Chapter 258
Chapter 268 Group Destruction

The butcher let out a loud roar, and took the lead to fire a shot. Xu Shaoye kicked the corpse and kicked the corpse into the air. The butcher fired a shot and hit the corpse.

The corpse trembled, and blood sprayed out, but it failed to penetrate the corpse and hit Xu Shaoye.

The members of the Anti-Blood Mercenary Corps turned their guns and began to shoot. The bullets hit the plantains like rain, and the members killed by Xu Shaoye were swept into sieves, and almost turned into meat paste.

In the same way, Xu Shaoye had long since disappeared and was nowhere to be found.


Seeing that Xu Shaoye had disappeared twice, the slaughterer was startled. This guy is like a ghost, and his movements are unbelievably fast. Is this really the speed a human can achieve?
The slaughterer is a retired special soldier, but a soldier king.

Originally thought that he had reached the limit of the human body, but he did not expect Xu Shaoye to break his cognition.

"Xu Shaoye, don't hide if you have the guts!"

The slaughterer knew that going on like this was not an option, so he shouted loudly.

Xu Shaoye's movements were too fast, as if Xu Shaoye was in the dark and they were in the light.

He wanted to lure Xu Shaoye out.

"it is good!"

Xu Shaoye came out from a corner, and the members of the anti-blood mercenary group who were a few steps away from him looked at Xu Shaoye in horror. He didn't realize when and how Xu Shaoye came to him.


Xu Shaoye raised his hand, the palm of which was like a knife, and slashed down obliquely, cutting off the bone in the neck of this member of the anti-blood mercenary group with one palm.

"I won't hide now!"

Xu Shaoye walked out swaggeringly, with guns pointed at him everywhere, but he didn't seem to notice it, and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Okay!" The massacre grinned grinningly. Xu Shaoye was so easy to deceive, he really came out after he shouted.

"Everyone shoot me!"

Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude, the slaughterer ordered to shoot.

"click, click, click"

The gun swallowed fire snakes, and bullet casings kept falling to the ground.

Obviously the massacre forgot to consider one thing, if Xu Shaoye was not sure, how could he walk out in a big way.

I saw Xu Shaoye raised his hand and threw out a handful of gold needles.

There was non-stop tinkling in the air, countless sparks splashed, and all the bullets were blocked by the gold needle thrown out by Xu Shaoye.

"This is impossible!"


"God, he's not human, he's a devil crawling out of hell!"

Seeing that Xu Shaoye blocked all the bullets they fired like this, and a layer of yellow bullets fell on the ground, the eyes of the people in the blood-reversing mercenary group almost fell out.

This scene became the last straw that broke the camel's back. The members of the Anti-Blood Mercenary Group suspected that they were not fighting humans, but a devil.

Xu Shaoye walked towards the massacre step by step.

As Xu Shaoye approached step by step, the members of the Anti-Blood Mercenary Group retreated step by step.

It's hard to imagine that Xu Shaoye alone can scare the blood-reversing mercenary group to such an extent, if anyone sees it, their jaws will drop in shock.

Thirteenth sister, who was waiting outside, heard a burst of gunshots inside, and wanted to go inside to see how Xu Shaoye was doing, but hesitated for a long time, and still didn't go in.

She just has a good impression of Xu Shaoye, it's not to the point where she doesn't even want her own life for Xu Shaoye.

"Why haven't the police come yet?"

After Xu Shaoye went in, Thirteenth Sister thought it over and decided that the only way to report this matter was to call the police. It has been 10 minutes now, and the police are nowhere to be seen.

She obviously forgot that this is the fringe area of ​​Seoul, and she called the police very much, because it would not take 10 minutes to get here just by driving.

No one else would have guessed that a big sister who was wandering on the road would call the police one day, and she was extremely eager for the police to arrive.

"Last chance, tell me who your employer is?"

Xu Shaoye was getting closer and closer to the massacre, even though the massacre had been slaughtered for a long time, at this moment his heart was full of fear towards Xu Shaoye, Xu Shaoye's behavior was too inhuman.


The butcher's face twitched, his eyes showed a kind of fear, but he still rejected Xu Shaoye.

"If that's the case, then you can all die!"

Xu Shaoye nodded, not surprised by the slaughterer's choice.

If a mercenary regiment even betrayed its own employer, then it would be impossible to survive in the mercenary world.

What's more, a master who invites a mercenary group will definitely not be short of money, so he can naturally ask other mercenary groups to eradicate the mercenary group that betrayed him.

"Fight him!"

The members of the anti-blood mercenary group shouted, ready to shoot Xu Shaoye another volley.

"Fight? You are really not qualified!"

Xu Shaoye sneered, and with a flick of his arm, countless golden lights flew out.

The butcher was smarter. The moment Xu Shaoye raised his hand, he rushed to the side. The golden needle pierced his arm, passed through his bone, and flew out from the other side.

It's just that the members of his mercenary group were not so lucky. The golden needle pierced through the head of the reverse blood mercenary group, and they all fell down in an instant.


Except for the massacre, all members of the Rebel Corps were killed by Xu Shaoye.

"Death to Yan Luo?!"

Looking at the golden needle in the middle of his member's forehead, the slaughterer suddenly thought of who Xu Shaoye was.

No wonder I inquired about Xu Shaoye's news, no matter how intimidating and intimidating I was, those who knew would not reveal Xu Shaoye's identity.

There are many legends about Xu Shaoye, but the most memorable one is that Xu Shaoye wiped out three mercenary regiments on the battlefield overnight in a fit of anger.

The troublemaker went to check the three mercenary camps, and found that the members of the mercenary regiment died in strange ways. There were no wounds on the whole body, only one or several golden needles were inserted all over the body.

This is just a description of Xu Shaoye's horror, but more rumors about Xu Shaoye's medical skills.

"It's only now that I think about it, it looks like you're still pretty stupid!"

Xu Shaoye was not surprised that the massacre could guess his identity, after all, the golden needle was already his signature in the mercenary world.

"A top mercenary turned out to be the bodyguard of a small group!"

The Slayer's eyes widened, and he still couldn't believe it was real.

The fee to hire Xu Shaoye is enough to buy almost half of Xiangtian Group, but Xu Shaoye is willing to be a small security guard beside Bai Muyun, what an incredible thing.

"Since you already know my identity, you should die in peace!"

Xu Shaoye walked towards the massacre.

"It's not a loss for me to let the deadly Yan Luo be buried with me!"

The massacre suddenly raised a pen, turned his hand and took out a red button, and looked at Xu Shaoye with a grin.

(End of this chapter)

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