrom was extremely strict in not allowing me to inject the strengthening agent.

Since I can't convince him, I have no choice but to kill him! "

Hearing the confidential information from his father, Harry was stunned: "If there is such a great danger, why do you have to inject the booster yourself.

If you want to conduct human experiments, you can spend money to find volunteers! "

Norman Osborn shook his head with a sneer: "It's too late, the physical enhancement plan has been forcibly canceled by the board of directors, even if I am the chairman, I can't withstand the pressure.

Now this plan has no funds to continue human experiments, and this tube of strengthening potion is the last tube of potion! "

Harry and Ivan looked at the green potion that had been pushed into the syringe at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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