Chapter 13 Tony Stark

With a relaxed and casual expression, Tony looked up at Yefu, and then he didn't care about Coulson and the others beside him.

"Oh shit, dude, what did you eat to grow so tall?" Tony didn't show any timidity, and was just overly shocked by Yefu's height.

It's one thing to see it from the video, but after actually seeing Ye Fu's majestic figure, the visual shock is really great!

Now Tony doesn't know Coulson and the others, but Coulson is very familiar with this well-known playboy.

Even his father Howard is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and this playboy has publicly admitted his identity as Iron Man. With the blessing of these circumstances, how could Coulson not understand such a guy? Woolen cloth?

"Tony, please show some respect to Mr. Yefu!" Coulson warned.

Tony put down his visor, then turned his head to look at several black-clothed agents, and said, "Yefu? Is this big man in front of me called Yefu!?"

"Okay, I'll pay attention." Tony responded with a relaxed tone.

"Phil Coulson, the representative of the official power, and Tony Stark, the famous playboy billionaire, did you come here on purpose?" Ye Fu asked.

"Well, Mr. Ye Fu, I came here with the goodwill of all countries, and I want to know your attitude and some information about you." Coulson replied.

"Me, I just want to see you in person, and I don't have any special ideas." Tony also answered.

Ye Fu nodded, and then responded: "Okay, I understand your purpose, don't worry, we are all peace-loving people, and I won't make things difficult for you."

"First of all, I am a conceptual lifeform. My current height has been evolved step by step. Many of my abilities have also been obtained through copying and evolution."

"As for the reason why I was able to evolve to this level, it was at the cost of the destruction of a world, and it was precisely because of the destruction of that world that I came here." Ye Fu said casually, but Contains an unspoken meaning.

"Control Thunder."

"The wind."



"Energy absorption and utilization."

"And the diamond body you've seen."

"And psychic abilities."

"The power to manipulate magnetic fields."

"Combined with my innate talent, this is all my current abilities!"

Every time Ye Fu uttered a sentence, he demonstrated it. Various elements gathered on the five fingers. Under the control of the other hand, the metal armor on Tony's body also circled the sky several times.

In the end, it directly communicated the hearts of the two people, and completed the demonstration of the ability of spiritual communication.

"Another thing I can say is that with my current psychic ability, I can detect the range of America, and I can also wipe out the human beings or creatures in half of the country anytime and anywhere." After Ye Fu finished speaking, he released a weakened psychic The shock made Coulson experience the feeling of being traumatized.

After seeing the two people in amazement turned into good babies, Ye Fu only felt that his vanity had been overwhelmed.

You must know that the object of your pretense is not only the two people in front of you, but also the top forces behind the various countries and S.H.I.E.L.D.

In other words, what I just said has been understood by various countries, and it is estimated that they are thinking of various countermeasures to prevent problems before they happen.

But what's the use?Not to mention these secular forces on the earth, even the King of Asgard, Captain Marvel, Purple Sweet Potato Thanos, and Yefu are not afraid at all!
Coulson went back in shock and panic, while Tony was left behind by the leaf rot.

"Mr. Tony, your physical condition seems to be not very good." Ye Fu said straight to the point.

"Oh? I feel that my body is very healthy, Mr. Yefu." After being manipulated to fly a few times, Tony felt very uncomfortable, and even wanted to express his temper to Yefu. .

"There are a lot of shrapnel in your chest, these little things are threatening your life anytime and anywhere, how can you be healthy?" Ye Fu responded with a look of seeing through everything.

Tony stepped out of the steel armor, looked up at Yefu's majestic figure with a solemn expression, and asked, "Can you solve my problem?"

Faced with the problem that threatened his life, Tony did not dare to be sloppy at all, and since Yefu took the initiative to keep him and specifically named this matter, there must be a solution!

This big giant has already eaten himself!

Ye Fu smiled freely, and then replied: "Of course, since I have clarified your problem, there is naturally a solution."

Stretching out his palm, Tony's steel suit, which had been completely detached from Tony, began to move freely again under the control of Yefu, as if there was a person flexibly controlling it remotely.

"As I said, I have the ability to control the magnetic field, so I can safely remove all the shrapnel in your body for you!" Yefu said affirmatively after demonstrating his ability again.

Tony was silent for a while, and then asked: "I don't believe there is a free lunch in the world, what price do I have to pay to be able to ask you to help!?"

Seeing the upright Tony, Ye Fu was also satisfied, this kid is very smart, he doesn't need to figure it out, he already knows that he must have something in mind.

"My request is very simple for you. After I can freely control my body, I will go to the bustling New York to live. I will need your help when I have nothing, so all my expenses The overdraft and living expenses will be paid by you, I don’t know if it’s okay?” Ye Fu looked at the big fat sheep in front of him, which was his future meal ticket, and then planned step by step.

After Tony thought for a while, he nodded and agreed to the deal with Yefu.

"No problem, as long as you can maintain a normal figure, then all your consumption and expenses can be covered by me!" Tony promised proudly.

"In addition, when do you plan to deal with this hidden danger in my body?" After confirming the cooperative relationship, Tony also returned to his true nature as a businessman, and now he has begun to think about his own interests.

"Wait for me to go out, and then I'll heal you before completing the next cooperation content!" Ye Fu responded.

"Okay!" Tony also agreed to Ye Fu's cooperation.

"I hope you don't make me wait too long, after all, my life is hanging by a thread all the time." After Tony finished speaking, he put on his steel suit again, then turned and left.

"I'll do it as soon as possible!" Ye Fu replied.

Now Yefu's control over the power of the magnetic field is the same as when he first started manipulating the power of the mind. Apart from the simple manipulation of steel, he has no fine control.

Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of this period of time to exercise the ability to manipulate at the molecular level, so that it can be truly foolproof at that time!
This is why we have to wait until we leave the island to complete this cooperation.

Because the current self is really powerless!

(End of this chapter)

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