Chapter 257 Massacre!

Chapter 267 Massacre!

"No, you think too highly of yourself." Xu Shaoye curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "It's not that you provoke the person I protect, who knows you."

"Your name is very popular among ordinary mercenaries. But in my eyes, you are just a stronger ant. Will you remember the name of an ant after seeing a dragon?"

Xu Shaoye's attitude of not paying attention to the massacre almost exploded the lungs of the massacre.

Although he, the mercenary group founded by the Slayer is not a top mercenary group, he also has a certain reputation in the mercenary world, but now he is degraded to nothing and compared him to an ant.

"What an arrogant boy!"

The slaughterer laughed back in anger, his eyes flickered with murderous intent, he stared at Xu Shaoye closely, thinking that he must make Xu Shaoye pay for what he said, and let him know the consequences of offending him.


Xu Shaoye smiled without explaining.

Although he was a field doctor among the mercenaries, everyone in his group knew that Xu Shaoye's strength was unfathomable, just like his medical skills.

"Xu Shaoye?"

Hearing Xu Shaoye's laughter, the slaughterer suddenly remembered that when he was on the phone with Liu Yiran before, the phone was snatched by someone, who claimed to be Xu Shaoye.

The massacre didn't think of it for a while, but felt that Xu Shaoye's voice was very familiar.

After hearing Xu Shaoye's laughter, he suddenly woke up. He will never forget this laughter. This is the first time he has been threatened so much.

"You are so courageous. I haven't come to you yet, but you have come to me first. What do you say?" The killer's eyes showed a strong murderous intent, and he said, "By the way, there is a way to heaven." If you don’t go, you will come to hell without a door.”

It can be said that the massacre hated Xu Shaoye extremely.

One of the mercenaries he sent to the hospital to assassinate Bai Muyun did not come back, and he was humiliated by Xu Shaoye over the phone. These two incidents are simply a shame for the massacre, and he wanted to kill Xu Shaoye soon.

However, before he acted, he had been investigating Xu Shaoye's identity.

I have not told anyone about my visit to China, except for my mercenary group.

Xu Shaoye was able to know his own mercenary group and his own identity, which proved that Xu Shaoye was probably a mercenary.

It's just that the massacre has been investigating for such a long time, and he doesn't know anything about Xu Shaoye's identity.

Although some people knew Xu Shaoye's identity, but when they saw Xu Shaoye's photo, their complexion changed drastically, and they kept their mouth shut, even though the massacre threatened Li Tou, they just kept silent.

"Really?" Xu Shaoye chuckled, looked around at the people who appeared as reverse blood mercenaries, and said, "You rotten eggs, rotten sweet potatoes, just want to kill me? Please go pee and look in the mirror first."

"I'll give you a chance!" Xu Shaoye stretched out a finger, shook it in front of his eyes, and said, "Tell me your employer, and I can let you leave Huaguo safely. Otherwise."

Xu Shaoye paused for a moment, looked around at the members of the Anti-Blood Mercenary Group, and said, "Your Anti-Blood Mercenary Group can be expelled from Huaguo."

Xu Shaoye said it lightly, as if he said it casually, like a joke.

The slaughterer was startled, as if his heart was being held by a pair of big hands.

"Ha ha."

As soon as Xu Shaoye's voice fell, the members of the blood-reverse mercenaries let out wild laughter, laughing so hard that they laughed so hard that they burst into tears as if hearing the funniest joke in the world.

"I'm dying of laughter! This kid actually said that we should be expelled from the Anti-Blood Mercenary Group."

"Who do you think you are? Don't be ashamed!"

After the members of the Anti-Blood Mercenary Corps finished laughing, they all became extremely angry because of Xu Shaoye's words, and they roared at Xu Shaoye like wild beasts.

They just roared at Xu Shaoye angrily, their gun hands were trembling, but they didn't fire at Xu Shaoye, which showed that the discipline of the blood-defying mercenaries was still very strong.

They awaited orders from their regiment master, the Slayer.

"Tell me who you are!"

The calmer Xu Shaoye behaved, the more afraid the killer was to give orders.

Especially after he investigated Xu Shaoye's identity, those who knew Xu Shaoye's identity refused to tell him no matter what the threats or lures.

"Look, now is a dilemma! Why don't we take a gamble!"

Xu Shaoye spread his arms and shrugged.

"What are you gambling?"

Mercenaries walk on the edge of life and death all year round. Almost every mercenary likes to gamble and lust, so that they can vent the killing intent in their chests and prevent their minds from being controlled by the killing intent.

"You want to know my identity, I can't tell you! And I want to know who is the employer behind you? Let's bet on this!"

Xu Shaoye said.

"What kind of gambling?"

The Slayer raised his chin.

"Isn't it simple? I don't have much interest in your employer now. As long as you kill all of you, the employer behind you must think carefully about what will happen to him if I find him out again."

"And if you want to know my identity, it depends on whether I killed you first or you caught me first. As long as you catch me, I will tell you who I am?"

Facing Xu Shaoye's suggestion, the massacre fell silent, and the light in his eyes flickered.

"kill him!"

The slaughterer thought about it for a while, and realized that it didn't matter whether he knew Xu Shaoye's identity or not. Knowing his identity might prevent him from killing him.

It is better to kill him before knowing his identity.

Anyway, I will leave soon, and if I kill Xu Shaoye in Huaguo, no matter what Xu Shaoye's status is, no one will suspect him.


The guns in the hands of the members of the Anti-Blood Mercenary Corps spit out fire snakes frantically, and the bullets poured down on the place where Xu Shaoye was standing like rain.

However, the members of the reverse blood mercenaries found that Xu Shaoye had disappeared from the spot at some point.

"What about people?"

One of the members of the mercenary group looked at the place where Xu Shaoye disappeared and shouted.

"Here it is."

A faint voice sounded from behind him, it was not loud, but it made him break out in a cold sweat.


The member of the anti-blood mercenary group couldn't speak fluently, and didn't know what to say.

"Go to hell!"

Xu Shaoye's voice was very small, without any emotion.

Then gently stretched out his hand from behind, pinched the neck of this member of the mercenary group, and with a light force, directly crushed the Adam's apple of this member of the anti-blood mercenary group.

His Adam's apple was crushed and he couldn't breathe. The reverse blood mercenary group held his neck with his hands, trying to breathe. His body twitched on the ground for a while. Because he couldn't breathe air, his fingers made marks on the soil. After a long time, , finally died, and remained still.

(End of this chapter)

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