Darkness Rises

Chapter 159 2 News

Chapter 159 Two News
"Our reporter has an exclusive report in front of us: 24 hours have passed since an American Airlines passenger plane from New York to England crashed in the Atlantic Ocean.

The multi-national joint search and rescue fleet has salvaged many pieces of aircraft wreckage and dozens of remains of the victims of the air crash.

According to the list provided by the airline, there were a total of 350 and eight passengers and crew members on this flight, and the remains of about 65 people have been recovered so far! "

A video of the tragic scene of the crash has been exposed. On the vast Atlantic sea, as far as the eye can see, it is full of aircraft wreckage and fragments of passengers saluting.

Occasionally, there are some thinly coded objects, which belong to the remains of passengers floating on the ocean. In order to avoid discomfort to the audience, they are coded.

But even with a little treatment, such a tragic scene still caused many people's discomfort, and many soft-hearted ladies and sisters shed sad tears in front of the TV.

Many people put their hands together and prayed to God, hoping that their faith could bless those passengers and that some people could survive the tragic air crash.

At this time, the real-time video in the news screen has been cancelled. In the live broadcast room, the host asked the invited experts with a sad face: "Mr. Smith, please help us explain the cause of this air crash and whether it will No passenger or crew survived!"

The aviation expert adjusted his glasses at this time, and said with a sad face: "According to the communication record of the plane and the ground tower before the crash announced by the airline not long ago, it can be clearly confirmed that the engine on the left side of the plane caught fire first, causing the fire. loss of aircraft power.

Of course, just through this conversation, we can't judge whether the engine caught fire because of its own quality defects, or because of the lack of maintenance on the ground, or even because of the impact of flying birds in the air.

But through the captain's report at the last moment, we can confirm that the plane lost half of its power due to the sudden fire of the engine.

However, the experienced pilot can still rely on another engine to barely maintain the stability of the plane.

But only tens of seconds later, the most terrifying change happened. The left wing of the plane broke directly, and the plane fell into the sea uncontrollably.

Since the contact between the ground tower and the crew members has never been interrupted, we can directly know the whole picture of the process of this air crash.

But we don't know the cause of the air crash. We have to wait until the black box is salvaged before we can make a judgment.

As for the host's question about whether there is a possibility of people surviving..."

The expert's complexion has become extremely ugly, and he said with a heavy face: "Unless God shows His miracle, there will be no survivors of the plane that crashed directly from the height of [-] meters.

What we can do right now is to pray for those innocent passengers! "

Such blunt and painful words plunged the entire live broadcast room into grief, and countless viewers in front of the TV could only pray for those poor passengers with sadness.

As for the families of the passengers who crashed, they are experiencing great grief at this time. Ivan and Harry have accompanied Aunt May to the airline to confirm that Peter Parker was indeed on the plane at the time.

At this time, the old lady was accompanied by a team of professional lawyers and nursing staff arranged by Aiwen to help her with related matters.

Hearing the old lady's grief-stricken thank you, even with Ivan's hard heart, he didn't want to face it.

After all, he wanted to make Spider-Man's death seem very reasonable, and there would be no possibility of him being involved, so he chose to use the life of a plane to complete this round.

It can be said that his plan succeeded, Peter Parker could not have survived such an air crash, and no one would threaten his true colors again.

As long as he can safely survive the condemnation in his heart.

Well, Ivan really doesn't care, hundreds of lives are really nothing in his eyes, anyway, he is not the one who died, and there is no one he cares about, so death is death.

It can only be said that Aiwen's heart has completely leaned towards the cold dark elves.

Especially at this moment, the sudden insertion of another piece of news aroused his interest enough to make him look at the news report on TV with amusement.

At this time, when the host and guests in the live broadcast room were mourning for the wrecked passengers, the host suddenly pressed down the headset communicating with the director in surprise.

Even ignoring the danger of going through the gang, he said directly with a face full of disbelief: "Is what you said true, this news!"

As if the person in the headset confirmed the authenticity of the news, the host's expression was uncontrollably completely shocked on the spot.

"Bring a piece of news!"

The host, who hadn't come out of the grief, forcibly concealed the shock in his heart at this time, took a deep breath, and relied on his profound hosting skills to broadcast live decisively:

"According to the latest news our station received from both the military and Stark Industries, Tony Stark, the chairman of Stark Industries, was encountered on the way back after showing the latest Jericho missile to the military in Afghanistan. To the attack of the local terrorists.

The military's Humvee convoy failed to leave under the sudden attack of the opponent, but was defeated by the powerful firepower of the terrorists.

According to the on-site team survey from the post-war support, the military soldier team has been wiped out, but Tony Stark is the only one missing from the scene.

According to the information so far, the military is unable to confirm whether Tony Stark is still alive. Maybe we can only wait until a terrorist organization claims responsibility for the incident before we can continue to hear the next step.

Of course, the military was extremely angry this time and vowed to bring those terrorists to justice and bring Tony Stark back safely.

Some military personnel revealed that this terrorist attack was unusual, their firepower was very fierce, and they may even have standard weapons of the US military..."

Before the news broadcast on the TV ended, Aiwen's cell phone rang. Seeing the notification of an incoming call, Aiwen shook his head amusedly. This guy really couldn't hold his breath.

"Hey, Mr. Obadiah Stane, please allow me to express my condolences for the sudden plight that Stark Industries has encountered!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"Ha ha!"

Everything was tacitly understood, but it was difficult to communicate such a sensitive matter on the phone. The two just let out a weird laugh and hung up the phone.

But suddenly, Ivan, who was still smiling a second ago, suddenly changed his face.

A purple light flashed, and a space door suddenly opened in front of him!

(End of this chapter)

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