Stunning Beauty President's Personal Soldier

Chapter 1075 False Concubine Yi Xiao

Chapter 1075 False Concubine Yi Xiao
Chapter [-] False Concubine Yi Xiao
As for the rest of the fighters, seeing that Li Cheng had all run away, they dared to stay here.

Because Xu Shaoye was worried about Concubine Yi Xiao, he stopped asking.

These people are similar to those who installed wiretapping and positioning devices on the white curtain cloud car before, and they don't know much.

Xu Shaoye was not interested either, wasting time because of them.

"Shaoye, I'm so scared!"

Yi Xiaofei raised her face to look at Xu Shaoye, and said timidly, which made people feel pity.

"Don't be afraid!" Xu Shaoye looked at Concubine Yi Xiaofei's tear-stained face and bruises on her neck, and said softly, feeling distressed.

Xu Shaoye stretched out his hand to touch Concubine Yi Xiao, wanting to comfort Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi took a step back vigilantly, very resistant to Xu Shaoye's touching him.

"what happened?"

Seeing Concubine Yi Xiaoye's state, Xu Shaoye was stunned for a moment, and looked at Concubine Yi Xiaoye.

Why did Yi Xiaofei resist herself?

Xu Shaoye couldn't figure it out at all.


Concubine Yi Xiao hurriedly shook her head, maybe she felt that this was wrong, so she took the initiative to hug Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye didn't move, he let Yi Xiaofei hug him.

Looking at Concubine Yi Xiao who plunged her head into his arms, Xu Shaoye reached out and patted her back, sniffing at her hair.

Smelling the scent of Concubine Yi's hair, Xu Shaoye's face suddenly changed, and he pushed Concubine Yi away.

Yi Xiaofei didn't expect to be pushed away by Xu Shaoye at this time, pushed far away, and sat on the ground all at once.

Concubine Yi Xiaoye held a shining knife in her hand, if Xu Shaoye hadn't pushed her away in time, the knife would have penetrated deeply into Xu Shaoye's body.

"who are you?"

Xu Shaoye looked at Concubine Yi Xiao who was sitting on the ground with lingering fear, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes, and asked.

"How did you recognize me?"

Yi Xiaofei, who was holding the knife, stood up from the ground, clenched the knife in her hand even more tightly, put on a defensive posture, and looked at Xu Shaoye warily.

Even Li Chengquan ran away, how could she be Xu Shaoye's opponent, not to mention that there was a terrifying Ice Gu staring at her in mid-air next to her.

"I have to say, you look alike!" Xu Shaoye stared at Concubine Yi Xiao who was holding a knife, and said, "You have learned her every move and some small habits very much alike. It seems that you two A lot of thought has gone into it.”

"However, no matter how much you look like, the scent on your body cannot be changed, and Concubine Xiao never uses perfume."

"It's really not as good as the sky, I didn't expect that I would be exposed because of this incident!"

The fake Concubine Yi Xiao could only sigh softly, her luck was bad.

Who would have thought that she would be defeated by an inconspicuous matter after secretly observing Concubine Yi Xiao for several months.

"Where did you hide Concubine Xiao?" Xu Shaoye looked at the fake Concubine Yi in front of him, wishing he could go up and tear her in two, but in order to know Concubine Yi's whereabouts, Xu Shaoye resisted the impulse in his heart and asked road.

"you guess!"

Fake Concubine Yi Xiao smiled, as if she was not afraid of Xu Shaoye.


Xu Shaoye stepped on the ground, and the powerful force of his legs exploded, like a shell fired past, he came to the fake Concubine Yi almost instantly, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her up.

"Tell Concubine Xiao's whereabouts, and I can spare your life!"

Xu Shaoye lifted the fake Yi Xiaofei over his head and looked at her coldly.

"Cough cough."

The fake Concubine Yi Xiao was lifted above her head by Xu Shaoye's neck, and the knife in her hand fell to the ground feebly. From the moment Xu Shaoye rushed over, she didn't even have time to react, let alone resist.

"Can you do it? I'm your woman now!"

Although Yi Xiaofei was afraid in her heart, she didn't look worried at all on her face, instead she smiled at Xu Shaoye and said.

As she said, she now looks like Concubine Yi Xiaoye, and if Xu Shaoye wanted to kill her, Xu Shaoye really couldn't do it.

Xu Shaoye raised his hand and grabbed the fake Concubine Yi Xiao's face, trying to tear off the disguise on her face.

"It's useless, my disguise is a secret recipe, and it can only be washed away with my secret potion."

Fake Concubine Yi Xiaoye saw Xu Shaoye's actions and knew she had won, so she said with a coquettish smile.

Xu Shaoye wiped the fake Yi Xiaofei's face with a lot of force, but found that it was really useless.

However, if Concubine Yi Xiao thought that Xu Shaoye had no choice but to think that this was the case, then she was very wrong.

Xu Shaoye is also a master in disguise, and he also learned the flesh and blood disguise technique from Sun Jiacheng.

Xu Shaoye took out the medicine powder that could wash away the flesh and blood Yirong paste from his bosom, took half a bottle of mineral water from the side, poured it on the fake Yi Xiaofei's face, and then sprinkled the medicine powder on the fake Yi Xiaofei's face.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Xu Shaoye's actions, Concubine Yi Xiao panicked a little.

She could feel the water stains running down from her face, seeping into her real face through the membrane of her disguise.

Now, she was really scared.

Xu Shaoye didn't speak, and wiped her face with his hands, washing away her disguise and revealing her true face.

The original appearance of the fake Concubine Yi Xiao is not bad, even if it is not as good as Concubine Yi Xiao, Bai Muyun, she can be regarded as above average.

And the perennial exercise made the fake Yi Xiaofei's muscles more elastic, which was amazingly elastic to the touch.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Fake Concubine Yi Xiao looked at Xu Shaoye anxiously, she had already guessed it in her heart, but she still had a little fantasy in her heart.

Xu Shaoye didn't speak, but just took out her mobile phone from her body, and held the clean side up in front of her as a mirror.

The fake Concubine Yi Xiao saw that her disguise had been washed away at a glance, and she was horrified.

Her disguise uses a special medicine, which has never made a mistake, but now it doesn't work well in front of Xu Shaoye.

"Where is my woman?"

Xu Shaoye threw the fake Yi Xiaofei's mobile phone on the ground and asked coldly.

"I don't know, I really don't know!"

Now the fake Concubine Yi no longer has the look she had just now, and her eyes are full of fear.

She has changed back to her original appearance, which means she has lost her protective talisman. Xu Shaoye will not have any psychological burden to kill her.

"do not know?"

Xu Shaoye was full of hostility, looking at the fake Concubine Yi Xiao who was being held up in the air by his neck, he frowned.

"Don't kill me, I really don't know." Fake Concubine Yi Xiao begged, she was very scared now: "As long as you don't kill me, you can ask me to do anything."

After saying this, the fake Concubine Yi took off her clothes.

She deeply understands that as a woman, the best weapon against a man is her own body.

Xu Shaoye looked expressionlessly at the fake Concubine Yi Xiao who had taken off her naked body, and pinched her to death with all five fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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