Darkness Rises

Chapter 173 The Plague

Chapter 173 The Plague
"Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie~~~~"

Such a weird laughter sounded in the night sky of Hell's Kitchen, not to mention how intrusive it is, and it is even more terrifying when combined with the loneliness of the evening sunset.

There were passing citizens around, and they couldn't help frowning when they saw this scene. They tried their best to judge what kind of person this was through the dim yellow street lights that had been turned on.

The black Japanese kimono that they had only seen on TV, the strange Japanese with a strange bun, and an excessively pale face were their judgments on this man.

Immediately, they were surprised to see several bodies fell down in the corner of the nightclub. Some citizens who saw this scene couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

They are all people who often come to hang out in the neighborhood, and have even entered the "Darkest" nightclub to play. Guys who can live in Hell's Kitchen, of course understand the industries that various gangs share.

You know, the nightclub in front of you is directly named after "Darkest". How many gangsters with unclear brains were beaten to death here, and they didn't end well.

No one can ignore the majesty of the "tyrant".

But at this time, the security guards belonging to the "Darkest" nightclub fell to the side without making a sound. Looking at their motionless appearance, they didn't know if they were still alive.

That's pretty cool!

"Hey, Jap, what are you doing here, get the hell out of here!"

Some people who are more courageous, and who are often associated with gangsters, can't help but start cursing, because they have enough confidence.

First of all, the person opposite seemed to be a thin and thin Japanese. Looking at the pale face, it was unclear whether he was terminally ill or not. That's why they dared to use the insulting word "Jap" to directly address each other.

Again, they are still thinking about whether they can take this opportunity to sell "Darkness".

At that time, it was delicious and spicy, and it was very majestic.

Therefore, after these bastards figured this out, they began to scold the Japanese without hesitation, and walked forward with a vicious look.

At this time, the other party heard their curses, stopped the weird and penetrating laughter, and looked over with gloomy eyes.

After seeing these people approaching quickly, a sly smile appeared on the other party's pale face, and he opened his mouth wide.

That range is really big, the mouth grinned directly to the base of the ear, as if being scratched and pulled away.

When his terrifying mouth opened, countless black bugs flew out of his mouth, as if there was a nest in his body.


There was a sound of flapping wings all over the sky, and those bastards who rushed over slammed on the brakes, almost flashing their waists.

"What the hell is this, hurry up, run away!"

The change in style of painting was just a moment. When these bastards saw this terrifying scene, they were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

But their speed was no match for those little bugs. The bugs that flew out of the Japanese mouth quickly came to their side and quickly wrapped them together.

"Ah~~ah~~ woooo~~~"

Screams of fear and pain came faintly from the cocoons, and after more than 20 seconds, the bugs that tightly covered the bodies of these bastards began to disperse.

It didn't take long for these bastards lying motionless on the ground to be revealed. At this time, a few sporadic bugs could still be seen flying out of their open mouths, nostrils and ears.

It's just that these people stared wide-eyed in horror, and their faces were full of ferocious and painful expressions. They were completely dead in silence.

Because those little bugs have completely emptied the organs and tissues in their bodies.

The way of death is extremely miserable.


At this moment, the Japanese, who was laughing loudly again, looking extremely refreshed after venting, suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from his ears.

Immediately afterwards, he was punched out severely.

The next moment, the shadows of insects all over the sky flew over, covering his body and protecting him, but that attack never came again.

As the bugs spread out slightly, revealing a little gap, the Japanese saw a black woman lying weakly on the ground, looking at him with an angry expression on her face.

"Who the hell are you and why are you doing this?"

Naturally, this is a nocturnal girl who quickly rushed out of the nightclub that turned into a hell on earth by using her own abilities.

The scene she saw in the nightclub before made her heart full of chills and trembling, watching the subordinates below were wiped out, gradually from pain to silence.

Seeing the companions around him fall down one after another, the hedgehog vomited stomach acid and then foamed at the mouth, he murmured in a low voice, "Find that bastard, kill him! "

Maybe it's because the night girl didn't like these little bugs since she was a child, so inadvertently, she has been using her ability to dodge those bugs flying around her.

So this made her condition not so bad, but it was very obvious that she already felt that her physical strength was declining rapidly, and the feeling of vomiting had quickly risen from her stomach.

At this time, she clearly noticed that the bugs came in from the air vents of the nightclub, which made her rush out of the nightclub frantically at the last moment with the remaining strength.

And the first time she rushed out, she saw the Japanese devil who was spraying bugs with his mouth and killing others.

Without the slightest hesitation, she stepped forward and punched the opponent hard on the head, knocking him to the ground.

But that's all. After going through this strenuous exercise, her body has exhausted all her strength, and she has to collapse on the ground. A feeling of drowsiness has already flooded her head.

However, she still used her last strength to issue this question.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~hiss~~~"

A burst of pain emerged from the base of the ear, interrupting the weird smile of the worm-mouthed Japanese. I saw him walk up to the night walker, squat down slowly, and use the extremely pale, seriously ill person who seemed to be about to die. face, grinned and said:

"I am the plague, and I have come to bring death to this city!"

"You, you are also a mutant, why, why..."

The night girl's questioning didn't come out completely, the other party opened that terrifying big mouth in an instant, and countless disgusting insects flew out again, rushing into the night girl's ears, nose, and mouth face to face. in vivo.

"I am the plague, Jie Jie Jie!!!"

The nervous laughter sounded again.

The darkest living force, countless younger brothers who controlled the underground world, were killed collectively by a mutant named Plague with strange abilities.

This night, Aiwen, who was caught in a terrible conspiracy, can be said to have ushered in the most dangerous situation.

Especially, that's not all!
(End of this chapter)

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