Darkness Rises

Chapter 172 Insect Sea

Chapter 172 Insect Sea
"Haha, tonight, I must kill Johnny, you know, that guy dared to grab the same chick as me.

Don't let me catch him or I'll blow his head off with one shot! "

In the lobby on the first floor of the nightclub, a gangster who looked to be in his early 20s with colorful tattoos on his neck was yelling wantonly.

That look of being defiant and arrogant, as if he had already killed all directions, and no one in the underground world of New York dared to provoke him.

But the other companions around him were even worse. Hearing his words, the companions even said with disdain on their faces: "Not only Johnny, but also that bastard Chandler. Since we were young, we have been Been looking for trouble for us.

Later, he followed Jin Bing, thinking that no one would dare to mess with him, so he actually found a suit and started pretending to be a master, and even brought someone to a high-end restaurant for dinner two days ago.

Damn nigger, don't even look at him in a black suit, don't show his teeth at night, you can't see him, kill him tonight..."

"Hey bastard, what are you talking about, believe it or not I'll blow your ass off!"

Before the white boy finished his sentence, he caused dissatisfaction among a group of black people next to him. These guys were urgently transferred from Harlem to Hell's Kitchen by the night girl tonight.

And the gangsters from Harlem all have one characteristic, that is, they are all black, and now they hear someone cursing niggers not far away, how can they bear it.

The young Caucasian gangster who was playing awe-inspiring saw himself being accused suddenly, he couldn't bear it, he stood up and cursed back, and the companions behind him had also stood up to help him put up the momentum.

The black people on the other side, not to be outdone, stood up one after another, looking at them with fierce and angry faces.

"Hey, Jerry, calm down, they belong to the night girl, you know, even our boss hedgehog doesn't dare to provoke each other, we better calm down!
And no matter how you say it, we are all the darkest people, those bastards who are going to kill Jin Bin tonight, you are not afraid of making trouble, the big boss will kill you when he comes back! "

At the critical moment when the two sides were about to fight, there was still a more rational person who tried to persuade him.

And hearing the other party's words, this white gangster named Jerry shuddered immediately. If he really angered the big boss, the real "tyrant" Your Excellency, then he really didn't even know how he died.

So with a curl of his lips, the guy sat down anyway.

Seeing that the other party was subdued, the group of niggers didn't want to be unreasonable, but sat back in their seats with the same curse.

After all, their real enemy tonight is Jin Bing's forces, and they can't just fight each other before the battle begins. They still have this number in their hearts.

And the current situation is happening in nightclubs from time to time. After all, these are rebellious gangsters, and it is impossible for them to stay in one place quietly.

If the name of "tyrant" hadn't been too loud to keep them restrained, the gangsters who belonged to several leaders here would have started working long ago.


Jerry slapped to death a bug that seemed to be sucking blood on his neck. Looking at the green juice in his hand, he actually put it in his mouth and licked it.

After disgusting others, he still acted arrogantly and complained in a self-righteous manner: "Damn it, it's winter, where did the bug come from, and it actually bit me!"

"Tell you, Jerry, don't make any more troubles. Before Jin Bing's power is completely wiped out tonight, whoever dares to make trouble, the boss will definitely... slap!"

"Damn, where are there so many bugs!"

Seeing his partner staring at the corpse of the bug in his palm with a puzzled expression, the person next to him said angrily and amusedly, "It must be because the cleaners didn't do a good job of cleaning, or the boss is too kind and recruited a group of mutants who can't eat... "

"you shut up!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the people next to him changed their expressions and told him to shut up immediately. They really didn't want to see this guy die like this.

And this idiot also reacted at this time, thankful that he didn't say everything, otherwise he would really die.

You know, their "darkest" leaders from top to bottom are almost all mutants, and even the cleaners in the nightclub have recruited a group of mutants.

If he dared to speak ill of mutants, then there was no need for the boss to kill him. Naturally, someone who wanted to flatter him on stage would kill him.

However, these people who discriminate against mutants in their hearts really have mixed feelings in their hearts. Looking at the mutants outside who are constantly parading and making trouble today, they dare not speak out.


So, this guy can only vent his anger on the damn bug.

"Damn it, where did so many bugs come from, fuck..."



"Clap clap clap clap~~~"

But before he finished speaking, there were countless slaps and clapping of palms, which seemed so abrupt in the nightclub hall with hundreds of people.

The clamor originally composed of these restless gangsters was suppressed.

Seeing this situation, Jerry said in disbelief: "Are they all shooting bugs, are they poking bug nests, my God, what's going on!"

At this moment, when he looked around and looked around, he was shocked to find that the entire dimly lit hall was already full of small insects flying all over the sky.

These tough and savage gangsters can almost be said to have fallen into a sea of ​​bugs.

"What's the situation, uh, what's going on, I'm a little dizzy, vomit~~~"

Before he finished speaking, Jerry felt dizzy in his head, and the feeling of dizziness almost made him fall to the ground, but the next moment, a more intense desire to vomit surged up from his body!


Countless people began to vomit at this moment, followed by abdominal pain and dizziness in the brain.

And this scene was also seen by the hedgehog and night girl standing on the second floor of the nightclub.

"There's something wrong with those bugs!"


The night girl discovered the problem immediately, and killed two more flying insects. Looking down from above, the situation was even more serious.

Almost the entire lobby on the first floor of the nightclub was filled with small bugs flying all over the sky, almost completely blocking out the lights above.

And those of their subordinates are also in a very bad situation at the moment. They are still vomiting and groaning in pain while they are stumbling around.


There was a sound of falling from behind. They turned their heads and found that it was the eldest of the Lankokhov brothers. Vladimir fell directly to the ground, his body still twitching.

And his younger brother Anatoly is also in a very serious condition at the moment, clutching his stomach and vomiting frantically.

"It's broken, my head is dizzy, I..."

The hedgehog already felt the world spinning, and Arc Light was already pale, lying on the ground trembling.

Just outside this nightclub, a pale Japanese man in a black kimono was making strange laughter.

"Ji Jie Jie Jie!!!"

Horrible and weird laughter echoed around the nightclub in the evening, extremely penetrating!
(End of this chapter)

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