Chapter 12 Coulson Arrives

The next day, Banner had adjusted to his current life, and Abomination was almost frozen to death.

Although the abomination physique transformed by the Hulk serum is extremely powerful, the extreme coldness of the sci-fi enhanced version of leaf rot is not a joke.

Even if it was hatred, he didn't break free at all in one night.

Even in the cold, the muscles began to be frostbitten, and the strength of resistance became weaker and weaker, until the consciousness gradually weakened, and even almost lost consciousness.

After the freezing was lifted, Abomination became more cautious, and even regarded himself as the lowest-ranked person on the island.

Even Banner, an ordinary person, dare not offend, it can be said that he is extremely cowardly.

After a night of hard work and exploration, in addition to the stronger power of the mind, Ye Fu has not researched new methods and moves for using the mind.

However, after the military, the government, and various forces observed Yefu's living conditions through satellites, they had other thoughts.

I want to get in touch with leaf rot, but I don't know how to get in touch.

Besides, in just one day, this giant seemed to have revealed some other abilities.

Before his hole cards are exhausted, should he make contact in advance?
Under such special circumstances, these powerful forces have sought out institutions that specialize in dealing with such matters for consultation.

That is - the Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Bureau!

This department is mainly a special department organization of the International Security Council dedicated to dealing with various strange events. It still has certain capabilities and experience in dealing with such supernatural events.

To put it simply, after these politicians went online, they found S.H.I.E.L.D., hoping to get in touch with Yefu through S.H.I.E.L.D. and get first-hand detailed information!

Black Braised Egg turned off the virtual video call, and then continued to watch Yefu's various videos with a blank expression.

For the safety of his subordinates, he needs to analyze some detailed information about Ye Fu's abilities and personality traits in advance.

Finally, our busy agent Coulson set off in the exclusive Quinjet fighter of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Director Nick continued to sit in his office drinking coffee, waiting for news.

On the other side, after Jarvis notified the news of Leaf Rot, Tony also put on his steel armor, and then left Stark Tower.

On the sunny beach, Banner was fishing, and Abomination was chopping wood.

Under Ye Fu's gaze, the Kun-style fighter jet of SHIELD appeared within the detection range of his spiritual power.

After the fighter plane landed smoothly on the other side of the beach, Agent Coulson, who was half bald, stepped off the plane steadily, followed by two senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Hello, respected Mr. Giant!" Coulson walked from a distance, and then greeted loudly.

Banner turned his head to take a look, and then resumed his fishing work. The abomination was still in a state of frostbite, unable to move for the time being.

Ye Fu squatted down, and then said softly: "You came here to look for me, is there something?"

With this size, Yefu didn't even dare to amplify his voice, for fear of blowing them away.

"We are agents of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, and we are here to contact you on behalf of various countries!" Coulson shouted again.

"My name is Coulson, we come here with goodwill!" Coulson was still shouting loudly.

"I am Yefu, a symbol of peace!" Yefu said.

"Also, you don't have to speak so loudly, I can hear you."

"Mr. Ye Fu, are you a life form on Earth?" Coulson continued to ask.

"No, I am a conceptualized life form at the beginning of the universe. Now I have just broken through the seal and landed on the earth due to an accident." Ye Fu applied a setting in Ultraman Max to his own. body, and then used to conceal his identity as a time traveler.

Anyway, no one knows the bullshit that I am blowing, why don't I just let myself blow it casually?

On the video link, a large group of psychologists and various scientists are analyzing Yefu's expression, tone, and a series of subtle things.

They hope to learn more through this meeting, but they don't want the news they get to be false.

So it is natural to find these talents for analysis.

However, the information obtained by these experts through analysis is somewhat uncertain, and some experts believe that Ye Fu is lying.

But some think it is a piece of frankness, and there is no lie at all.

But no matter how they analyzed it, the communication between Coulson and Ye Fu continued.

"Excuse me, what is a conceptual life form? Can I trouble you to explain it?" Coulson continued to ask.

"Conceptuality is equivalent to a setting, and my life form is equivalent to being set, but my setting is more powerful." Ye Fu replied without hesitation.

Anyway, I am absolutely invincible, and I am absolutely not afraid of all kinds of attacks and targets. If this is the case, then there is no need to hide it.

Speaking out openly can save a lot of trouble.

Basically - I am invincible, you can do whatever you want.

"You don't need to keep asking, I'll just say it." Looking at Coulson who was about to ask again, Ye Fu interrupted him directly.

"My setting is absolute immortality, regeneration, evolution, rebound, replication and other abilities!"

"To put it bluntly, even if I use all the weapons in the world, even if the earth explodes, I can still live well, and under the rebound, I will destroy everything one step ahead of time." Ye Fu said with a chuckle. Said.

"If the forces behind you don't believe it, maybe you can try to attack me with the most powerful weapon. Anyway, I just got rid of the seal just now, so I'm just bored." Ye Fu said casually.

Coulson touched his increasingly bald forehead in embarrassment, and then said with a dry smile: "How is it possible, we came here with good intentions, and we will never act irrationally!"

Ye Fu looked up at the sky, and then said again: "In my spiritual perception, it seems that there are new guests coming."

Coulson also looked over quickly when he heard the words. The reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. sent him, a competent officer, was also for the sake of safety.

Moreover, the forces of various countries have also discussed and handed everything over to S.H.I.E.L.D., but they need to see the process and results of the matter.

Therefore, the person who is here now should not belong to the forces of various countries.

"I hope this guy who wants to take the lead can settle down, otherwise it will be really interesting." Coulson thought in his heart.

Now it is equivalent to a live broadcast, and Coulson is very afraid that this coming person will do some irrational behavior.

In Coulson's line of sight, a bright and beautiful mecha flew over quickly, then landed firmly in the middle of several people, and opened his visor.


(End of this chapter)

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