Chapter 8 Beat the Hulk
Just when Ye Fu was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt an extremely violent consciousness awakening through the psychic ability he had just obtained from the elderly Professor X!

Ye Fu turned his head and saw a quite classic scene.


A huge green fist protruded from the deep pit on the road, and after a loud noise, a huge green monster jumped out of the deep pit.


The Hulk who had just completed his transformation jumped out and clenched his fists, and immediately roared.

"Hulk! Strike!!!"

After the hulk sensed the great danger brought by the leaf rot, he immediately shouted a slogan to demonstrate, then jumped up violently, and waved his two fists to smash it hard.

The huge green fist is constantly enlarged in Yefu's sight, but Yefu is now more than 80 meters tall.

So Hulk's attack at this time is like a part of Thor III. The violent Hulk jumped up, but his whole body was not as big as the face of the flame giant Surtur!
Ye Fu watched calmly as Hulk jumped up violently, and then punched his handsome face.

But Ye Fu, who has an absolute advantage in size and strength, just gently put his palm in front of his face, and then slapped it casually.


The ground cracked again, and the Hulk who had just recovered was slapped back by Yefu.

Now that Banner has just been injected with the inhibitor, it is extremely difficult to even transform, especially now that he has not experienced constant anger. His current strength is not even as good as hatred, so how can he be an opponent of Yefu?
"Wake up, big green guy!" Yefu tried to use his half-baked spiritual power to communicate with Banner's extremely angry spiritual consciousness, trying to achieve spiritual communication with the Hulk.

After all, one of these two guys can continuously become stronger with anger, and the other is an absolutely immortal concept creature that can bounce back multiple times and evolve. If the two of them really keep fighting, it is estimated that they can blow up the earth!
"Hulk, smash!!"

Ye Fu wanted to communicate with Hulk, but what came into Ye Fu's mind was endless anger and the words "Hulk, smash!"

Ye Fu looked at the Hulk who got up from the broken ground, and didn't make a supplementary attack, but the Hulk who took Ye Fu's palm abruptly became even more angry.

At this time, everyone who observed the continuous development of this accident has become numb. Originally, after the appearance of an ugly feces-yellow giant, many people were injured and killed. powerless.

When the even bigger Yefu suddenly appeared in the posture of a god descending, he waved his hand and controlled the monster that had destroyed several streets.

But who would have thought that a small giant had just been disposed of, and now a small giant of another color appeared!

Is this world still the world they are familiar with?
Ordinary people and the New York police fell into self-doubt and panic, but General Ross and the soldiers on the plane were only surprised.

The power of the Hulk and the abomination has penetrated into the hearts of these soldiers, basically ignoring all kinds of modern high-tech hot weapons, possessing powerful strength and mobility, and causing a lot of trouble to the military.

"Hulk! Very angry!!"

"Hulk is going to smash the big guy!!!"

In Yefu's spiritual perception, Hulk's anger is still increasing, and his size is getting bigger and bigger, and now he has more power than hatred.

Seeing that he couldn't communicate, Ye Fu smashed down the Hulk who jumped up again with his fist, and then continued to send a message in his heart: "Hulk needs to change back, or he will be beaten!!"

But facing the Hulk who is not yet conscious enough, Ye Fu's telepathic message is like playing the piano to a cow, and it can't interfere with the Hulk at all.

On the plane, after seeing the invincible Hulk being punched into the ground by Ye Fu again, Betty couldn't help covering her mouth in horror, and then said to General Ross: "Dad, please, please!" Please stop that man, or Banner will die!!"

"You can stop them, that giant can also communicate, please, Dad!" Betty cried worriedly, then pulled Rose's sleeve and asked.

Ross remained silent. In his mind, the Hulk Hulk was the military's personal property, and he did not allow anyone to destroy it, not even Banner, who lived with him in one body!
"Soldier! Get the plane close to the giant and turn on the loudspeaker. I need to stop the unnecessary battle between the two!" General Ross gave an order.

Yefu didn't notice that the plane not far away was flying towards him at all. Looking at the Hulk who was still recovering from his injuries and getting more and more angry, he felt a slight headache.

The guy Hulk was born not long ago, his mind is not yet mature, and he seems to have no other thoughts except anger.

Not even fear, it can be said that it is very difficult.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to beat it to the point of being autistic and afraid to come out.


"Hulk is going to smash you!!"

The ever-growing Hulk has grown in size by about twice, and the current Hulk has the ability to resist leaf rot a little bit.

After Hulk jumped violently again, Yefu's diamond palm directly held Hulk in mid-air, as if holding a big green frog. After feeling Hulk's constant struggle, the extreme chill instantly It spewed out from the palm of the hand and directly froze it!

"Crack Crack!!!"

Under the shackles of the ice, Hulk struggled hard. He was still angry after being completely frozen, and his green muscles swelled crazily, but he still couldn't break free from the shackles of the leaf rot palm and the freezing of the ice.

After taking a look at the ice cube in his hand, the blue lightning flashed again in Yefu's hand. Under the extreme high temperature and high voltage electricity, the ice cube melted quickly, and the Hulk was also convulsed by the electricity.

Looking at the Hulk who was still getting angry and growing into a giant, Yefu put it on the ground, and then took advantage of the paralysis effect of the lightning before it dissipated.

Ye Fu clenched his fist, and after taking a look at the crystal-clear diamond fist, he hammered it down!


There was a vibration like a small earthquake, and amidst the turbulent earth waves, it was seen that Hulk's head had already sunk into the depths of the asphalt road with more than half of his body.

"Dong Dong Dong!!!"

Ye Fu threw out several punches one after another, striking Hulk's head repeatedly, and finally knocked him unconscious with great effort under the perception of the power of the mind.

(End of this chapter)

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