Darkness Rises

Chapter 160 Meatball and Gunfight

Chapter 160 Meatball and Gunfight

The purple space door in front of Ivan expanded rapidly, and a burst of panicked shouts and gunshots sounded first from the opposite side.

It's just that Aiwen is quite familiar with the way this space door is produced, so he didn't stop the opponent in the first place, but he also raised his vigilance at the same time.

When the space door opened to the size of a person, the little girl with green hair rushed over first.

It's the North Star, Lorna Dunn.

At this time, this little girl who loves beauty and is usually dressed up beautifully looks extremely embarrassed at this time, with beautiful long green hair scattered over her shoulders in a mess.

When she raised her head and saw Ai Wen for the first time, she was obviously stunned, not knowing what to do.

The next moment, before Polaris' embarrassment continued, another person also jumped out from the space gate, and that fat body, like a small meat ball, rolled in almost in a state of embarrassment.


This time, Aiwen was not as silent as before when facing Polaris. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and called out the name of the little fat man.

According to his common sense, it was obvious that this little fat man had gone out to make trouble again.

In the same way, Russell also felt that he looked up and encountered a ghost, and the first time he got up from the ground, he saw Ivan who was staring at him with an ugly expression.

A fluster immediately swept through his heart, and he couldn't help but licked his face and said with a smile: "Mr. Hammer..."

But on the other side of the space door, there were obviously still people who hadn't come over. Before the little fat man started to perform, another thin figure of a girl rushed out from the opposite side quickly.

But this time, the other party was accompanied by several fatal bullets, which shot straight towards her back. If she was shot, the girl would probably die immediately on the spot.

Perhaps he had noticed that someone was shooting at him in advance, and when Blink rushed into the space door, he turned around and closed it immediately.

But it was useless, there were already at least three bullets, following her figure and rushing through the space door, about to hit her.

Glittering green eyes, full of fear before death at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Aiwen immediately used the power of reality to block the shooting of bullets, but Polaris, who knew what they had encountered, had already made preparations in advance.

The moment the bullets shot through the space door and entered the room, she immediately output her ability to hold the bullets firmly in the air, saving the flickering life.


"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Accompanied by an angry roar from the opposite side of the space door, and more intense gunshots, the space door was finally closed with a flash, and the entire villa completely returned to silence.

Only the news of Tony Stark's disappearance is still being broadcast on TV.

"You guys, what the hell did you do!"

This time Aiwen was really angry, and he gritted his teeth and jumped out word by word. Judging from the movement just now, the things caused by these three little guys are definitely not small.

But the three little mutants who were in a panic all changed their faces after hearing the angry roar just now.

Little Fatty Russell even shouted with red eyes: "We are going to save him, he will die, he will be killed by those bastards!"

With that said, he was about to rush out of the villa.

And Polaris was even more straightforward, with anger on his fair and cold face, he said directly to Blink: "Clarice, open the space door, let's save people!"

As soon as her words fell, panting heavily, she spread her hands, and she was about to open the space door again.


With Ivan's roar, red light descended on the room, whether it was Russell who was running out, Polaris who was struggling, and the flicker that wanted to open the space door.

Qi Qi was restrained in place by Ai Wen.

"No one is allowed to go out now, tell me what happened!"

At this time, Polaris was struggling to break free from Aiwen's shackles with his own strength, but his fair little face was blushing, but he was doing useless work all the time.

"Let go of me quickly, we are going to save people, otherwise you will be killing people..."


Hearing Polaris' unscrupulous words, a chill instantly rushed from Russell's tailbone to his brain, and he immediately yelled, interrupting Polaris' words.

He didn't dare to let the girl he liked really offend the boss, because he knew that, don't look at the boss who usually pretends to be a warm and refined person of the upper class.

But as long as anyone dared to offend him, the end would be extremely miserable.

So he immediately forced himself to calm down, and first said quickly: "Boss, we are not joking, the situation on the other side of the space door is indeed quite critical.

I'm not sure that mutant would have survived without our help, boss, it's all my fault, I can explain it to you later.

But please save that person, he is the one who saved us, I can't just watch my compatriots die for us! "

Hearing the rare and logical words of Little Fatty Russell, Aiwen couldn't help picking up his gloomy face, and after a brief moment of pondering, he said in the anxious eyes of the three children:

"Where is the opposite, who is that person?"

Hearing Ivan's inquiry, Russell was overjoyed, and he immediately said: "The opposite is Macy's in Herald Square, the person to be rescued is a strange mutant, we don't know each other.

However, the opponent's ability is very conspicuous. He was originally a normal person with a bit of fat body, but he could swell up the fat on his body in an instant, becoming... like a huge meat ball.

And after turning into that fleshy ball, his strength has become enormous, and he can even block bullets with his body.

Boss, you must save him. He protected us and let us escape safely, but he is in a very dangerous situation now, being shot by many bodyguards with pistols.

I don't know how long he can last! "

"Hmph, I don't need him at all, those bullets are useless to me, I can kill all those guys!"

Polaris yelled loudly without knowing how to restrain herself, and that angry look made her fair little face flush.

Ai Wen didn't bother to pay attention to her, and directly sealed the girl's mouth, and then said: "Since it is in broad daylight, the shootout at Macy's, you children can't pass.

I'm afraid there will be even bigger troubles at that time, who will wipe your ass! "

Hearing Ivan's refusal, Russell was about to speak eagerly, but Ivan waved his hand and called the hedgehog directly.

"You and Nocturnal Girl take people and go to Macy's to have a look. There should be a gun battle there. The person being attacked is a mutant. Try to save him!"

"Yes, boss!"

Hearing the reply on the mobile phone, the bodies of the three children obviously relaxed, but Aiwen said to them with an angry face: "Explain to me everything you have done!"

(End of this chapter)

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