Chapter 9
After the battle, Yefu left the scene in time, bringing the hatred trapped in the big steel ball together with the stunned Banner.

General Ross wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

In other words, he subconsciously didn't dare to go to stop it, and he didn't dare to say that one word to stop it.

After all, the scene of Ye Fu beating the Hulk violently was so brutal, the whole street seemed to be hit by a small meteorite, it was extremely shocking!
And the way Yefu leaves is still by flying. How shocking is it that a giant over 80 meters tall can achieve the effect of flying without relying on external objects!

General Ross watched his prey and creation being taken away, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Nick Fury searched through the confidential documents, looking for all traces of leaf rot, but did not find any news about this giant that suddenly appeared.

But after Ye Fu left the bustling New York, his figure was completely exposed to various satellites in the sky.

The radical faction of the military even planned to secretly use the Tomahawk missile to test Yefu's strength and defense capabilities.

But conservatives completely disagree with this view. Although this giant caused great damage, it was only a financial loss and did not directly or indirectly cause casualties.

And this giant can also communicate verbally, so some conservatives hope to get some information from the giant through communication instead of directly using force.

After all, if missile attacks are ineffective, the only way to clean the ground is to use timely hydrogen bombs or nuclear warheads.

Different from the discussions and quarrels of these politicians, S.H.I.E.L.D. uses satellites to observe Yefu's moving direction and destination at any time.

In the research room of Stark Tower, Tony Stark, who is improving his steel armor, and manufacturing a new generation of simple steel armor, also paid attention to some news about leaf rot, Hulk and abomination.

After seeing the wrecked streets and the rotting leaves drifting away, Tony fell silent.

After a while, Tony asked, "Jarvis, with the armor I have researched now, can I deal with these sudden monsters?"

In the research room, a sound of electronic synthesis sounded, and then Jarvis replied honestly: "Sir, according to the data analysis, in addition to temporarily relying on the ability of flying to deal with the two mutants, the Iron Armor can deal with the two mutants who suddenly appeared. There will be no way to deal with the giants!"

"Oh, you are so honest, Jarvis." Tony said helplessly.

"I've always been like this, you know sir." In the empty laboratory, Jarvis' voice sounded again.

"In addition, based on the on-site data analysis and the weapons currently equipped in the Iron Battlesuit, even if we deal with the two mutants, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break through their physical defense." Jarvis made another stab.

Tony scratched his hair helplessly. Although the result could be seen clearly, it was still unacceptable to Tony Stark, a genius scientist and billionaire who has always had his eyes above the top.

"Jarvis, analyze their overall attribute values ​​in detail, and then create two copywritings - the anti-mutant armor plan and the Mark nano armor plan of the anti-giant armor series!!" Tony finished speaking, and continued to bury his head Research went.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis's voice sounded, and then he continued to cooperate with Tony and started working.

The battle that suddenly appeared on the streets of New York ended in such a hasty manner, but what was shown in it touched the minds of countless people, and made these politicians and big forces realize the difference of the times.

At this time, Yefu held two people in his hands, one was the trapped Abomination, and the other was Dr. Banner who was unconscious.

Although I don't know what is the use of catching them for the time being, but if I adapt to this society, these two guys can still help.

After all, with a body of more than 80 meters, how can I survive in the human world, how can I enjoy food and shopping?

If there is no way to become a normal person, then Yefu can only rely on these two guys, let them be his eyes and ears, and achieve the purpose of contacting and communicating with the human world.

Besides, I have done a good deed. The uncontrollable Dr. Banner is the safest only by his side, and he hates this because of the influence of the Hulk serum, and his heart is full of anger. bucket.

Their particularity is a great danger to ordinary humans, but to the current self, they are just two bugs that can jump a little bit.

During the unhurried flight all the way, there was no unobtrusive aircraft coming to declare airspace rights or give warnings.

Anyway, Yefu doesn't know the way, but if you fly in one direction, you will always encounter the sea, and above the sea, there will always be that kind of uninhabited island.

At that time, as long as you find an island at random, you can practice controlling your uncontrollable ability by yourself.

Just like this giantization and rebound!
These abilities are equivalent to passive, or in other words, as a conceptual creature, all the skills on his body are passive!

Except for acquired evolution and learning, such as immortality, regeneration, rebound, replication, evolution, these inherent abilities are all passive skills and effects.

And this is where the leaf rot is really abnormal!
You must know that passive skills are the most precious. Compared with active skills, they are a little insufficient.

In Dragon Ball, Sun Wukong, who is in the realm of gods, will be seriously injured by aliens with laser weapons under carelessness.

In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong was also pierced through the lute bone by Erlang God, and chopped in half by Qingshijing.

It can be seen from this that even the two indestructible bodies of Monkey King are completely active skills.

In Dragon Ball, as long as the "Qi" covers the whole body during the battle, it is rare to have serious injuries.

In Journey to the West, although Sun Wukong cultivated the indestructible body of the Vajra, he was also destroyed in his later experience.

And if they have passive skills, they will be really invincible, and they can directly go up to anyone they see. Apart from being afraid of the seal, what other tricks can they do?

After a while, Yefu flew to the seaside, and then continued to move forward, intending to find a deserted place and live there for a short time.

After all, if one's abilities are still out of control, then the joy of living in the ordinary human world will be lost.

However, Yefu, who was flying, suddenly stopped, and then asked in his mind: "Can the system, my giant body and various abilities be controlled independently?"

Ever since I knew my own ability in the world of reversing the future, I started playing sentry robots and continued to evolve, and then fled to the Marvel world in a hurry, and then fought with the bug-level bio-Hulk .

And Yefu, who has been in the midst of various things, never thought of asking his own system! !

(End of this chapter)

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